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Aries (March 21 to April 20)
A religious, cultural, or educational organisation could give you money to travel early in February. Be sure to look your best on the 8th, as you’ll be asked to give a public presentation. The 10th is ideal for updating your CV, going on job interviews, or buying office equipment. Friends will be especially loving and giving in the days surrounding the 11th. Tempers will flare on the 13th, when a relative complains you spend too much time at work. A creative professional opportunity could arrive near the 14th, enabling you to develop your artistic sensibilities. Working from home will be productive on the 15th; it’s easy to be productive in comfortable surroundings. A female friend could give you a wonderful gift around the 17th. The 18th finds you assuming a higher profile in both your personal and professional lives; pay extra attention to your appearance on this critical day. A mentor will give new shape to your dreams on the 23rd. The 27th is perfect for making long range career plans. The 28th brings an end to a painful romance or artistic endeavour.
Gemini (May22 to June21)
Taking a short trip around the 6th could put you on the path to romance. A sexy flirtation near the 8th gives you renewed confidence in your powers of attraction. The 10th is good for setting up a savings, retirement, or college fund. Spending more time on artistic pursuits will give you great pleasure in the days surrounding the 11th. The 13th is ideal for filling out applications for a grant, scholarship, or bank loan. A physical relationship makes you feel like you’re walking on air near the 14th. Home improvement projects dramatically improve your domestic life on or around the 15th. The 17th is ideal for planning a long distance trip; you can find some great deals on hotel rates and plane fares. Travelling overseas, getting an advanced degree, or publishing a piece of writing is favoured in the days surrounding the 18th. Your expertise piques an executive’s interest on or around the 23rd. Spend the 27th devising ways to finance a creative project. The 28th is not favoured for taking tests or displaying knowledge; vow to listen more than you speak.
Leo (July 24 to August 23)
A sexy encounter on the 6th makes you feel invincible; nothing can stand in your way! Working on behalf of a humanitarian cause lifts your spirits near the 8th. The days surrounding the 10th are ideal for sending out CVs, going on job interviews, and checking in with employment agencies. An attentive friend is willing to relieve you of oppressive chores on or around the 11th. A wonderful job offer on or around the 14th gives you a chance to do emotionally fulfilling work. You can turn someone’s head through the sheer pulling power of your sex appeal mid-month; go ahead and make a few flirtatious suggestions to the object of your affection. The days surrounding the 17th are ideal for getting engaged or married; alternately, you could form a very lucrative business partnership during this golden period. The 23rd is good for laying down more permanent roots in your community or neighbourhood. Gentle exercise pays off on or around the 27th. Stand up to a friend, lover, or colleague at the end of February who has been taking you for granted.
Exciting news from a relative or neighbour prompts you to go out and celebrate on the 6th. Pay careful attention to your dreams in the days surrounding the 8th; they could inspire you to launch a stimulating art project. Listening to music, reading books for pleasure, and practicing your artwork will become an increasing priority in the days following the 10th. Events surrounding the 11th make your work environment more pleasant than it has been in a long time. Be sure to take an expert’s advice on the 13th, especially as it relates to romance. The 14th is perfect for a romantic interlude; launching a creative project is also favoured. Your willpower helps you to overcome an unhealthy habit near the 15th. More time for the activities you love becomes available in the days following the 17th. Some powerful emotional changes on the 23rd will help you change your life for the better. Good news about a youngster’s progress reaches your ears around the 27th; be sure to give your young friend a reward. You could be suffering from serious burnout on or around the 28th.
Taking a class on or around the 6th stimulates your inner artist. A book or movie could inspire you on or around the 8th. Clearing the clutter from your home on the 10th helps you to think more clearly. Abandon yourself to sensual pleasure in the days surrounding the 11th. Be sure to take an older relative’s advice to heart on or around the 13th; take this opportunity to break a destructive habit. A real estate deal near the 14th allows you to live by a beautiful body of water. A magnetic sexual attraction proves irresistible on the 15th. Take a chance on love, money, or both in the days surrounding the 17th; this will be a magical period. The 18th finds you making more time for creative pursuits; this is a great time to compose songs, write a blog, or make a video for the web. If you’ve been struggling with health concerns, get a medical consultation near the end of April and put your mind at rest. The 27th prompts you to create a place for quiet contemplation in your home. Friends express disapproval over a stormy love affair on the 28th.
Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21)
A generous relative could give you the down payment for a house near the 6th; alternately, you could be presented with a valuable family heirloom during this period. A flirtatious compliment makes you flush on the 8th; you need to get used to being praised. The 10th begins a busy period filled with errands, phone calls and last minute work assignments. Home becomes a comforting haven from life’s harsh realities on the 11th. Don’t challenge an expert’s theories on the 13th, or you’ll be seen as disrespectful. Taking a class in mid February gives you a welcome opportunity to flex your creative muscles. Fighting for the underdog near the 15th wins the approval of an important executive. Take a much needed break on the 17th; this is a great time to spend some quality time with family. Launching a home based business is a distinct possibility on or around the 23rd. Trust your instincts about a neighbour or loved one on the 27th; they could use a little compassion. A career matter comes to a head on the 28th, allowing you to spend more time at home.
Capricorn (December 22 to January 20)
Thanks to sheer willpower and determination you can make a dream come true at the start of February. Donating money to your favourite cause gives your spirits a lift on or around the 8th. The 10th is perfect for negotiating a raise or bigger salary. You’ll have more time for pleasurable activities after the 11th, when life won’t be burdened with nearly as many chores. Finding a job that fills your life with purpose is favoured on or around the 13th. A new source of income makes you excited to go into work in the days surrounding the 14th. Your powers of persuasion are at an all time high on the 15th; use them to wangle a favour out of an influential person. Taking a class adds a welcome dash of romance to your life around the 17th. The 23rd is ideal for making important changes to a time honoured institution. Stand up for the underdog near the 27th. A legal decision could be rendered against you on the 28th; you have to get over your disappointment and move on with your life.
Trust your instincts about an unexpected job offer on the 6th; this position could yield tremendous fruit. Your dreamy idealism makes you a big hit in the days surrounding the 8th. Starting on the 10th, people will be very receptive to your ideas; this is a great time to promote your pet projects. More money for luxuries becomes available in the days following the 11th. Getting advanced training on or around the 13th will help your career. Changing your look near the 14th will prompt others to treat you in an entirely new way. Let a close friend talk you into furthering your education on the 15th. The 17th is perfect for treating yourself to something insanely luxurious that you’d ordinarily never buy. You’re determined to spend more time on the activities you love around the 18th. Summon every ounce of willpower to increase your earning potential in the days surrounding the 23rd. Be compassionate toward a neighbour or relative on the 27th; unbeknownst to you, they are going through a rough patch. Money goes out as quickly as it comes in around the 28th.
Pisces (February 20 to March 20)
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