Saturday, October 1, 2016

Libra Monthly Astrology Forecast October 2016 with Michele Knight video

Published on Sep 30, 2016
Monthly Horoscopes with Michele Knight.

1st - Venus in 2nd trine Neptune in 6th

6th - Venus conjunct Lilith in 2nd (exact)

7th - Mercury enters 1st

11th - Mercury conjunct Jupiter in 1st (exact)

11th - Venus conjunct Juno in 2nd (exact)

15th - Sun in 1st opposition Uranus in 7th (exact)

16th - Full Supermoon in 7th

18th - Venus enters 3rd

20th - Mercury in 1st opposition Uranus in 7th (exact)

20th - Mars and Pluto conjunct in 4th (exact)

22nd - Cardinal Grand Cross: Uranus, Eris and Ceres conjunct in 7th square Moon in 10th square Mercury in 1st square Mars and Pluto conjunct in 4th. Uranus, Eris and Ceres conjunct in 7th opposition Mercury in 1st. Moon in 10th opposition Mars and Pluto conjunct in 4th

23rd - Sun enters 2nd

25th - Mercury enters 2nd

28th - Sun conjunct Mercury in 2nd (exact)

30th - Venus conjunct Saturn in 3rd (exact)

30th - New Moon in 2nd

31st - Sun and Mercury in 2nd trine Neptune in 6th - All Hallow’s Eve

* Jump in to creative passion!

* Rewards and recognition could be yours

* Find the balance in your love-force

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