Friday, July 19, 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 20th July 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 13th July 2013 ::: July Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Launching a home improvement project cultivates your imagination. You love coming up with new combinations of colours and forms. Trust your good taste and intuition when choosing things for the home. A friendship could come to an end. You’re tired of a stuffy traditionalist raining on your parade. Be realistic when it comes to working with a perfectionist. You will have to slow your pace in order to attend to the many details involved with a demanding job.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Your sparkling wit and conversation makes you a success at a social gathering. Be sure to chat up an artist whose looks and talents intrigue you. The two of you would make a great creative team. A high profile job will be awarded to a rival, which will disappoint you. Try not to dwell on your frustration. Taking a vacation with your lover will be a soothing distraction. There is more to life than work. Are you single? You could meet someone special while touring the countryside.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You’ll have to spend money to make money. If you want to make a name in a creative industry, you’ll have to dress fashionably. Add a few eye catching pieces to your professional wardrobe. If you’re not sure what looks best on you, ask a stylish friend to accompany you on a shopping trip. A legal decision may not go your way, forcing you to be more frugal with daily expenditures. You won’t be able to get time off work to attend a family function.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You don’t need advice from anyone else; you’ve got the courage of your convictions. Go after what, or who, you want. It will be virtually impossible to resist your charm. This isn’t a good time to dip into a savings account. Having as much money in reserve as possible will allow you to weather any financial storms that may be brewing. Working on a creative project will be a welcome channel for your restless energy. It may not be possible to get away from work.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Working behind the scenes will bring in extra cash. Take this opportunity to buy some luxury goods. You’re long overdue for some pampering. An intimate relationship is showing signs of strain. It’s time to strike a better balance between your personal and professional lives. Putting a down payment on a house or making improvements to your current residence will bring long term financial security. Beware of buying stylish merchandise that has no staying power. Aim for quality instead.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Working with a group could put you in the path of romance. If you’re single, it will be hard to resist the charms of a new arrival on your social scene. The two of you will feel an instant connection. Are you already in a relationship? Your partner will receive some very good news that means positive changes for the both of you. It may be necessary to quit your job, which will be bittersweet. You’re ready for an adventure. Pack your bags.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Going after a career opportunity will give you impetus and momentum. You’re never as attractive as when you move into competitive mode. Finding a job that draws on your artistic talent will be stimulating. Fortunately, you’ll be able to get a great recommendation from your boss, who wants you to go far. It may be necessary to bring a floundering romance to an end. You’re tired of wasting time on a dead end relationship. Get into the habit of putting a little of your income automatically into savings.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Developing your creative potential is your first priority. Studying with a respected teacher, going on a tour of world famous museums and writing a book are among the possibilities. Friends may resent the fact you don’t have much time for them, but it can’t be helped. You’ll be so busy wrapping up loose ends at work and making plans for the future that socialising will be pushed off the calendar. Stay focused on realising your dreams. If you can conceive it, you can achieve it.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Going after what you want is stimulating. You’re tired of deferring to others all of the time. If you’re thinking of moving, you could get in a bidding war for a piece of property. By keeping your cool, you will emerge the victor. A tense standoff with a neighbour will come to an end, much to your relief. This battle has drained you of valuable energy. Turn your attention to a solitary pursuit that brings lots of pleasure, like reading, writing or communing with nature.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your powers of persuasion are very strong. This is a great time to go after a new job or sell some expensive merchandise. If you’re in the performing arts, be sure to go on as many auditions as possible. You’re sure to land a great gig. A big cheque is on the way, but you’ll have to spend most of it on an expensive group venture. Think twice before signing on to such plans in the future. Resist the urge to flatter a vulnerable person for personal gain.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You’ll impress your boss with your progress at work. You dispatch duties with relative ease while looking cool as a cucumber. If you’re thinking of taking a job at a charitable organisation, do it. An idealist like you needs a job with an altruistic dimension. Your current boss will be angry and disillusioned when you give your notice, but that can’t be helped. It’s time to move on. Resist the urge to spend a lot of money on luxury goods. This is not the time to accumulate debt.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Take the lead in a romantic affair. The object of your affection is too shy to approach you. This will be a welcome change of pace for a naturally shy person like you. It feels great to assert your wants and needs. Someone will interrupt your privacy, demanding your help with an educational matter. You might have to help an expert prepare their notes or gather materials for an upcoming presentation. Resist the urge to put a friend on a pedestal, or you’ll set them up for failure.
In my next live I want to be a human! Feria de San Juan El Br... on Twitpic

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