Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Thursday 23rd February 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 18th February 2011
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Health problems are the result of too much worry. At some point, you have to stop overanalysing a stressful situation. Just make a decision and move forward. Before you know it, the worries that have been plaguing you will vanish into thin air. You'll feel stronger, happier, and more energetic. If you've been having trouble sleeping, practice some relaxation techniques. Quieting the mental chatter will allow you to drift off into a tranquil, uninterrupted sleep.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Be careful of being too loud and boisterous at a social gathering, or you may be asked to leave. You don't want to cause your host any embarrassment. If you feel like going wild, head off to a place where you can shout and laugh without fear of censure. A friend wants your help with a difficult project, and you're tempted to refuse. Turning away your loved one during their time of need would be a terrible mistake. Listen to your higher self and lend some assistance.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Take extra safety precautions around the house, especially if you're doing repairs. Turn off the water or electricity. Make sure to wear safety goggles and gloves. Keep the work area clean and tidy; you don't want to trip over a pile of rubble or stray cord. It's especially important to keep children and pets away from the area in question. They don't have the sense to keep away from dangerous situations. Do you really want to risk an accident by cutting a few corners?
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You'll be in a hurry, but everyone else seems to take their time. If you have an appointment, leave earlier than usual, as traffic could be a problem. Keep your mobile charged, too, as you may have to tell somebody you are running late. If you don't have any plans to travel, you could be the victim of a thoughtless workman who fails to deliver what they promised. Take a few deep breaths before blowing your stack. This delay may be a blessing in disguise.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You could become a victim of theft if you're not careful. Keep possessions under lock and key, including your personal information. There's nothing more annoying than having to challenge charges to your credit card. A bonus or raise that was promised to you will be delayed. This makes you really angry, as you were counting on this money. Perhaps this is a sign you should find a more reliable client or employer. Start looking around for better options; they do exist.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Pushing to get what you want will create a lot of anger and resentment. It's difficult to be patient when you want something so much. Still, your chances for victory will be much stronger if you give people space to make their own decisions. If someone decides to withhold their support, stay calm. You can find another benefactor, provided you keep a clear head. Consider approaching someone who you've worked with in the past. They have some innovative ideas.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Someone who is pretending to be your friend has ulterior motives. Don't be so quick to entrust this character with your innermost secrets and thoughts. If you're toying with a new proposal, stay quiet about it. Develop it away from prying eyes. Once you're ready to reveal it to the world, you'll get an enthusiastic reception. Best of all, you will have protected yourself from a jealous person who is trying to capitalise on all of your bright ideas.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Don't cave into peer pressure, no matter how much you want to fit in. Stay cautious, reserved and watchful in all things The only way to avert disaster is to break away from the crowd. Fortunately, an engrossing creative project is taking up most of your attention. By forgoing a big outing for the sake of a story, painting, or song, you'll escape negative publicity. Your friends regret their behaviour, and wish they had your level headed attitude.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Bossing people around will only undermine authority. It's impossible to respect someone who is always shouting and bullying their inferiors. If you're presiding over a lazy, unfocused group, it's up to you to motivate them. Single out the hard working members of the team, and reward their progress. Offer helpful suggestions to those who mean well, but continue to struggle. Give the cold shoulder to people who continue to shirk their duties.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) This isn't a good time to discuss sensitive subjects like religion, politics, or morality. You have very definite views on these topics, but aren't likely to convert anyone. At the very best, you'll get pulled into a shouting match that will leave you drained of energy. At the worst, you'll permanently alienate someone who you genuinely admire and respect. In the final analysis, the best we can do is to embrace the fact it takes all sorts of people to comprise the world.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Keep your feelings to yourself, at least for the immediate future. The object of your affection is infatuated with somebody else. Nothing you do or say will change their feelings. Therefore, you're better off waiting and watching for their obsession to wane. If you're already in a relationship, make sure you are satisfying your partner's sexual needs. Ask your amour if there's anything you can do to enhance their pleasure, and be open to their suggestions.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Getting embroiled in a lawsuit is a terrible mistake. You could lose a great deal of money and security by getting sucked into such a drama. You're better off settling out of court, even if you feel you are owed restitution. The person you're up against is simply too powerful and convincing to beat. By cutting your losses early, you'll save yourself a great deal of pain and anxiety. Let this be a lesson regarding any future contracts and alliances.

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