Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 25th May 2013
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) This is the stage
when you have to collect facts. Don’t formulate any theories until you have a
chance to do some extensive reading. Even then, you may not be able to arrive at
any definite conclusions. Fortunately, a relative who has experience in this
field is willing to help. Pepper your family member with questions. The two of
you have very different approaches to work. After this project, you’ll have a
newfound respect for one another.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You feel the urge
to splurge. It’s tiring having to deal with shoddy equipment and goods that are
past their prime. Fortunately, you will be able to make a little extra money
soon. Go ahead and replace any outmoded possessions. Even buying a new outfit
will lift your spirits. If you’re looking for a job, you will have to compete
with some aggressive rivals. Don’t be afraid to promote your talent during a job
interview. If you don’t, nobody else will.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You’re anxious to
begin a new project, but everyone else is dragging their feet. No matter how
hard you beg and plead, nobody will respond to your call for action. If you want
to get anything done, you must do it yourself. Fortunately, you will be able to
devise a way to finance this plan by yourself. Don’t let anybody jump on board
after the fact. This is your baby and you should get full credit for it.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You do your best
thinking when you’re alone. If you’re trying to solve a complicated problem,
sneak off to a quiet retreat. This will allow your imagination to run wild. A
conventional solution won’t be effective. It’s time to think outside of the box.
Your phone will be constantly ringing. It seems like you’re one of the few
people who understands how to operate a certain piece of equipment. Maybe it’s
time to gather the group together and offer a brief tutorial.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) It’s easy for a warm,
outgoing person like you to make friends. Try not to leap to conclusions about
certain newcomers to your social circle. A person’s dress and speech can be
deceptive. Keep an open mind. If you want to know about someone’s beliefs, start
a conversation. If your friend wants to maintain their privacy, respect their
wishes. It takes time to develop trust. Listen to your intuition about a
youngster’s needs. Invite them to open up.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It’s important to
communicate your needs to your employer. Don’t expect your boss to be able to
read your mind. You might think you’ve made your feelings known, but nobody
understands. Having an honest talk in a secluded space will be liberating. You
want work that offers plenty of intellectual stimulation. If your current
position isn’t providing that, explore other options. You will be able to
compete for an important job, but it will take time and preparation.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) An urge to share
knowledge with others makes you restless. You’re tired of focusing on mundane
matters when there are so many concepts to explore. Unfortunately, not everyone
shares your zest for learning. Your boss is especially adamant against
discussing controversial subjects like religion and politics in the workplace.
If you want to explore a subject join a study group or enrol in an advanced
class. It will be a relief to meet like minded people.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Discussing your
taboos with a trusted friend will be liberating. You’re not sure why certain
subjects make you uncomfortable, but they do. Facing your fears will be
revelatory. You’re a lot stronger than you realise. If you’re embarrassed about
a lack of education or experience in a certain area, get training. A
compassionate teacher will be eager to explain even the most basic concepts.
This will give you the groundwork for a lifetime of study.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Put more
energy into an intimate relationship. Find out what your best friend, lover, or
business partner needs to thrive. You’re very good at putting people at ease.
Sometimes you get so caught up in your own life that you forget to ask how
others are doing. Don’t make this mistake now. Someone who is close to your
heart is experiencing tremendous difficulty. A pep talk from you will help them
overcome their fears.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Take care not
to drive yourself too hard. Sometimes it’s better to take your time and double
check your work, rather than race to the finish line. If you want to get in
shape, set a realistic time table for doing so. Contrary to all those
advertisements you see, it will be impossible to get results overnight. Set
realistic goals for yourself. Walking for a half an hour each day will become a
pleasant habit, rather than a dreaded chore.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Speak your mind,
even if it means getting in trouble. A hypersensitive romantic interest needs to
be told the truth about their behaviour. You’re a very tolerant person, but you
refuse to be treated like a servant. If the two of you are going to get along,
there needs to be a greater measure of cooperation. Are you single? You will
have to be the aggressor with a shy newcomer. Go ahead and ask for a date. You
need the practice.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You feel restless
and want to move. This may not be the ideal time to do so. Others need structure
and familiarity. Be willing to put your needs aside for the sake of theirs.
Focus on the things you appreciate about your current living situation. What you
focus on expands. Therefore, if you keep denigrating your surroundings, they
will become more irritating. Are you tired of broken appliances and furniture?
Then it’s time to do some repairs.

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WA15 8YL
Main Office - 0871 872 2590 (option 1)
Fax - 0871 872 2591
It will all work out in the end, you must keep faith in yourself, & leave the rest to God..
— Spiritual Truths (@TheGodLight) October 19, 2012
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