Monday, February 27, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 26th February 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 25th February 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) This is not a good time to get embroiled in legal disputes. It may be necessary to cut your losses and look for more favourable situations, rather than pour all of your efforts into fighting someone who has wronged you. It's difficult for you to walk away from a fight. Still, if you insist on airing your dirty laundry, you'll be sorely disappointed. Stop dwelling on the way things ought to be and start forging a new path towards happiness.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You're starting to feel the effects of overwork. It's imperative you take a break, before you do your body a serious injury. Health is too precious to jeopardise for a deadline or plum position. Explain your problem to your boss. If you don't get a sympathetic reception, at least you will have stood up for yourself. Colleagues aren't very supportive, either, as they have grown to rely on your steadfast ways. That's simply too bad. You've only got one pair of hands!
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Take extra precautions with a romance, or you could put yourself in a very difficult position. It sounds simplistic, but you can't be too careful. If you're single, it will be difficult to meet someone special. Friends are taking the lion's share of your attention. It would be wise to go solo as a means to meet someone who is your cup of tea. You have tastes that are distinctively different; stop defending them to well intentioned friends.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Don't let your tendency towards melancholia spoil a good day. Take some extra care with your appearance, and wear something that lifts your spirits. Smile at people and ask how they're faring. Pretty soon, your forced cheerfulness will turn into the real thing. So often, moods are a matter of choice. You can either decide to be miserable or choose to be happy. It doesn't matter what's happening in your life; there's always something positive to look forward to.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You have a pessimistic outlook, even when things are looking good. Maybe you're afraid of being disappointed. Unfortunately, a negative attitude could diminish your opportunities. Do your best to look on the bright side. Surround yourself with people who make you laugh, and avoid those who want to drag you down into a pit of despair. Make a list of five things for which you are grateful. Often, this is enough to lift your spirits. You're really very fortunate.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It will be a struggle to meet your financial obligations. This is through no fault of your own. You've always been hard working and diligent. Unfortunately, there are too few opportunities. Rather than cursing your circumstances, look for a way to take advantage of your situation. You've been blessed with writing talent. Writing a memoir, screenplay, or novel will give you a new lease on life. You don't have to publish this work, if you don't want. Just do it for fun!
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) A recent rivalry makes you question your own abilities. Although you may not be as skilled or adept as the competition, that's no reason to give up. The more you practice and persevere, the happier you will be. You owe it to yourself to pursue your dreams, even if it means risking disappointment. It's far worse to give up than to try and fail. Model your behaviour after an athlete, artist, or politician who faced similar difficulties, but managed to achieve distinction in their own unique way.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) The difficulties you are experiencing are being made worse by a pessimistic outlook. Start looking for opportunities, rather than focusing on disappointments. You're entering a very creative period so don't let this chance to show off your talents slip through your fingers. Any endeavour that requires lots of imagination is favoured. Granted, such projects may not bring fame or acclaim, but they will keep depression at bay and give your ego a much needed boost.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) As much as you need help, it won't be forthcoming. You'll just have to do the best you can with the limited resources you have. In time, the powers that be will see how hard you've been struggling, and send more supplies. Until that time, focus on being as resourceful as possible. Resist the urge to go home early and take time off. Although work feels oppressive, it still has to be done so roll your sleeves up and get on with it.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You're the subject of intense scrutiny, and it's uncomfortable. It would be so much simpler if you were able to do your job without having to explain every move. Unfortunately, recent circumstances have made the powers that be concerned about corruption and theft. By demonstrating your methods are entirely above board, you'll avoid trouble. For now take care not to cut any corners or bend the rules. You must be scrupulous in everything you do.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Gaining entry to a school, club, or professional organisation will be difficult. Your methods are too radical for the people in charge. Although this news comes as a bitter disappointment, that doesn't mean all your efforts will go to waste. Instead, you might be able to launch your own business or organisation, based on your visionary principles. It will take time and effort to get this venture off the ground, but once people get a taste of your offerings, they'll come flooding back for more.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Endings are rarely easy, but they are necessary to bring you to the next stage of life. Resist the urge to dwell on memories, and make a plan for the future. It's important to put some money away into savings, if only to give you a greater range of choices. Put a percentage of your income into the bank each pay period, even if it's a nominal amount. If you're unemployed, think about going to get some specialised training.

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