Saturday, February 23, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 24th February 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 23rd February 2013


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Pay close attention to your dreams. They will give you the inspiration you need to launch a creative project. It’s often difficult for you to slow down and let ideas develop. That’s why sleep is such a valuable tool for you. Not only does it recharge your batteries, but it also gives your imagination a chance to run wild. Working with brightly coloured materials will give you lots of pleasure and enjoyment. You’ve got a great eye and people will be willing to pay big money for your work.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Inviting friends over for a festive dinner will be a welcome change of pace. Lately, you’ve been snowed under with work. Surrounding yourself with people who know you outside of your professional life will be a relief. Your loved ones will have you laughing about a situation that has been getting under your skin for ages. You’ve always taken life a little too seriously, but by trying to see the light side of life you’ll save yourself a whole heap of hassles and headaches.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) This is a great time to attend a lecture or class. The information you learn will come in handy at work. Be sure to take notes, as you’ll want to draw in this knowledge quite soon. If you’re looking for employment, you will find a job quite close to home. Being able to get to and from home easily will increase your leisure time. At long last, you’ll be able to learn a foreign language or master a musical instrument.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Getting more for your money will make you a lot happier. You’re a hard worker who is tired of struggling between pay cheques. Finding a better job is a matter of getting advanced training. Learning a trade or earning a special license will increase your income. It will also help to keep your standard of living steady. Put your extra earnings into savings. Having a nest egg will give you the freedom to choose the kind of work you enjoy.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Your sex appeal is simply scintillating. An admirer is drawn to your sensitive nature like a moth to a flame. Sneak off to a quiet hideaway together. It feels great to satisfy your sensual side. Are you looking for love? You can find it by showing off your creative ability. Sign up for a class or enter a contest. Someone who respects your talent will come forward and ask for a date. The two of you will have a great time exchanging your ideas about art.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) If you want to strengthen an intimate relationship, spend quality time together. Arrange an outing for just the two of you. Don’t invite anybody else along. Being able to talk without interruption will clear up some misunderstandings that have pushed you apart. Your attempts to help have been experienced as harsh criticism. Instead of offering advice, stay quiet and listen. Sometimes a sympathetic ear is all that’s required of a good friend. In return, you should ask for more practical help with your workload.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Let go of your ego when working with a group. If someone proposes an idea that is better than yours, support it. People will admire your selfless attitude. If you’re suffering from an ache or pain, spread the word among friends. Somebody may know of a great medical professional who helped them recover from a similar condition. Get treatment for this problem is quickly as possible, before it escalates into a more serious matter. You shouldn’t take chances with your health.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You believe you should be recognised and rewarded for your skills and talents. For this to happen, you must share and explain your work with friends, family colleagues. This could be more difficult than you think for a private person like you, but if you keep hiding your light under a bushel, you’ll be working in obscurity forever and a day. To build up a body of work, sign up for a class. Having a weekly assignment will hone your talent and boost your productivity.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Your restless nature is tempting you to take a holiday. Unfortunately, your family needs you to stay close to home. If you want an adventure, take one of an armchair variety. Rent a movie set in an exotic locale, read the autobiography of a daredevil, or try some foreign cuisine you’ve never enjoyed before. This temporary respite will replenish your energy. Helping a relative deal with a domestic problem will be easier after you treat yourself. Put your own needs first.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) News of an inheritance, refund, or legal settlement is music to your ears. Use this money to take a short trip. Getting a change of scenery will ease the anxiety that has been mounting for some time. You’ve been so busy running errands that you haven’t had any time to relax. Now you’re able to change gear, you will get a better perspective on life. It’s time to make some changes, starting with your work schedule. Make more time for relationships and all your creative projects.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Your ability to get along with people from all walks of life helps your business prospects. By forming an alliance with a prominent executive, you’ll be able to widen your own customer base. Attracting clients who have a little more money to spend will make your life a lot easier. Are you single? There’s a good chance you will meet someone whose warmth melts your reserve. This relationship will mark an important turning point for you. Let down your defences.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You’ll be called upon to help with a work overflow. By coming into the office while everybody else is off, you’ll earn some additional holiday time. You’ll also establish yourself as a valuable team player. Are you looking for work? It may be necessary to take a position with unorthodox hours. Fortunately, you enjoy having a schedule that goes against the grain. This will give you an opportunity to enjoy more private time. That’s a blessing for an introvert like you.
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