Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Wednesday 29th February 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 25th February 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Resist the urge to go along with the crowd. Friends may tease you about taking a rebellious stance, but they'll ultimately wish they had taken a page from your book. You've never been impressed with fads and fashions. You'd rather start trends of your own. If you come up with an idea for a product or service, patent it. You don't want to tell people about your concept and have a rival steal it away. Protect your interests at all costs.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Take a more realistic attitude to your career goals. If you want to switch fields, you may have to start at the bottom. Don't let pride get in the way of pursuing your dream. Yes, taking a menial job won't be terribly exciting, but it will be a means to a desirable end. Thankfully, you have a great work ethic and will have no problem mounting the ladder of success. Your superiors will appreciate your diligence and will reward it with a series of promotions over time.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Someone with a larger than life personality is trying to influence your decisions. Keep a healthy distance from this character. Although they're undeniably charming, you can't afford to fall victim to their manipulations. Listen to your intuition regarding a flirt. Their interest in you is more financial than sexual. Hold out for somebody who is interested in you, not your money. It shouldn't be too difficult, if you join a cultural, religious, or educational institution. You have an especial affinity for cool rebels.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Go over financial statements with a fine toothed comb. The bank may have made an error in their favour. Alternatively, someone may have been accessing your account without your approval. It's so important to monitor what goes on with your resources, especially your retirement and savings account. So many unscrupulous people prey on those who take a lackadaisical approach to money. Guard yourself against these vultures.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Resist the urge to withdraw from your nearest and dearest. Although you've been undergoing difficulties, this is not the time to hide your troubles. Friends and family need to know about your struggles. That way, they can return some of the generosity you've given to them. You've never been comfortable receiving grace. Maybe it's time to turn and change your ways. Let your loved ones provide you with money, shelter, and other creature comforts.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Finding work can be difficult. You won't find a use for your particular brand of expertise. It may be wise to study a trade that is in big demand. You may not be terribly interested in this field, but it will give you a measure of financial freedom. Besides, you can always return to your true love when the market gets better. In the meantime, why not write a book about your favourite subject? You've always had a gift for the written word.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Your love life is less than satisfying. If you have a partner, you're not getting sufficient attention from them. You're the type who needs to feel wanted, loved, and appreciated. When that affection isn't forthcoming, you'll look elsewhere for companionship. Don't do anything you will later regret. Instead, tell your partner what you want to be happy, and what could happen if you're not satisfied. Are you single? It may be because you're putting in too many hours at work.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) A leak could cause havoc at home. If your tap, toilet, or bathtub seems a little erratic, call in a repairperson immediately. That way, you can fix the problem before it escalates to a fully fledged fiasco. A relative continues to nag you about your choices. They refuse to accept you have your own interests and tastes. Stop answering their probing questions. You have a right to your privacy. The sooner you have financial independence, the better.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) If someone asks for your honest opinion, don't give it. You're famous for being brutally frank. This situation calls for diplomacy. Someone who has been working hard on their appearance has fallen short of their goal. By saying something devastating now, you could shatter your friend's confidence. Offer praise and words of encouragement instead. You'll feel hypocritical, but it's better than hurting somebody who is on the verge of a breakthrough.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Be practical when it comes to cash. You simply can't afford the same lifestyle as many friends enjoy. In truth, your loved ones can't afford these luxuries, either. The difference is you won't go into debt while your nearest and dearest will. In the final analysis, you'll be much better off, because you refused to give in to temptation. Focus on enjoying simple pleasures that don't cost very much.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Your mental outlook has a direct effect on your physical health. Try not to fall prey to negative thinking. Although you've experienced a string of disappointments, there's no reason to think life will continue to be difficult. You have a chance to move to a beautiful place surrounded by greenery. It may be necessary to put some distance between you and a relative who doesn't want you to change. Don't make a big scene about your departure; the less drama involved the better.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Beware of getting lost in a fog of fantasy, alcohol or comfort food. It's tempting to dull your senses when things get difficult. Rather than face your fears, you'd rather flee from them. Unfortunately, this isn't an option. Even a temporary escape won't be very satisfying, and eventually, you'll be forced to cope with your problems. Talking to a therapist, writing in a diary, or undergoing hypnotherapy can provide relief. Avoid a friend who always believes the worst case scenarios.

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