Weekly HoroscopesHoroscopes
Saturday 1 May - Saturday 8 May - Saturday 15 May - Saturday 22 May - Saturday 29 May
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Aries (March 21 to April 20)
The 3rd is perfect for applying to a religious, cultural, or educational institution. If you want some fast money, hold a yard sale near the 7th. Revamping your look with a new hairstyle or fashionable wardrobe is favoured on the 14th. Neither a lender nor a borrower be on or around the 17th. The 18th prompts you to take the helm of a large organisation. You could get fantastic publicity for your creative work on the 19th. The pace of daily life becomes slow and pleasant as the 20th approaches. Attracting more moneymaking opportunities will be easy in the days surrounding the 21st. Don’t let a friend tempt you into abandoning your responsibilities on the 23rd. Acquiring a new skill will be more difficult than you think near the 24th. A legal settlement, tax refund, or inheritance puts more money in your bank account around the 27th. Your private life could undergo exciting changes on the 28th. After lots of work, a youngster could finally make progress on the 30th. It may be necessary to revise your role at work around the 31st.
Gemini (May22 to June21)
Behind the scenes negotiations are favoured on the 3rd. An admirer pays you a sincere compliment on the 7th; let it sink into your bones. You get a great opportunity to rest, relax and rejuvenate on the 14th. All the charm in the world won’t get you out of a work responsibility near the 17th; accept your fate and roll up your sleeves. A relative doesn’t think much of your style on the 18th, but stay true to your instincts. Stay close to friends and family near the 19th; they’ll help you withstand a terrible disappointment. More money for luxuries becomes available in the days surrounding the 20th. The 23rd finds you facing off with an authority figure that expects too much. Resist the urge to splurge on the 24th. A close partnership leads to success on or around the 27th. Your dreams undergo some unusual twists and turns near the 28th. Be ready to confront some painful emotions on the 30th; working through this issue will be very liberating. Be sure to confirm travel arrangements before embarking on a trip around the 31st.
Trust your intuition about a magnetic person’s attentions on or around the 3rd. Working behind the scenes puts more money in your pocket near the 7th. The 14th finds your social circle expanding in exciting ways; a sexy foreigner is making their way into your life. Don’t accept a person’s claims of expertise without seeing some documentation on or around the 17th. The 18th forces you to defend yourself from unfair accusations. Your knowledgeable comments on the 19th attract a big fan base. A friend may invite you on a last minute trip around the 20th. Mood swings overtake your life on or around the 23rd; seek out friends who can lend a more balanced perspective. A lack of consideration could undermine a close relationship near the 24th. The results of a fitness regimen are evident to everyone in the days surrounding the 27th. Pursuing an unusual career path will become increasingly attractive in the days surrounding the 28th. Furthering your education becomes much easier once the 30th arrives; sign up for a class and work toward a certificate.
Leo (July 24 to August 23)
Someone special has their eye on you so trust your instincts when it comes to love and romance at the start of May. You make a great impression on authority fixtures around the 7th. The 14th brings a chance to teach, write, or travel; this opportunity could put you on the road to romance. Don’t undermine a female friend’s enthusiasm on the 18th; just because you disagree with her plans doesn’t mean you have to voice your opposition. The 19th finds you developing a latent artistic talent; sign up for a class with an inspiring teacher. Take the lead in a partnership on or around the 20th. Try not to take a loved one’s generosity for granted around the 23rd. Your obsession with someone close could be hurting your social life in the days surrounding the 24th. Finding a healthier living arrangement will be good for you in the days surrounding the 27th. The 28th sends a jolt of electricity into your love life. A stalled plan for self improvement roars back to life on the 30th. Work takes on a more creative aspect at the end of May.
Resourceful use of money helps you create a more financially secure future near the 3rd. Venturing into new territory on the 7th puts you in contact with some stimulating people. A steamy physical encounter gives you a sexy glow on the 14th. Don’t overestimate your expertise on the 17th; a colleague may have something to teach you on this fateful day. The 18th is perfect for planning a romantic, fun filled vacation. Your sex appeal attracts the attention of someone who is much older or younger on or around the 19th. Don’t be surprised if a colleague starts looking at you with lustful eyes on the 20th. Don’t give in to your worst fears on the 23rd, especially as far as your health is concerned. Resist the urge to tell your boss what you think they want to hear on the 24th; it’s better to state the plain, unvarnished truth. Good news regarding your best friend, business partner, or amour reaches your ears on the 27th; this is cause for celebration! You’ll start attracting some unusual people into your life starting the 28th.
Anticipating a loved one’s wants and wishes at the start of the month draws you closer together. The 7th finds you in a passionate embrace with a magnetic lover. An exciting relationship gives you a new lease of life on or around the 14th. Don’t make an expensive purchase without asking a loved one near the 17th. You could find yourself on the path to romance on or around the 18th; take your time instead of rushing into bed. The 19th favours secret alliances and backroom business deals. An attentive admirer could take you by surprise in the days surrounding the 20th. Don’t neglect your friends on the 23rd, even if you are embroiled in a passionate romance. The 24th finds you wrangling with a manipulative relative who is threatened by your expertise. You finally get paid for a big job on the 27th, enabling you to buy some expensive new equipment. Unusual job opportunities abound after the 28th. Friends will be more helpful than they have in the past after the 30th. It may be necessary to take a more realistic view of a relative’s self destructive behaviour as the month of May draws to a close. Can you help them? Possibly.
Sagittarius (November 23 to December 21)
You can talk your way into a fantastic job at the start of May. Let an expert take you under his wing in the days surrounding the 7th. Launching an exercise regimen on the 14th will lift your spirits. Your family may try to meddle in your personal affairs around the 17th; beware of giving them too much assess to your private life. Your reputation as a hard worker helps you land a terrific work assignment on the 19th. A loved one gives the inspiration you need to pursue a cherished dream in the days surrounding the 20th. Beware of overloading your credit card with expensive purchases near the 23rd. Your boss could deliver some painful criticisms on the 24th; be willing to listen and learn. Exercise restraint with your budget around the 25th, or it could take years to emerge from debt. You have to be willing to discipline a badly behaved youngster in the days surrounding the 26th. A self improvement programme yields exciting results near the 27th. The quickest way to a lover’s heart as the month comes to an end is through their mind.
Capricorn (December 22 to January 20)
Your powers of seduction will prove irresistible on or around the 3rd. A creative work assignment fills an emotional void in the days surrounding the 7th. A romance, baby, or creative project takes your life in an exciting new direction on the 14th. Flattery will get you nowhere with a delusional colleague near the 17th. Avoid getting in an argument about religion or politics around the 18th. A masterful friend or partner captures your heart in the days surrounding the 19th. The 20th is perfect for taking time out of your schedule to visit a nearby friend. Beware of discouraging a friend from pursuing their dreams on the 23rd, just because you think he’s being impractical. Try not to be selfish in the days surrounding the 24th, or you could drive a loved one away. The 27th finds you emerging from a long period of loneliness; a close partnership is starting to fill the emotional void. It may be hard to get a handle on your emotions around the 28th. A stalled business trip could go back on schedule after the 30th.
Positive changes on the home front will occur on the 3rd; a relative or roommate could soon join the fold. A casual flirtation turns red hot in the days surrounding the 7th. A real estate deal on the 14th will increase your financial fortune; this is a great time to buy or sell a piece of property. Resist the urge to buy a youngster’s affection on the 17th; your young friend wants your attention more than expensive gifts. Keeping separate bank accounts may be the secret to a relationship’s success in the days surrounding the 18th. The 19th warns against lavish expenditures; you need to keep your money safe in the bank. The 20th is ideal for adding new items to your wardrobe. Spending lots of money on someone you fancy on the 23rd won’t win or buy their affection. A hidden enemy may cause trouble for you at work on or around the 24th. The pace of your daily life becomes frenetic after the 28th. A group effort comes to a successful conclusion near the 27th, and word will spread of your talent. Revise a creative project on the 31st.
Pisces (February 20 to March 20)
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