Friday, March 9, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 10th March 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 3rd March 2011
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Being kind and considerate towards your peers is essential to your success. While you will have more knowledge and experience than everyone else, you possess only one pair of hands. You need help to get a project off the ground and while your colleagues will be clumsy, even careless at first, they do have promise. Offer praise and encouragement instead of criticism. Beware of resorting to underhanded tactics, or they will be exposed, and your reputation will suffer.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A sudden change of fortune could throw you for a loop. A relationship that felt solid could crumble to dust. Alternatively, a reliable dividend could dry up overnight. Don’t panic. You have all the charm and sex appeal necessary to find bigger and better opportunities. This is the Universe’s way of prompting you forward. Your talents are too great to stay in a restrictive situation. Don’t be too lenient with a youngster who is playing up. Some firm discipline is needed.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) It’s important to follow your intuition, especially where relatives and neighbours are concerned. If you sense that someone feels sensitive about a topic, back off immediately. Not everybody can handle controversy the way you can. Acting like an authority could backfire on you. Someone who seems naive could actually have intimate knowledge of this subject. Flattery will get you everywhere regarding a romantic interest. We all need to feel worshipped from time to time.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) A headstrong attitude could drive a wedge between you and a business or romantic partner. You must be a little more flexible when working with them. Just because their methods are different doesn’t mean they are less effective. Focus on the results, rather than the means. Envy or jealousy could rear its ugly head tonight. Don’t jump to conclusions if you see the object of your affection talking with someone else. It could all be perfectly innocent and probably is.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Resist the urge to go on a shopping spree, or you could live to regret it. The momentary buzz you get from loading up on luxuries will be undercut by the sleepless nights you have as a result of worrying over bills. Exercising financial responsibility will win the respect of a loved one. Your friend appreciates the fact you’re working hard to ensure your long term security. Spending a relaxing weekend at home will recharge your batteries. Enjoy a big meal with your nearest and dearest.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Financial issues are coming into focus. It will seem like you’re making less money than everybody else. Before you buy into such a pessimistic notion, consider the possibility that these people are up to their eyeballs in debt. Instead of trying to match their spending, find ways to make your money go further. Focus on the many blessings you already enjoy. Find an employer who pays what you are worth. By cultivating a prosperity consciousness, you’ll become magnetic to wealth.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Signing a contract, formalising a relationship, or negotiating a deal are all favoured. If you’ve been feuding with a close friend, extend an olive branch. This is your chance to clear the air. Remember that the person in question will be very emotional at first, and say things they don’t mean. Take their initial comments with a large dose of salt. A romantic interest will be giving mixed signals. Be patient and don’t try to run before you can walk.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Networking is a very good idea now. If you find yourself attracted to one of your new friends, keep your feelings a secret right now. You wouldn’t want to undermine a potentially strong business contact. The more professional you appear, the more respected you will be. A large organisation could appeal to you for financial support. Before writing out a cheque, ask to see some information about how their business manages its money. If you don’t, you could leave yourself wide open.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Keep an open mind when talking to young people, even if their ideas seem naïve or half baked. Some plans require relentless optimism to get off the ground. Maybe you have bad memories of when you tried something bold. Don’t let this experience prompt you to discourage your friends. Offering creative instruction will be the best service you can perform for these kids. With a little luck, these relationships will revive plans you abandoned long ago. It’s never too late to try again.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Don’t seek out someone’s friendship just because they can advance your interests. Such cynical behaviour could reflect poorly on your reputation. An unexpected expense could force you to change your plans for the weekend. Luckily, you’ll have no trouble enjoying an inexpensive amusement. Keeping a commitment to a loved one draws you closer together. It’s important to stand by each other when times get tough. Your compassionate nature draws lots of romantic attention.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Don’t let your preoccupation with a love affair get in the way of personal responsibility. It’s more important to fulfil your obligations to others than send steamy emails to your amour. A dividend you’ve come to depend on could suddenly dry up. This could be a blessing in disguise. Finding another source of income will make your more independent. Teaming up with an artist could prompt you to develop your own creative talents. Painting, writing, acting, or dancing could be a profound common bond.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) This is not a good time to launch an advertising or public relations campaign. Some shocking information could come to light, making your effort look ridiculous. Wait a few days before drawing attention to your idea. A relative’s outrageous behaviour can’t be ignored any longer. You’ve got to confront them before they do something dangerous. This showdown could wear on your nerves. Retreating to a quiet, beautiful place will restore your good humour. Luxuriate in a hot, scented bath.
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