Monday, August 19, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday 20th August 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 17th August 2013 ::: August Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) It’s very difficult to be flexible, but try for the sake of someone close. You might have your whole day planned, only to have things disrupted by an emergency. Instead of moaning and groaning, jump into action. The sooner you fulfil this obligation, the happier you will be. It’s also important to serve as a good example for them. If they see you showing grace under fire they will follow your lead. Never underestimate the effect you have as a role model.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You’re intent on playing it safe, which could backfire. It’s important for a creative force like you to take a few chances. If you lose some money as a result, it won’t matter. You can always make more in the future. The important thing is to venture into unfamiliar territory, so you can see the full range of possibilities available. Sticking with the tried and true will only compound your fear of the unknown. Model your behaviour after an adventurous Sagittarius you’ve always admired.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Beware of blurting out your thoughts in mixed company. You’ll fare much better by talking less than you listen. Important information is being shared. If you’ve got your ears open, you’ll hear information that will help you, both personally and professionally Don’t be so quick to discount a reformer’s theories. Although these predictions seem odd to you, they actually have a lot of merit. Sometimes it takes a person with unconventional views to recognise future trends.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Everybody else seems to be getting the hang of things, but you’re still trying to learn the basics. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Eventually, a light bulb will go off and you will see what your peers perceived in the early stages. That’s perfectly all right. You have another set of talents that is just as enviable. Once you master a lesson, you’ll never forget it. You also have the ability to intuit information that can’t be seen with the naked eye.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) It’s important to develop your raw talent. As a Fire sign, you’ve been blessed with tremendous creativity. Instead of taking it for granted, hone it to a dazzling brilliance. Studying with an expert will be humbling. Although you don’t enjoy practicing, you must do so. Adopting strange techniques is also part of the process. At first, you’ll feel awkward trying to gain a greater measure of control over your work. The harder you work, the easier it will come. Don’t give up.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) An inflexible authority figure is driving you to distraction. You’re not ready to commit to a certain work method until you’ve had a chance to experiment with it. Unfortunately, there isn’t time to test alternate theories. You just need to obey orders. Working quickly and efficiently won’t be a problem, provided you don’t let anger undermine your performance. This is your chance to show what a good team player you can be. If that means putting stubborn pride aside, so be it.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Usually, you’re willing to see the other person’s point of view. Right now, you are convinced that yours is the only opinion that counts. This can get you into trouble with a close relative or neighbour. Instead of giving a lecture on why you are right and they are wrong, listen to their ideas. You probably won’t change your mind, but at least you will have shown respect. That’s half the battle when working with someone who is entirely different.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Stop worrying what others will think of your behaviour. A die hard individualist like you will never gain total acceptance. Therefore, you’re better off following your instincts and letting the chips fall where they may. Discerning people will understand your viewpoint and champion your efforts. The rest will act upset and even offended. So be it. It’s better to know where you stand than assume everyone loves you. Besides, your creativity always soars when you face serious opposition.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Ignoring small problems will cause them to spiral out of control. You have to stop and fix any cracks that have appeared in your work. If you’re not sure how to proceed, a seasoned expert will. In the past, you poked fun at their stuffy attitude. Now you’re starting to appreciate their painstaking approach. Be sure to give your helper a token of your appreciation. Now you’ve seen a different side of them, you can forge a strong friendship.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Try not to be jealous of others. You’re an extremely capable person, but simply can’t do everything well. That would be unfair. By learning to rely on gifted colleagues and relatives, you will pave the way for better relationships. Everyone wants to feel admired and needed. By showing your appreciation for someone’s unique talent, you’ll become a valued friend. Don’t make the mistake of attaching your self worth to your income. The two are completely unrelated.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Making a decision is difficult, because both options aren’t good. When faced with such a dilemma, you might as well flip a coin. It’s not as though you can really endorse this plan. The longer you drag your feet, the harder life will be for others. Just pull the trigger and deal with the consequences. Once the powers that be realise what a mess they’ve created, they’ll scrap this plan and go back to the drawing board. At that point, you’ll breathe a sigh of relief.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) If you get bogged down by detail, you will lose sight of the big picture. Don’t worry about hitting all the marks. It’s more important to hand in a project before a deadline. Your colleagues are depending on you to bring this job to the next level. If you fail, it will reflect badly on them. Are you unemployed? You may not get a job you wanted. Take heart. A better position is just around the corner. The Universe has a plan for you.
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