Friday, September 20, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 21st September 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 21st September 2013 ::: September Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Putting money into a savings account will help your career prospects. It will be easier to take a wonderful job in your desired industry if you have some savings. Working as an apprentice or assistant to an influential executive is critical to your success. Not only will you acquire valuable skills, but you’ll also make important contacts. Alternatively, your business or romantic partner could support you while you get additional job training. Don’t worry; you can return the favour when you obtain a top job.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Your best friend or lover will help you realise a cherished dream. Follow their suggestion to improve your education or take a trip abroad. You’ve been holding down the fort for so long. It’s time to take a break from your regularly scheduled life. Your loved one will help attend to your responsibilities while you’re away. Enlist their aid in finding childcare, hiring a pet sitter or crafting a proposal for work. The sooner you stop making excuses for why you can’t realise your goal, the better.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Covering for an ailing colleague will be a profound relief to your employer. You can be trusted to juggle several tasks at once. Don’t be surprised when you’re given additional annual leave or perks as a result of your generosity. If you have an opportunity to invest in a profit sharing agreement, take it. This fund will provide additional income that will allow you to retire early or buy something luxurious that speaks to your heart. It’s time to plan for the distant future.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Taking a calculated risk will pay off handsomely. Your business or romantic partner is encouraging you to develop your creative talent. This could mean anything from taking an art class to submitting your work to a contest. Stop telling yourself there are more important things to do than indulge your love of music, design, film, art or writing. You have an obligation to pursue this passion. It’s what gives your life shape, meaning and purpose.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Providing a safe haven for your loved ones gives you profound pleasure. A relative who is down on their luck may ask to stay with you. Giving this family member shelter brings out the best in you. You hate seeing your loved one in such difficult circumstances, but it can’t be helped. Fortunately, your assistance will speed their healing process. You might even be able to find a job for them. Make it your mission to restore their faith in humankind.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Your superior knowledge of a subject results in a teaching job. You’ll enjoy working with advanced students who need additional encouragement to develop their talent. You’re not the type to give false praise. In fact, you’re one of the more demanding instructors. That’s why your students are so loyal. They know they will get an honest opinion from you. When you’re dealing with an ultra-sensitive pupil, strike a balance between criticism and encouragement.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Prudent handling of financial affairs puts you in a good position. Instead of being forced to take work on the basis of need, you’ll be able to choose assignments that appeal to your creative side. This will be wonderfully liberating. Have you been looking for a new job? Think about launching a home based business. This will allow you to set your own hours and spend more time with family. You have to admit it is tiring living at the whims of your employer.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) People feel like they’re in good hands with you. That’s because you project an air of calm assurance wherever you go. This would be a wonderful time to attract new clients or embark on a serious romance. You’ll make a wonderful impression if you enquire into other people’s interests, asking plenty of questions. Performing independent research on these subjects will work in your favour. Being able to converse intelligently with others will win their trust and pave the way for a rewarding relationship.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You have good instincts about financial matters. If you’ve been thinking about taking out an insurance policy or opening a retirement account, do it. Contributing a small portion of your income to this fund at each pay period is strongly advised. These days, too many people are living from payday to payday. By putting away some money for a rainy day, you’ll be in a much better position to retire when and where you want. That’s no small achievement.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Loyal friends will promote your business interests. If you want a job, spread the word among your nearest and dearest. Someone will hear of a position that is perfectly suited to your talent. After they submit your name to the powers that be, you will be left to dazzle your future employer. Don’t be afraid to emphasise your talent for organisation and leadership. These qualities are desperately needed and will help you land this desirable job. If you’re happily employed, think about launching a side business.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Assuming a high profile position will be deeply satisfying. It gives you great satisfaction to reform a troubled business or institution. You’re not afraid to make unpopular decisions for the sake of survival. At first, people will grumble about your methods. Eventually, they’ll reluctantly admit you brought the organisation back from the brink of disaster. Don’t discuss financial matters with others. Discretion is the better part of valour. It’s hard to distinguish friends from enemies at this stage of the game.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A chance to study with a respected teacher appeals to your intellectual side. You’ve been blessed with a remarkable brain. It’s time to develop it alongside someone who shares your interests. If a high paying job in your desired industry could be available, apply. In the past, you shied away from such positions. You preferred independence to obligation. Now you are older, such responsibility will come as a welcome challenge. Go ahead and fulfil your potential.
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