Friday, August 17, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 18th August 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 18th August 2012


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Reading novels, seeing movies, and listening to music give you a great deal of pleasure. Stimulating your love of art will inspire a creative project. This would be a great time to design a jewellery line or make some furniture. Working with tools has always been a form of therapy for you. Don't be surprised if your work attracts both fame and acclaim. One of your fans could even develop a crush on you. All this adoration is nice, but it's no substitute for true love.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You're reluctant to discuss your feelings in public. Only the most intimate members of your social circle are privileged to know your thoughts. A recent disloyalty has been weighing on your mind. It just goes to show you have to be careful with sensitive information. Keep your financial statements under lock and key, and make sure never to discuss personal matters at work. That includes sending emails or social networking on your employer's computer.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Talking, reading, and writing give you a great deal of pleasure. It's refreshing to exchange ideas with people who care about the same things. If you're lonely, think about joining a discussion group or political organisation. You're sure to meet several good friends through a club. A short trip for pleasure is on the horizon. You'll spend a little more money than usual on this journey, but try not to worry. The resources you require will become available at the last minute.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Downloading some financial software that keeps track of your expenses can be helpful. You want to make your hard earned money stretch as far as it possibly can. By entering all of your purchases on a spreadsheet, you can see where you should cut back. Of course, it's always a good idea to save money, but beware of becoming too miserly. Splurging on an occasional indulgence will remind you why you are working so hard. You deserve a reward every now and then.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You project your personality with warmth, verve, and vigour. No wonder you have a line of admirers at your door. An expert in an unusual field has developed a strong crush on you. If you're single, this would be a great time to embark on a romance. The two of you are adventurers who will never get bored with one another. Of course, you need luxurious surroundings, while your amour has simple tastes, but that won't stand in the way of your love.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You understand people just by being in their orbit. As a general rule, you prefer to rely on hard facts instead of intuition. Right now, the authorities expect you to believe a story that simply doesn't make sense. Tune into your environment instead of accepting this version of the truth. If people seem tense, it's because they are worried about disloyalty. Take this opportunity to bring people together in a spirit of trust. You can turn this situation around, just by addressing those unspoken fears.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Communication gives you a better grasp of what is going on. You've always had a knack for seeing many sides of a single issue. Recently you've lost touch with popular opinion. Stop what you're doing and ask your family how they are doing. Find out what they think about current events, cultural trends, and domestic drama. By getting a glimpse at their mindset, you'll be better able to deal with some conflicts that are threatening to tear two relatives apart.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're focused on climbing the ladder to success. If that means changing your image or moving into another field, so be it. Your fixed nature makes it difficult to undergo changes, but you're willing to try anything to achieve success. Part of the problem has been you are too modest. By putting yourself at the forefront of a glamorous industry, you'll get the fame and acclaim you desire. You can overcome your shyness by pretending you are acting in a movie.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Learning, teaching, and writing have great appeal. You have a deep need to communicate with the larger world. Simply chatting around the water cooler doesn't cut it anymore. Fortunately, you will find an enthusiastic audience for your ideas. An older friend will recommend you for a job that proves very fulfilling. At first, you will be uncertain as to whether you can handle these responsibilities. Don't worry. You'll take to this position like a duck to water.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Talking about intimate issues is never easy for you. You're an extremely private person who doesn't enjoy bearing your soul. Still, it's important to be honest about your problems, at least with the people who are strongly affected by them. If you're having trouble at home, tell your boss. That way, your lack of enthusiasm won't be misinterpreted as job dissatisfaction. Similarly, if you're unhappy at work, tell your best friend and lover.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Talking to others helps clarify your thinking. You have to make an important choice, so be sure to explore all the angles before pulling the trigger. Normally, you're able to take an entirely logical approach to problems. That won't be the case with this matter. You have powerful feelings about the issue at stake, and should obey them. Don't worry if people will think you are defying good sense. Sometimes it's better to obey your heart than adopt a cold blooded approach.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Acquiring skills gives you a sense of purpose. You've always had a tendency to daydream. There's nothing wrong with building castles in the air, so long as you balance the time with practical pursuits. Learning how to balance books, operate equipment, or speak a foreign language will increase your desirability on the job market. It will also give you more power to choose a position that pays well. Investing in your education will bring long term financial security.
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