Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 27th July 2013 ::: July Monthly Horoscopes
Aries (Mar21/Apr 20) A mother figure will try to pressure you to conform in the opening days of August, but you must keep marching to the beat of your own drummer. As the month gets into its stride working from home or catching up with repairs and renovations around and about the house will help you on a creative level, but don’t let a loved one push you into buying things you can’t afford. The second half of the month finds you taking up the challenging gauntlet of the world of work. This would be a good time to apply for a promotion or ask for a rise. Alternatively you could take a progressive line against a more conservative, cautious colleague and win praise and attention for your enterprising stance. End the month by taking a break, going on holiday or enjoying the company of people from far flung lands with different creeds and cultures.
Taurus (Apr 21/May 21) Family relations will be strained at the beginning of August. Your relatives won’t approve of an intimate friendship, and it feels like you’re being torn in two. Ultimately, you need to choose what is best for you. If you continue to do as your relatives wish, you’ll always feel as if you betrayed yourself. If you stand firm in your partner’s defence, the domestic drama will die down by mid-month. The days surrounding the 21st will draw fame and acclaim. Use the publicity as a springboard to a bigger and better opportunity. Jobs related to writing, teaching, and research are looking especially good. An intense romance will be a welcome diversion as August turns to September. You’re starting to realise just how deep your sensual side really is. Having an outlet for your sexual desires gives you an enticing sparkle. Don’t be surprised when heads turn every time you enter the room.
Gemini (May 22/June 21) Resist the urge to go on an expensive outing you can’t afford at the beginning of August. You need to save as much as possible for an upcoming endeavour that will afford a lot more pleasure. Troubling news about a relative reaches your ears near the 6th. You’ll have to rearrange your schedule to care for a family member who needs help with shopping, transportation, and medical care. Fortunately, neighbours and friends are ready to relieve some of your burdens. You will be offered a teaching or writing job around the 21st; it’s gratifying to know you’ve achieved expert status. Working from home can take some pressure off in the final week of August. Do whatever you can to avoid long commutes as the month draws to a close. If you have to go in to an office, see if you can stagger your hours so you don’t have to battle traffic.
Cancer (June 22/July 23) Money will go out as quickly as it comes in throughout early August. You’ll have to be frugal about day to day purchases. That way, you can cover any unexpected expenditures that come up. A business or romantic partner’s spending habits may be part of the problem. The two of you need to have a heart to heart talk about your financial priorities, or there will be rough sailing ahead. Luckily, you’ll be able to negotiate a raise or well paid position before the end of the month. Stick to your guns and demand what you are worth. An eccentric authority figure will admire your tenacity, and reward you for it. A romantic relationship reaches an exciting turning point near the 21st. At long last, you’re able to let down your defences with your amour, which creates an intimacy you’ve never experienced before. If you’re single, you will meet someone special at a party in the second half of August. You’ll feel an instinctive pull toward an aloof rebel who makes you laugh.
Leo (July 24/Aug 23) As July turns to August; you’ll have to bury your anger at a teacher or expert for the sake of a larger goal. Stop trying to impose your ideas on the process and just follow the rules. Eventually, you’ll be able to develop your own style. In the first half of the month you should listen more than you speak. Resist the urge to dramatically change your appearance around the 6th, or you’ll be disappointed. Stick to a classic look that has always looked well on you. There will be future opportunities to overhaul your image. Mid-August is perfect for taking a short trip for pleasure. Head for a beauty spot that always helped you rest and relax. You could even find romance on this trip, if you’re so inclined. An intimate relationship will give you great pleasure in the closing days of August. Let your partner take the lead in your relationship. It will give your ego a much gratifying boost.
Virgo (Aug 24/Sep 23) A power struggle over money erupts in early August. If you’re in an intimate relationship, you’ll have to strike a compromise with your lover. One of you is a saver and the other is a spender. By devising a thoughtful spending plan, the two of you will be able to avoid the explosive arguments that threaten to tear your relationship apart. Single? It may be because you’re reluctant to share your resources. Try to adopt a more generous attitude. A relative may betray a secret on the 6th; it will be difficult to forgive this transgression. Fortunately, you’ll get a welcome distraction in the second half of the month, when you get fame and acclaim for a job well done. Use this success as a springboard to another plum project. By the end of August, you’ll be able to choose the clients, customers, and projects that appeal to your artistic side.
Libra (Sept 24/Oct 23) Beware of overloading your schedule with public engagements at the beginning of August. You need to devote more time to your best friend or lover. Recently, you’ve become so wrapped up in your social obligations that you’ve forgotten your personal responsibilities. The 6th warns against revealing personal information to a new acquaintance. If you need a confidante, turn to someone who has proven their loyalty many times in the past. A business or romantic partner will encourage you to make a dream come true before the end of the month. This will involve taking a bold risk. Summon your courage and take the plunge. Venturing into unfamiliar ground will be very exhilarating. Working behind the scenes allows you to exercise your artistic talent at the end of August. Don’t show your efforts to anyone else until next month. That way, you won’t be discouraged by an ill founded criticism. Art needs to be nurtured like a small plant in its earliest stages.
Scorpio (Oct 24/Nov 22) Resist the urge to contradict an expert as August gets under way. You don’t like taking orders from anyone. Still, it’s important to adopt a humble attitude if you’re going to master a complicated piece of technology. Swallow your pride and ask for help when you need it. Beware of accepting a work or civic assignment around the 6th. You’ve already got too much on your plate, and the duties involved with this position will only compound your problems. Give yourself time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate at mid-month. Sneaking off to some secluded beauty spot will recharge your batteries. It could also put you on the path to love. A property deal comes to a successful conclusion near the 21st. You will have to move like lightning to reap the full benefit from this sale or purchase. August closes with a glamorous party. Be sure to wear something special to this festive occasion, as all eyes will be trained on you.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Resist the urge to move quickly in an intimate relationship at the beginning of August. If this romance is going to last, it needs to be gently nurtured. Yes, the chemistry between you is beyond belief. Still, that doesn’t mean you should jump the gun. Enjoy the courtship phase while it lasts; there will be plenty of time to settle into a comfortable routine later. If you’re already in a relationship, you need to be mindful of your partner’s sexual needs. Inquire about their desires and maintain an open mind. The chance to go on an overseas trip arrives quite suddenly at mid-month. Seize this opportunity the moment it is offered, or a quick thinking rival will snatch it from you. The final days of the month put you squarely in the spotlight. You’ll get plenty of fame and acclaim for your talent. Don’t be surprised if you’re offered a high powered job as a result of this publicity.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Don’t let family get in the way of your love life in the beginning of August. If a relative starts denigrating your amour, leap to your partner’s defence or your love life will experience a decided chill. The 6th warns against leaving personal information around where anyone can find it. If you don’t take added security precautions, you will become the victim of identity theft. You may want to sign up for a service that alerts you any time someone tries to take out a credit card in your name. An exciting letter from an educational, religious, or cultural institution will arrive near the 16th. Take this opportunity to study alongside a respected teacher. The skills you acquire will make you a hot commodity on the job market. You’ll have more money for luxuries as August turns to September. Spend a little of your earnings on a computer, phone, or e-reader. You’re long overdue for a gift.
Aquarius (Dec22/Jan20) The first days of August aren’t looking too positive for intense physical workouts. Treat your body gently, or you could incur an injury. While you’re at it, avoid fatty and spicy foods. Fresh fruit, leafy green vegetables, and whole grains will increase your energy and give you a healthy glow. Work will try to impact upon your love life in the days surrounding the 6th. Don’t let your job trump your loyalty to a romantic partner. If you make it your mission to delight your partner, the two of you will have a passionate packed interlude. A creative endeavour pays off handsomely in the days surrounding the 21st. Don’t be surprised when you are profiled by a prominent website, magazine, or newspaper. The last days of August are perfect for creating some long term financial security. Open a savings, retirement, or college fund. A series of small contributions will soon add up to a nice little nest egg.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) The opening days of August warn against mixing romance with finance. You can’t afford to buy lavish gifts for a lover. Even if you could, it’s not a good idea to buy someone’s affection. Sit down and have a frank conversation about money with your amour. It’s time to explore your attitudes about spending and saving. You will be offered a job on or around the 6th, but it won’t be worth taking. You’ll be expected to do a lot of thankless work for very little money, without any chance of advancement. Hold out for bigger and better opportunities, which will arrive at mid-month. Help from a government agency arrives near the 21st, allowing you to afford some high priced equipment. The waning days of August put the emphasis on partnerships. This is a great time to take on a business partner or make a romantic commitment. Two heads are definitely better than one as the month draws to a close.
Click photo to enlarge - more photos by j nichols .
Aries (Mar21/Apr 20) A mother figure will try to pressure you to conform in the opening days of August, but you must keep marching to the beat of your own drummer. As the month gets into its stride working from home or catching up with repairs and renovations around and about the house will help you on a creative level, but don’t let a loved one push you into buying things you can’t afford. The second half of the month finds you taking up the challenging gauntlet of the world of work. This would be a good time to apply for a promotion or ask for a rise. Alternatively you could take a progressive line against a more conservative, cautious colleague and win praise and attention for your enterprising stance. End the month by taking a break, going on holiday or enjoying the company of people from far flung lands with different creeds and cultures.
Taurus (Apr 21/May 21) Family relations will be strained at the beginning of August. Your relatives won’t approve of an intimate friendship, and it feels like you’re being torn in two. Ultimately, you need to choose what is best for you. If you continue to do as your relatives wish, you’ll always feel as if you betrayed yourself. If you stand firm in your partner’s defence, the domestic drama will die down by mid-month. The days surrounding the 21st will draw fame and acclaim. Use the publicity as a springboard to a bigger and better opportunity. Jobs related to writing, teaching, and research are looking especially good. An intense romance will be a welcome diversion as August turns to September. You’re starting to realise just how deep your sensual side really is. Having an outlet for your sexual desires gives you an enticing sparkle. Don’t be surprised when heads turn every time you enter the room.
Gemini (May 22/June 21) Resist the urge to go on an expensive outing you can’t afford at the beginning of August. You need to save as much as possible for an upcoming endeavour that will afford a lot more pleasure. Troubling news about a relative reaches your ears near the 6th. You’ll have to rearrange your schedule to care for a family member who needs help with shopping, transportation, and medical care. Fortunately, neighbours and friends are ready to relieve some of your burdens. You will be offered a teaching or writing job around the 21st; it’s gratifying to know you’ve achieved expert status. Working from home can take some pressure off in the final week of August. Do whatever you can to avoid long commutes as the month draws to a close. If you have to go in to an office, see if you can stagger your hours so you don’t have to battle traffic.
Cancer (June 22/July 23) Money will go out as quickly as it comes in throughout early August. You’ll have to be frugal about day to day purchases. That way, you can cover any unexpected expenditures that come up. A business or romantic partner’s spending habits may be part of the problem. The two of you need to have a heart to heart talk about your financial priorities, or there will be rough sailing ahead. Luckily, you’ll be able to negotiate a raise or well paid position before the end of the month. Stick to your guns and demand what you are worth. An eccentric authority figure will admire your tenacity, and reward you for it. A romantic relationship reaches an exciting turning point near the 21st. At long last, you’re able to let down your defences with your amour, which creates an intimacy you’ve never experienced before. If you’re single, you will meet someone special at a party in the second half of August. You’ll feel an instinctive pull toward an aloof rebel who makes you laugh.
Leo (July 24/Aug 23) As July turns to August; you’ll have to bury your anger at a teacher or expert for the sake of a larger goal. Stop trying to impose your ideas on the process and just follow the rules. Eventually, you’ll be able to develop your own style. In the first half of the month you should listen more than you speak. Resist the urge to dramatically change your appearance around the 6th, or you’ll be disappointed. Stick to a classic look that has always looked well on you. There will be future opportunities to overhaul your image. Mid-August is perfect for taking a short trip for pleasure. Head for a beauty spot that always helped you rest and relax. You could even find romance on this trip, if you’re so inclined. An intimate relationship will give you great pleasure in the closing days of August. Let your partner take the lead in your relationship. It will give your ego a much gratifying boost.
Virgo (Aug 24/Sep 23) A power struggle over money erupts in early August. If you’re in an intimate relationship, you’ll have to strike a compromise with your lover. One of you is a saver and the other is a spender. By devising a thoughtful spending plan, the two of you will be able to avoid the explosive arguments that threaten to tear your relationship apart. Single? It may be because you’re reluctant to share your resources. Try to adopt a more generous attitude. A relative may betray a secret on the 6th; it will be difficult to forgive this transgression. Fortunately, you’ll get a welcome distraction in the second half of the month, when you get fame and acclaim for a job well done. Use this success as a springboard to another plum project. By the end of August, you’ll be able to choose the clients, customers, and projects that appeal to your artistic side.
Libra (Sept 24/Oct 23) Beware of overloading your schedule with public engagements at the beginning of August. You need to devote more time to your best friend or lover. Recently, you’ve become so wrapped up in your social obligations that you’ve forgotten your personal responsibilities. The 6th warns against revealing personal information to a new acquaintance. If you need a confidante, turn to someone who has proven their loyalty many times in the past. A business or romantic partner will encourage you to make a dream come true before the end of the month. This will involve taking a bold risk. Summon your courage and take the plunge. Venturing into unfamiliar ground will be very exhilarating. Working behind the scenes allows you to exercise your artistic talent at the end of August. Don’t show your efforts to anyone else until next month. That way, you won’t be discouraged by an ill founded criticism. Art needs to be nurtured like a small plant in its earliest stages.
Scorpio (Oct 24/Nov 22) Resist the urge to contradict an expert as August gets under way. You don’t like taking orders from anyone. Still, it’s important to adopt a humble attitude if you’re going to master a complicated piece of technology. Swallow your pride and ask for help when you need it. Beware of accepting a work or civic assignment around the 6th. You’ve already got too much on your plate, and the duties involved with this position will only compound your problems. Give yourself time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate at mid-month. Sneaking off to some secluded beauty spot will recharge your batteries. It could also put you on the path to love. A property deal comes to a successful conclusion near the 21st. You will have to move like lightning to reap the full benefit from this sale or purchase. August closes with a glamorous party. Be sure to wear something special to this festive occasion, as all eyes will be trained on you.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Resist the urge to move quickly in an intimate relationship at the beginning of August. If this romance is going to last, it needs to be gently nurtured. Yes, the chemistry between you is beyond belief. Still, that doesn’t mean you should jump the gun. Enjoy the courtship phase while it lasts; there will be plenty of time to settle into a comfortable routine later. If you’re already in a relationship, you need to be mindful of your partner’s sexual needs. Inquire about their desires and maintain an open mind. The chance to go on an overseas trip arrives quite suddenly at mid-month. Seize this opportunity the moment it is offered, or a quick thinking rival will snatch it from you. The final days of the month put you squarely in the spotlight. You’ll get plenty of fame and acclaim for your talent. Don’t be surprised if you’re offered a high powered job as a result of this publicity.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Don’t let family get in the way of your love life in the beginning of August. If a relative starts denigrating your amour, leap to your partner’s defence or your love life will experience a decided chill. The 6th warns against leaving personal information around where anyone can find it. If you don’t take added security precautions, you will become the victim of identity theft. You may want to sign up for a service that alerts you any time someone tries to take out a credit card in your name. An exciting letter from an educational, religious, or cultural institution will arrive near the 16th. Take this opportunity to study alongside a respected teacher. The skills you acquire will make you a hot commodity on the job market. You’ll have more money for luxuries as August turns to September. Spend a little of your earnings on a computer, phone, or e-reader. You’re long overdue for a gift.
Aquarius (Dec22/Jan20) The first days of August aren’t looking too positive for intense physical workouts. Treat your body gently, or you could incur an injury. While you’re at it, avoid fatty and spicy foods. Fresh fruit, leafy green vegetables, and whole grains will increase your energy and give you a healthy glow. Work will try to impact upon your love life in the days surrounding the 6th. Don’t let your job trump your loyalty to a romantic partner. If you make it your mission to delight your partner, the two of you will have a passionate packed interlude. A creative endeavour pays off handsomely in the days surrounding the 21st. Don’t be surprised when you are profiled by a prominent website, magazine, or newspaper. The last days of August are perfect for creating some long term financial security. Open a savings, retirement, or college fund. A series of small contributions will soon add up to a nice little nest egg.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) The opening days of August warn against mixing romance with finance. You can’t afford to buy lavish gifts for a lover. Even if you could, it’s not a good idea to buy someone’s affection. Sit down and have a frank conversation about money with your amour. It’s time to explore your attitudes about spending and saving. You will be offered a job on or around the 6th, but it won’t be worth taking. You’ll be expected to do a lot of thankless work for very little money, without any chance of advancement. Hold out for bigger and better opportunities, which will arrive at mid-month. Help from a government agency arrives near the 21st, allowing you to afford some high priced equipment. The waning days of August put the emphasis on partnerships. This is a great time to take on a business partner or make a romantic commitment. Two heads are definitely better than one as the month draws to a close.

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The mind hears what it wants to, the problem is listening to what the heart has to say, without interruption from the mind.
— Spiritual Truths (@TheGodLight) July 28, 2013
To know our monthly career horoscope, we can go online or just check it in the newspapers. Our career horoscope can really helps us in the business or the career of upcoming life.
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