Saturday, June 2, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Sunday June 3rd 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 2nd June 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Resist the urge to go on a shopping spree. Keeping your money safe in the bank will protect you from future hardship. There's no harm in treating yourself every once in a while, but it's important to have a safety net. It's possible someone you love will incur a fine that needs to be paid immediately. If this has been a recurring problem, it is probably best to make them foot this bill on their own. If you don't, you'll encourage their bad behaviour.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Sometimes it's better to make an unpopular decision than try to please the crowd. No matter what you do or say, somebody is bound to get angry. Therefore, you have to weigh your options and go with the choice that works best for the greatest amount of people. Resist the urge to flatter an executive as a means to make a good impression. You'll stand out more if you give a measured opinion of their strengths and weaknesses.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Try to be more supportive of a friend who is undergoing a difficult change. Their new lifestyle feels threatening, but it's actually the only path that leads to health and happiness for them. Offer your blessing, even if it means you'll be spending less time together. Try not to criticise their approach to getting better, even if you don't agree with it. Some people require prayer, others medical intervention, and still others psychotherapy to overcome their problems.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Don't make promises you cannot keep. A friend who is in a bad situation needs help, but you're not able to provide it. This is really painful, because you're such a nurturing person. Unfortunately, you simply do not possess the resources for rescue. As far as providing emotional support, you're running low on patience. It seems like your loved one is always getting into difficult situations like these. Maybe it's time they faced their problems on their own.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Don't expect to move to the top of the class right away. There are plenty of other people who have been waiting patiently for their moment in the sun. If you get passed up for an award or promotion, remain philosophical. Ask your boss what you can do to get ahead. It's quite possible your only option is to wait until you've attained seniority. If this lack of opportunity is unsettling, look for another job at a company with growth potential.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Beware of getting pulled into an organisation by a charismatic leader. Although their credentials are impressive, many of them are inflated. A simple Internet search will reveal the truth. You don't want to give your hard earned money to someone who is going to squander it. If you want to support a good cause, choose a reputable charity that has been around for years. That way, you can still generate positive energy without worrying about whether your donation makes a difference.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Be scrupulously honest in all business dealings, or your reputation will be harmed. If a customer is dissatisfied with their purchase, go the extra mile to fix the problem. It may be necessary to offer a full refund. Console yourself with the knowledge that your customer will walk away feeling mollified. These days, that's a rare feeling. In the end, you will be rewarded for doing the right thing. Don't accept a job offer until all the terms are articulated in an official document.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Saying one thing and doing another will get you in lots of trouble. It's important to earn the respect of others. Wait your turn in line, fill out the official paperwork, and do not demand discounts. That way, nobody could ever accuse you of ethical violations. Children are especially impressionable. By setting a good example for your young friends, they'll escape the pitfalls of their wayward peers. Avoid risking your heart and wallet right now.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Stop burning the candle at both ends. Your health is in jeopardy. Instead of staying out all night, go straight home after work. Turn off your mobile, prepare a healthy meal, and eat in restful surroundings. Follow a relaxing bedtime ritual. You might want to take a hot bath or shower before retiring. Stay away from the computer for at least two hours before going to sleep. If you have a hard time dropping off, listen to relaxing music or an audio book.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You're having a great time, but need to go back to work. Letting personal responsibilities slip through the cracks will result in disaster. Others are relying on you to meet deadlines and provide information. If you continue to be missing in action, their livelihoods will be affected. There's nothing wrong with wanting to escape from the pressures of daily life. Still, you have to put safety measures in place before abandoning your duties.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Resist the urge to be overprotective with a relative. The only way your loved one is going to learn a hard lesson is through personal experience. Although your desire to shield them from harm is admirable, it is also dangerous. The sooner you step out of the way, the better your relationship will become. When you let others take risks, you are demonstrating faith in their abilities. That's one of the nicest compliments you could ever give.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) It's time to get your head out of the clouds. Dreaming of a day that will never come is creating serious problems. If you're in a dead end relationship, ditch it now. Is your job making you miserable? Find another one, instead of waiting to win the lottery. Is there something you've always wanted to do, but keep putting off to another day? Get started now. The sooner you take a proactive stance, the happier you will be. You're too gifted to stay stuck in this rut.
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