Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 1st June 2013
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Take a step back and see if you have
been acting selfishly; it's not too late to start putting other people's needs
first. You're not in a win or lose situation. When you think about it you'll see
there's a way to keep everyone happy. This is a great time to widen your social
circle. By getting out and about you will come into contact with new people who
you will find interesting and fun and they will enjoy your company too. If
you’re looking for love you could find it in a surprise setting over the next
few days.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) What happens when you meet up with someone just as stubborn as yourself? You're headed for a tussle of one kind or another and what'll happen if neither of you gives ground? Why not take the moral high ground and give a little? Once the other person sees how amenable you can be they'll be more inclined to do the same and you'll find you can get along. Spend some time outdoors this week; it'll make you feel better and clear out any cobwebs that have been cluttering up your thinking.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) What happens when you meet up with someone just as stubborn as yourself? You're headed for a tussle of one kind or another and what'll happen if neither of you gives ground? Why not take the moral high ground and give a little? Once the other person sees how amenable you can be they'll be more inclined to do the same and you'll find you can get along. Spend some time outdoors this week; it'll make you feel better and clear out any cobwebs that have been cluttering up your thinking.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You've been talking fifty to the dozen and now’s the time to start thinking. More than one friend is getting tired of hearing the sound of your voice or listening to you go on and on endlessly about the same issue. While taking a talking brake you'll have time to listen and find out what's going on in someone else's life. Pitch in and help someone who's moving home or changing jobs. Don't wait to be asked there are lots of little tasks you can do to make things easier for those you love and like.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You've been talking fifty to the dozen and now’s the time to start thinking. More than one friend is getting tired of hearing the sound of your voice or listening to you go on and on endlessly about the same issue. While taking a talking brake you'll have time to listen and find out what's going on in someone else's life. Pitch in and help someone who's moving home or changing jobs. Don't wait to be asked there are lots of little tasks you can do to make things easier for those you love and like.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You’ll have a smile on your face when you see a friend or relative achieve something they've been aiming for over recent weeks and months. The part you played in their success, large or small could have you feeling like a guiding light of sorts so make sure you take them out for a little celebratory treat. Over the few days you could get the news you've been waiting for; it could be the OK to go ahead with a project that's been on hold. Be prepared to swing into action at a moment’s notice.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You’ll have a smile on your face when you see a friend or relative achieve something they've been aiming for over recent weeks and months. The part you played in their success, large or small could have you feeling like a guiding light of sorts so make sure you take them out for a little celebratory treat. Over the few days you could get the news you've been waiting for; it could be the OK to go ahead with a project that's been on hold. Be prepared to swing into action at a moment’s notice.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A grumpy friend is sure to get you down if you let them. Instead of getting irritated try to help them sort through what's really bothering them so the two of you can get in a better emotional space. Someone you work with has been indecisive and changeable lately leaving you feeling rather unsure and left in the dark. Here's someone else you need to have a chat with so you can get on the same page and start pulling together. You'll be the steady one in several of your relationships this week.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A grumpy friend is sure to get you down if you let them. Instead of getting irritated try to help them sort through what's really bothering them so the two of you can get in a better emotional space. Someone you work with has been indecisive and changeable lately leaving you feeling rather unsure and left in the dark. Here's someone else you need to have a chat with so you can get on the same page and start pulling together. You'll be the steady one in several of your relationships this week.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Money could trickle through your
fingers now, so be extra careful. You'd be doing yourself a favour if you
steered clear of shopping malls or television channels for the time being.
You'll have less to worry about if you put any extra cash in savings. A friend's
opinions are hard to ignore when they're voiced so insistently and are so very
different from yours, but they've given you something to think about, haven't
they? There won't be a dull moment the next time you two have a get
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Stop waiting, if you want to know
where you stand go and ask the people who can tell you. You've avoided it long
enough. Even if the answer's not what you hoped, at least you'll put an end to
all the uncertainty. Have fun learning something new this week. If you dabble in
some form of creativity regularly, you'll eventually find an activity that suits
you perfectly. It'll either become a favourite hobby or you might turn it into a
money maker. Either way you'll have made interesting
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You've got more patience than most
when it comes to dealing with people who don't catch on quickly. Volunteering in
some sort of teaching setting puts you in place to help those who need your
patient brand of help. If a friend's endless chatter gets too much take time out
to gather your thoughts. You don't have to tell them why you're leaving. You're
just not equipped to deal with mindless noise this week, better to spend time
relaxing with someone who's on your wavelength.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Between you and a chatty
friend, it's a wonder anyone can get a word in edgeways. What exactly are you
talking about? Have you ever listened to yourself in a social conversation? If
you were to record yourself you'd be in for quite a surprise. Try it. Break your
texting habit long enough to help a friend or relative with a home repair
project. They may need you to paint a wall or put a piece of furniture together.
Find your niche in the scheme of things to be done.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You
were getting back on track after taking a short time away, and the next thing
you know you've got a chance to keep somebody company on a trip. Whether or not
you accept this opportunity is up to you. Will your workaholic side win out, or
will you go and see what there is to see in a different country or continent? If
a family disagreement weighs heavily on you call up someone who's on the other
side of the issue to get a better understanding of what can be done to put
things right.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) This is a great time to check in with people you've not been in touch with for a while. This is a good time to put your organisational skills to good use and plan a reunion. Be sure to give others a chance to get involved. They have a part to play and they want to play it. Plans are coming together for a vacation later this year. Putting a little away each week or month is a good way to make sure you have the wherewithal to really enjoy your holiday. Taking out a loan is not the best idea.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) This is a great time to check in with people you've not been in touch with for a while. This is a good time to put your organisational skills to good use and plan a reunion. Be sure to give others a chance to get involved. They have a part to play and they want to play it. Plans are coming together for a vacation later this year. Putting a little away each week or month is a good way to make sure you have the wherewithal to really enjoy your holiday. Taking out a loan is not the best idea.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You'll notice more than the usual
amount of frivolous, fun loving people around now. Mixing with this crowd may
not be quite your cup of tea, but you can give them a smile as you move along.
Someone who's had their eye on you would like to get to know you better. If
you're interested you will find a one on one meeting is very much to your
liking. It won't be difficult to find common ground as they share many of your
likes and dislikes. Could this be the start of a wonderful new

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Main Office - 0871 872 2590 (option 1)
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It will all work out in the end, you must keep faith in yourself, & leave the rest to God..
— Spiritual Truths (@TheGodLight) October 19, 2012
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