Friday, August 31, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 1st September 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 1st September 2012


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Focusing on irrelevant details is hurting a relationship. Resist the urge to check your computer or phone whenever there is a lull in the day. Instead, work on your interpersonal skills. Ask your lover about their hopes and dreams, and be attentive to their answers. If you're single, try spending quality time with loved ones. Instead of engaging in a big group activity, go out for an intimate lunch with your best friend. You might be surprised at what your nearest and dearest are thinking, doing, and feeling.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Playing games won't get you far with a romantic interest. You've got to stop wondering about all the angles and start being more straightforward. As a general rule, you're down to earth. When it comes to love you are nervous about being vulnerable. If you're with a partner who seems genuine and kind, you can afford to let down your defences. If your romantic interest isn't thoroughly invested in your relationship, it's time to move on to greener pastures.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Don't feel the need to explain yourself all the time. If your motives are pure, people will appreciate you. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. A relative who is their own worst enemy needs to be told the truth. Getting medical or psychological assistance is critical to their recovery. The longer you look the other way at their outrageous behaviour, the more it will persist. Your career is being affected by all this drama. Stop letting this rebel interfere with your success.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You won't get the answers you seek. This is extremely frustrating, but can't be helped. Instead of having a set of step by step instructions, you'll have to go on instinct. What's strange is that your intuition is very sharp. You should be comfortable with obeying it. Maybe this is the Universe's way of forcing you to use a gift that has been dormant for too long. Beneath your all business exterior beats the heart of a mystic. Stop fighting it.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Trying to get work the conventional way isn't effective. Instead of responding to advertisements and applying to employment agencies, start networking. Spread the word among friends, relatives, and neighbours that you are looking for work. Be specific about the sorts of jobs you would enjoy. If you say you will take anything, you'll wind up with a position that's beneath you. Opportunities in teaching, writing, and travel are all worth exploring. They will bring you the creative satisfaction you need.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You're extremely opinionated, which puts strain on a close relationship. Your best friend, lover, or business partner doesn't appreciate being corrected all the time. Take this opportunity to recognise everyone has unique talents. By trying to make everyone into the same shape, you are denying their basic humanity. The next time you feel the urge to criticise or perfect a friend's work, bite your tongue. Find something to praise instead. Better yet, ask for instruction with a project that is giving you trouble.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You want to launch a creative project, but it is difficult when work continues to be so demanding. It may be necessary to put in overtime or go in to the office on your day off. This situation is becoming unbearable. You're tired of covering for an irresponsible colleague. Unfortunately, your boss isn't going to change things. So long as the work is completed, they're not bothered. It may be time to look for another position. You're tired of people taking advantage of your good nature.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Talking with friends is stimulating, but you won't have much opportunity to socialise. A needy youngster is metaphorically tugging on your sleeve. Although the last thing you want is to encourage their neurotic behaviour, it is the only compassionate thing to do. Professional help may be necessary to break this cycle. Look for a sympathetic counsellor who has experience in treating these phobias. You and your loved one can't keep living like this. It isn't healthy to have a co-dependent relationship.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You don't feel comfortable with emotional displays, but your family feels differently. An overly dramatic relative will make a mountain out of a molehill. You're not really interested in entertaining their fears. In fact, your first impulse is to remove yourself from the scene. Although your attitude will seem cold to outsiders, people who have dealt with your family will be totally sympathetic. Keep busy with a job search or work project. It will be a welcome diversion.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Getting justice may be impossible. A misguided authority figure is sympathetic to the perpetrator of a crime. You'll be left cleaning the mess. That often happens to ultra-responsible people. Before you let your anger build, think what it would be like to be a burden on society. Reflect on the pride you feel in being able to pay your own bills, carry out responsibilities, and support your loved ones. Would you trade this for a life of indolence? Reward yourself with a nice holiday.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You want to build financial security, but that's difficult when you're unsure when your next paycheque will arrive. That's the price you have to pay for leading an unorthodox life. Your work may be seasonal or you may be an independent contractor. This feast or famine dynamic can be exhausting. Stop listening to your inner critic. It is causing you to worry about things that are beyond your control. Practicing relaxation techniques can relieve stress. Remember, there are no real guarantees in life.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A lover's behaviour has no rhyme or reason. Instead of trying to get a handle on their erratic behaviour, focus on your own needs. Getting a massage, going shopping, and spending time on your favourite hobby are the sorts of things you should be doing. You've always had a tendency to put all your energy into intimate relationships. This just drains you of valuable energy, and diminishes your self esteem. If you're single, stop trying to become more desirable and start being more discerning.
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