Friday, August 16, 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 17th August 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 17th August 2013 ::: August Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You have no intention of making a serious commitment, which probably won’t please someone who is close to your heart. Contrary to what they think, you really do want them to be happy. It’s just you can’t give up your freedom right now. You want to keep your options open, even at the risk of losing the comfort of a familiar relationship. Exercise can relieve tension. This is the best time of the entire year to launch a health enhancing programme. While you’re at it, improve your diet, too.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Making a splash at a professional conference or party might make others jealous. They’re tired of you getting all of the praise and attention. Don’t feel guilty about your success. You’ve worked hard to earn people’s respect and admiration. It hasn’t been easy, which is why it is important to enjoy the happiness of this moment. Things are going very well on the romantic front. If you’re single, you could meet someone special in a place or setting that you would not usually visit or be seen in.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You’ve outgrown your current responsibilities and want to explore greener pastures. Unfortunately, those around you might not automatically agree to fit in with your plans. They are confusing your desire for growth for a rejection of their company. Take this opportunity to set the record straight. You’re simply too restless to stay in one place for a long time. Domestic responsibilities will keep you close to home. Don’t put off an important repair any longer, or a small problem could grow into a big disaster.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Reaching out to a loved could be more difficult than you think. They don’t seem to be in the mood to share their thoughts and feelings. It may be better to concentrate on your own cares and concerns rather than focussing on the needs of those around you. If you feel the need for more excitement and adventure in your life think about taking a holiday or joining forces with a group of friends who don’t necessarily feel they have to fit in with what other people expect them to do or say.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Working alongside a partner won’t be as easy as you think. You have set ideas about how work should be performed that they might not share. Don’t let a stubborn attitude get in the way of producing great results. It’s time to make concessions for the sake of the big picture. A moneymaking opportunity is on the way. You could make extra cash by teaching, writing or doing research. Putting together travel itineraries for tour groups could be a good use of your organisational skills.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Putting your affairs in order will be difficult, thanks to a friend who keeps diverting and distracting your efforts. The two of you need to come to an understanding regarding a shared space. You simply can’t stand to be surrounded by chaos any longer. It’s possible you’ll move to a place of your own. Renting a private room or office is another possibility. Being able to control your environment will fuel your creativity. It will also make you more productive, happy and healthy.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Being generous and kind to a loved one could backfire. Other friends will be jealous of the attention you’re giving to someone else. There’s no way to win in a situation like this. The best thing you can do is pamper yourself. Your employer might make promises they can’t keep, so don’t make holiday plans just yet. All of this uncertainty brings out the worst in your best friend or romantic partner. Carve out time from your busy schedule to enjoy some private moments together.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) The nurturing you want from family isn’t forthcoming. They’re more concerned about keeping up appearances than pursuing happiness. Follow your instincts. If a job is no longer working for you, find another one. This may mean entering a period of uncertainty, but that’s better than enduring a miserable situation. Put your happiness ahead of all other considerations. Friends will be enormously supportive, especially ones who have to fend for themselves.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You hope to spend more time doing the things you love with the people you love. Unfortunately, you’re surrounded by those who think nothing of intruding on your privacy. You’ll have to get tough with them or they’ll continue to sap your energy. Stop making promises you can’t keep. If you’re too busy to volunteer for a worthy cause, say so. It’s better to be honest than set others up for disappointment. Your career prospects are heating up. Keep your eyes open for a new position in your desired field.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Writing helps you focus. If you’re not sure what you would like to be doing this time next year you should start listing your aims and objectives. Over the next few days, an exciting plan will emerge. Your subconscious knows what it wants; you just have to tap into it and listen to it. No matter how hard a loved one tries to win favour with your family, it just won’t work. Reassure your friend of your love and devotion. Your kin’s disapproval is just an attempt to control you. Don’t take the bait.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You’re eager to wrap up a collaborative effort, but it won’t be easy. Your partner keeps asking you questions and trying to reconnect. All you want is to begin a new project. No matter how diplomatically you try to bring things to a close, there could be fireworks. That’s the price you have to pay for being fabulous; nobody wants to leave your orbit. Money from an inheritance, legal settlement or dividend allows you to become more independent. Put a big portion of this windfall into savings.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Try not to get lost in a fantasy world. There are still lots of work to be done. Colleagues are counting on you to deliver certain materials, information or advice on time. If you fail to deliver, you’ll jeopardise their jobs. Focus like a laser on your goals. An unexpected bill could put a dent in your personal life. It may be necessary to cancel a trip or luxury purchase. Lean on a practical friend for support. Their words of wisdom will put your disappointment in proper perspective.

  photos by
the street where I lived as a child 
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Russell Grant Astrology Ltd
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