Sunday, November 25, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes: Monday 26th November 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 24th November 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You're developing interest in a subject that never held your attention before. Moving into an unfamiliar area will feel liberating. Nobody wants to be a one trick pony. Having several areas of expertise will make you a hot commodity on the job market. These days, employers want workers who are versatile. If you're thinking of taking a trip, make reservations now. You're sure to find a great deal that will allow you to travel in style for a cheap price.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Going on a relaxing retreat will improve your health. You've been at your family's beck and call and it's getting exhausting. Having a chance to rest and be waited upon will restore your zest for life. Don't feel guilty about being pampered. You're a very nurturing person who loves taking care of others. Unfortunately, when people don't appreciate your efforts, you get depressed. Instead of expending all of your energy on others, make a few demands of your own.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Participating in a group is rewarding. You could be asked to lead a creative or educational organisation. Instead of taking on the entire brunt of the job, split the responsibilities with another member of the team. You're good at handling the little details, like collecting dues and gathering contact information. Your partner can focus on long term initiatives. An impressive job will be offered to you. You had almost given up hope for this position.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You'll have to take over for an ill or absent employer. Fortunately, you have wonderful leadership skills. The first order of business is to assure the group that business will continue, despite the change in personnel. Then, when things get back to normal, you can launch more imaginative strategies for attracting clients. Creating a new product or service will be very profitable. Be ready to put an innovative spin on an old format.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) The chance to publish a piece of writing will fall into your lap. It will be exciting to see your name in print. Don't be afraid to show the fruits of your labour to an agent or editor. You'll probably get a few harsh criticisms, but on the whole, your work will be well received. Be ready to tailor your writing to a target audience. The more flexible you are, the easier it will be to get future assignments.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Sudden changes will work to your advantage, but you have to be on the lookout for opportunities. A new living space will shorten your commute and make daily life much more pleasant. Seek a place that affords lots of intellectual stimulation. Living near a school or art community will be a refreshing change of pace. It's impossible to feel like an outcast when you find a group of like minded enthusiasts you can call your own.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Working with a partner will give you more time for the activities you love. A social butterfly like you enjoys mixing with people, but may not want to attend to annoying details like bookkeeping and staff management. Divide the duties according to individual strengths. This arrangement will work so well that it will be easier to find new business and create profitable product lines. You can do anything when you have the support of someone who believes in you.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You'll feel much better once your work hours are altered. Having a slightly unorthodox schedule will make it easier to run errands. It's much easier to organise your day to day life when everyone else is working. Plus, you'll sleep much easier when you don't have to get up so early or stay up very late. You'll quickly climb the ladder of success when you emerge as the most talented member of the group. Take this opportunity to compile some impressive work samples.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) A new romance is taking shape, and nobody is more excited than you. You're ready to take a chance, even if it means putting hard earned cash at risk. Listen to your intuition regarding this relationship. If you're going to experience true intimacy, you have to let down your defences. Make yourself vulnerable to someone who has proven their loyalty. Reaching out for support will strengthen your relationship and deepen your love. A friend, neighbour or close relative needs you to keep a secret under wraps.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You'll get more freedom on the home front, which comes as a tremendous relief. It's nice being of service to your relatives, but there comes a point when you need a break. Going on holiday with a group of friends will lift your spirits. It's important to be with people who appreciate your strengths and overlook your weaknesses. Lately, you've fallen victim to someone who criticises your every move so find ways to give them a wide berth.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A new car or gadget will make life much easier. Suddenly, you'll be able to keep in touch with your nearest and dearest. Your friends will give you the strength and encouragement you require to pursue an important job. Don't be afraid to venture into an unfamiliar area. You may not have experience in this particular field, but you have the skills necessary to thrive in this job. Ask an influential loved one for a letter of recommendation.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Money will fall into your lap quite unexpectedly, but be careful. Spending it all in one place will put you at a disadvantage. Put this sum in the bank, where it will protect you from future uncertainty. Stay away from your favourite stores and websites. Why put yourself in the path of temptation if it's not necessary? Your business or romantic partner has great news. Take this opportunity to go out and celebrate. You should enjoy happy moments like these.
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1 comment:

scorpio daily horoscope said...

This blog is mainly for those who believe in horoscope as I believe. I use this blog just for check my today's horoscope.