Friday, March 2, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 3rd March 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 3rd March 2011

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) It's frustrating to deal with people who are less talented. Still, you don't have any choice in the matter. You'll have to wait patiently while a friend, neighbour, or relative tries to solve a relatively easy problem. Offering to take over the job will only compound the problem. Find a way to divert your attention while you're forced to be idle. Read a book, make a sketch, or make a shopping list. Eventually, things will get moving again.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) An argumentative youngster or lover is too much to bear. You're tired of being forced to walk on eggshells. If something you do or say meets with their disapproval, so be it. Don't apologise. You have a right to your opinion, and should feel free to do work in the manner you see fit. Holding your ground will set an important precedent in your relationship. The days of you yielding all of your power for the sake of harmony are over.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You've always relied on logic to make decisions. That's why overly emotional people irritate you so much. You're sick and tired of listening to their fears, since they have no basis in reality. The next time you're warned against taking a reasonable risk, you might snap. This won't help your relationship, but it will make you feel better. Besides, it's time this pest understood just how much their negative attitude is undermining your productivity.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Although you've worked long and hard to attain a certain level of excellence, very few people appreciate it. It may be necessary to take a job that is beneath your ability, just to pay the bills. Don't be embarrassed. Many people have had to resort to such measures in this economy. The important thing is to remember your contributions will be valued in the future. For now, just focus on getting your immediate needs met, in the simplest way possible.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You're extremely short tempered, thanks to the financial limitations that have been imposed on you. Ultimately, you can't afford things that have given you comfort in the past. You find this frustrating, but it's not the end of the world. Learning to live within your means will be a valuable lesson. It will teach you that you need very little to be happy. This change will also prompt you to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, like spending time with friends and family.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Restless energy prompts you to act entirely out of character. Instead of doing your best to serve others, you'll meet your own needs first. Some will resent your pushy behaviour, but don't apologise. There's not always enough time to say 'please' and 'thank you.' Besides, your polite behaviour has caused others to steamroll over your needs. Until you fight back, they'll continue to take advantage of your generosity and kindness. It may be time to break off an oppressive business or romantic relationship.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Suppressing your anger is taking a toll on your health. Although you may not be able to confront the source of your rage, you can find an outlet for it. Channel your considerable artistic gifts into a writing, music, or painting project. Normally, you enjoy creating art that is pleasing to the senses. This project will be a departure from your regular output. Still, the results will be compelling. Best of all, they will provide welcome relief from all the frustration that's been building.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Friends are pressuring you into making a decision. They won't be very happy with your choice. Even if you don't like letting down your loved ones, it can't be helped. You simply have to err on the side of your own happiness. This may mean staying with a partner who makes your pulse pound, or keeping a job that allows you to pursue your favourite hobby. No matter what form your rebellion takes, it will cause some dissention in your social circle.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You're not afraid of causing a commotion. An overly demanding relative has driven your patience past the breaking point. Don't give into their demands, and explain why you've had enough of their abusive behaviour. Other members of your family will admire your brave stance, but fail to back you up. That's because they're afraid of falling out of favour. You're smart enough to know you will not only survive on your own, but will actually thrive without the support of this tyrant.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) A pushy authority figure is making it difficult to do your job. You've always been clear and direct in your methods. Unfortunately, your supervisor prefers an underhanded approach. Operating under the radar helps them to maintain their power. It looks as if the two of you are in for a heated argument. Make sure you have witnesses to this exchange, so you won't have to do any damage control later. Everyone will take your side when they hear the whole story.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Arguments over money will erupt, disrupting your peace and quiet. If there's anything you can't stand, its rampant materialism. You can live quite happily on a small income. Still, you're angry that people are trying to take away your fair share out of sheer greed. Don't make any hasty decisions. By being patient and refusing to react to provocative behaviour, you'll gain the upper hand. Pretty soon, these opportunists will shrivel up like salted snails.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You're tired of being polite and letting others go first all the time. Assert your own agenda, even at the risk of appearing rude. People will be shocked by your strong stance, but they'll admire it, too. You've got great ideas and strong beliefs. By putting them at the top of the agenda, you'll gain a reputation for a powerful creative force. Before you know it, people will be deferring to you, rather than pushing you aside.

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