Friday, November 30, 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b.1st December 2012

Monthly Horoscopes December 2012
Weekly Horoscope commencing 1 December 2012
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You quite understandably feel like shouting at someone, but that's not likely to get your point across over the next few days. People are preoccupied as they feel the end of the year drawing near, which forces them to think about all they want to get done before December ends. Go with the flow and don't let minor irritants upset you. You get a first hand vision of the times walking through a department store, where eager shoppers are already getting aggressive about their purchases.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Just when you're most eager to have your love life in order, you hit a snag, but not to worry, once you talk things through with a supportive friend, you'll begin to see things differently! Keeping lines of communication open and clear is important now, so do your best to clearly say what's on your mind. The weeks ahead will be extra busy, so you'd be smart to draw up a check list of things you need to handle, one by one, so you stay on track. Stay tuned in to the music of the season!
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Whether people talk about you in a positive or negative light is not completely in your control, as some will see your antics as amusing and others are bound to be less amused. You could aim for a more responsible or agreeable way of behaving, as young people look to you for an example of how to act. Work toward improving your most important relationships now, as some you hold near and dear are having a difficult time. Pitch in to help where you can and where you’re asked.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You're likely to be even more affectionate than usual as the week begins, as the ties you value most grow more and more important. Your open heart could leave you vulnerable to an upset and the way you react to it will have a ripple effect on the person you don’t see eye to eye with. How will you muddle through this, with a chip on your shoulder or a forgiving spirit? Go into the days ahead with eyes open, and realise that most of what happens now begins and ends with you!
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Instead of going along with what everyone else says, look into your own heart. Your relationships go through changes as you discover what you like and don't like about each other. This realisation can lead you to cutting ties with some people or working harder to keep them in place. Single out the one bossy friend who needs to be put in their place, but be gentle with them. Shopping becomes a challenging chore as you head out in search of an elusive item for a partner or special friend.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) For the moment you get your best help from female friends or relatives. Someone you didn't expect to see pops up, giving you a lift just when you need it most. After getting together with your favourite folk for a special night out you will have lots to talk about and think through. Watch what you say and think about how a pal or colleague might misinterpret your motives. An older friend needs cheering up so go visit, review old times and let this special person know you still care and are still there.

Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Be flexible because you'll have to be prepared for unexpected invitations and get togethers. Your special touch is called for as people run into a range of personal dilemmas. Happily, you can manage all this with your usual grace and charm. Being especially considerate of the women in your life pays off as mothers, sisters or female friends will be most appreciative of your gentle assistance in whatever form. If you can’t get there in person, send a card or letter to express your thoughts.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're a little off balance as the week begins and emotions of one sort and another come crashing in, but by next week you'll have everything figured out, so don't be too hard on yourself. You've got an opinion some people won't share, and the louder you voice it, the more trouble you'll bring upon yourself. Ease up and cut down on caffeine for the time being! More than one amorous admirer will tell you they hope to take your relationship to the next level, so there you are - another dilemma!

Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Lots of people have their eye on you now, from bosses to a few new friends. You come out looking quite professional as you step in to take care of loose ends another worker left undone. One way or another you’ll turn things around and even save on the cost of the operation. Now that's commendable! Don't go to extremes to fix a situation for a friend, better to listen to their complaints and offer sympathy and understanding. They'll probably end up solving their problem for themselves.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You start December with a plan and the skill to line everything up. Best to leave a little wriggle room in case things don't go exactly as you hope. Not to worry, though, even when events take a turn, you're more than able to handle things. Going though boxes you've not sorted out for some time will be fun as you find things to sell or give away. This is a great time of year to pass useful items over to a charity group. With an eye on the holidays ahead you'll have made space for new acquisitions.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Your network of fiends keeps growing, without you having to exert yourself in any way. Someone is looking to get you to make some radical changes to your Christmas plans or even want you to give your whole lifestyle a thorough overhaul. This is not the best time to get involved in this sort of process. Put things on hold and see how you feel in the New Year. Cash and career concerns may need a little more urgent thought, but once again don’t make any radical decisions during December.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) The search for the perfect gifts gets underway, and you're already uneasy about some of your choices. Why put yourself through such hurdles? At a time when spending is tight, turning to handmade crafts or homemade cakes is a good option. A new demand is put on your time when a friend asks you to assist with a move. Such physical activity may not be to your liking, so offer to help with tasks that are more suited to your energy and ability. Don't get caught in a guilt trap; it's not fair on you!
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