Saturday, November 30, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 1st December 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 30th November 2013 ::: December Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Getting your physical needs met is your first priority. Take care not to lead someone down the garden path. If you only want to fool around, say so. Pretending to pursue a serious relationship will only lead to heartache. You’re better than that. Do you have a romantic partner? You have a chance to build long term financial security together. Buying a house, opening a retirement account and compiling a stock portfolio are all good options. Make your money work for you.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Having a partner makes you feel safe and secure. It’s nice to know someone always has your best interests at heart. Your best friend or lover may have some painful advice to impart. Be open to their suggestion, even if it bruises your ego. If you don’t make some important changes, you won’t reach your full potential. That would be a shame. You’ve been blessed with so much innate talent. It’s time to develop it. Taking a class or practicing each day will bring about remarkable improvement.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Paving the way for a healthier future is a good use of your time. Join a gym or exercise class. Stock the pantry with nutritious food. Plan healthy meals for the week ahead. Establish a regular bedtime routine. If you’ve always taken good care of your body, you might want to expand your fitness routine. Activities that involve strengthening your mind and body connection are worth giving a try. You could begin to reap the benefits from the word ‘Go’ and you’ll feel great.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A powerful desire for romance is overwhelming. This would be a wonderful time to plan an intimate getaway with your amour. Visiting a beautiful resort by the sea will deepen your devotion to one another. Are you single? You could meet someone special while travelling. Be sure to pack your most attractive outfits. You’ll want to make a good impression wherever you go. This is also a good time to formalise a business agreement or sign official papers.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) As far as you’re concerned, family matters should be kept secret. You don’t like airing dirty laundry in public. Making up stories about an embarrassing situation will cause more problems than it is worth. Be honest about a relative’s learning difficulties, addiction or illness. Nobody will pass judgment. Actually, you’ll receive a great deal of kindness and compassion. Nobody is buying you’re strong, self sufficient act. Letting down your guard will improve your relationships across the board.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You have fixed opinions about many subjects. When someone doesn’t agree, you become disdainful. Try to be a little more open minded, especially with neighbours and family members. When you’re respectful of your peers, it becomes easier to work together. Remember, people can have unusual beliefs and still be kind, caring souls. Give credit where it is due. It takes all different types to make the world go around. Put earnings from a writing project into your savings account.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You prefer dealing with finances in private. Talking about money in a public forum has always seemed distasteful to you. It might be helpful to become more comfortable with this topic. Simply telling a salesperson you can’t afford something will save you lots of time and aggravation. Similarly, you should be able to broach the subject with your romantic and business partners. Teaching youngsters about the value of money is also important. Taking a class in financial management can be helpful.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You’ve always been deeply secretive and determined. These qualities are especially strong now. Unlike so many people, you don’t want to bask in the spotlight. You’d rather operate behind the scenes, away from the prying eyes of critics. If you feel like writing a book, this would be a great time to begin. Don’t tell anybody else about your project. You’ll be much more productive when people aren’t enquiring about your progress all the time. Let your imagination run wild.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Spending time on your own feels restorative. As a general rule, you enjoy making the round of parties and mixing with lots of different people. Recently your social life has become a little overwhelming. You’re ready to take things down a notch, if only to hear yourself think. Money from a business or romantic partnership will allow you to take a solitary holiday. Head for somewhere quiet with few distractions. That knot in your shoulders will immediately start to loosen.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) When it comes to friendship, quality is more important than quantity. You’d rather have a few close associates than a vast array of cohorts. Social networking exhausts you. You’d rather expend your energy on people who have a deep investment in your relationship. If you’re looking for love, you may choose to embark on a romance with someone you’ve known for years. The two of you have similar interests and values, which is often the bedrock of a solid union.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You impress others with the forcefulness of your mind. Once you develop a plan, you’ll stop at nothing to put it into practice. Even the most accomplished professionals will be astonished by determination. Fortunately, you’re friends with former colleagues who can help make your dream come true. Gather them together for a business lunch. Be sure to spring for the bill. Remember, they are doing you a favour. By joining forces, you can launch a profitable business or product line.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) When it comes to acquiring knowledge, you’d rather learn through firsthand experience than sit in a classroom. If you’re interested in a foreign culture, take a trip there. You’ll have a marvellous time sampling the cuisine, marvelling at the landscape and meeting the locals. If you’re travelling to a country where a different tongue is spoken, you should probably master a few key phrases. People usually appreciate it when you make an effort to learn their language.
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