Thursday, May 24, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Friday 25th May 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Your attitude will make a tremendous difference to your success. If you continue to entertain the worst case scenario, you will probably get stuck in your tracks. Try to be as energetic and enthusiastic as possible, especially when you encounter problems. Are you having communication problems with a relative or neighbour? Don't broach a difficult topic. You'll just pour gasoline on a smouldering fire. Eventually, the two of you will resolve this issue, but only when both of your tempers die down.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Working with a group will be a constant source of frustration. It feels like everyone is working at crossed purposes. No matter how much experience you have, newcomers will ignore your advice. In the end, you'll probably have to throw out your work and start all over again. Therefore, it's probably best to contribute the bare minimum. That way, you'll have plenty of energy to rescue the endeavour at the eleventh hour. Set yourself up to play the hero.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Someone will promise to deliver you goods or services by a certain time, but won't be able to keep their word. This puts you in an awkward position. The only way you can avert disaster is having a second plan ready, in case the first one falls through. Yelling and screaming at the guilty party will be a waste of valuable energy. It will also reflect badly on you. The mark of a true professional is the ability to retain grace under fire.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Take a practical approach to teaching a difficult subject. You will have to break down this lesson into small, digestible parts. Assume your students know absolutely nothing about this field. If your approach is too simplistic, they'll tell you. Chances are they'll be grateful for your elementary presentation. Someone who pretends to be an expert really has no idea what they are doing. It may be necessary to take them aside and share a word or two of advice with them.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Keep tight control over your finances. Don't entrust anyone with your passwords or bank codes. The last thing you want to do is spend the entire day on the phone, trying to clear up a fraud. If a loved one has been behaving irresponsibly with your money, it's time to have a talk. Avoid using shame as a means to change their ways. The only way the two of you will resolve this issue is by treating each other with care and respect.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It feels like your best friend is wilfully misunderstanding you. No matter what you do or say, they simply aren't getting the message. Maybe this is a sign you are being controlling. Instead of trying to change their methods, back off. Give your loved one some breathing space. Decide whether it would be better for you to compromise. By demonstrating you are willing to meet someone halfway, you'll pave the road for a better relationship. After all, nobody likes being ordered around.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Beware of the company you keep. Friends who indulge in bad habits will try to bring you along for the ride. Although you enjoy having fun, you hate having to deal with the consequences. Stick to sparkling water and light dinner fare. That way, you'll be able to make the most of the upcoming break. If a friend seems threatened by your unwillingness to indulge, take note. Maybe this is a sign you need to surround yourself with people who are more mindful of your welfare.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) A troubled romance will force you to make a choice. You either have to accept your lover's faults or move on to greener pastures. This dilemma is really about demanding what is best for you. Do you want to be treated as if you are second best? Don't you want to feel like you are adored and cherished? Aren't you tired of giving all the time, and getting precious little in return? Be honest and draw a line in the sand. You'll feel so much better as a result.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) It's hard to make progress when you're surrounded by chaos. Take this opportunity to straighten up your living and work areas. Get rid of anything you haven't used in over a year. If you have to keep files, store them neatly away in clearly labelled containers. If the thought of tackling a massive cleanup is too much to bear, start with a single drawer. The weeding process is addictive. Pretty soon, you'll turn your attention to a cluttered closet, and the trend will continue.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Someone will leave you vague instructions, which is very frustrating. Instead of trying to carry them out, wait for the person who made them. You don't want to have to do weeks of work, and then scrap it because some important detail was omitted. Vent your frustrations through a vigorous workout. Physical activity helps alleviate stress. It also triggers creativity. A brilliant solution to your problem may occur while you're using the treadmill. Stranger things have happened.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Don't mix friendship with finance. If someone dear to your heart asks for a loan, you have to do some careful thinking. If you're able to help, give this money as a gift and do not expect repayment. This will help you avoid any resentment that will erupt in the future. It's difficult to feel indebted to your nearest and dearest. To avoid trouble altogether, you might want to just put the cash in an unmarked envelope and drop it in their mailbox.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) An unrealistic view of your career prospects is setting you up for disappointment. If you really want to venture into your desired industry, you've got to make some adjustments. Get an advanced degree, or work as an apprentice to a master. Do whatever it takes to get some practical experience under your belt. If you enjoy what you do for a living, you may need to switch employers to get ahead. Schedule a talk with your boss to discuss your future.
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