Thursday, June 28, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Friday 29th June 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 23rd June 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) A strong need to explore makes you reluctant to want to settle down. Either in terms of committing yourself to a long term relationship or accepting a job offer. The thought of tying yourself to anyone or any one thing makes you feel nervous. If something tells you it is time to introduce more stability in your life, the decision won't be so difficult, but if there's not enough on offer for you to want to stick around, the wrong choice will make you very unhappy.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) On the one hand you're being encouraged to go with your basest instincts, on the other, to listen to your head. Conflicting advice makes it hard for you to even know what you really want. You can't tune into your intuition when you're feeling this confused and your head is so full of messages other people are trying to get across. What's important is you find a way to express your feelings so they don't get bottled up inside.
Gemini (May22/June21) To avoid misunderstandings, there should be no hinting, no teasing and no making others try to guess what you are thinking. The best way to hold a serious conversation is to be honest and to encourage others to be truthful with you. You're inclined to want to lighten the atmosphere, but if what needs to be said is going to upset someone and there's no avoiding this, the best thing you can do is take a deep breath and give it to them straight.
Cancer (June22/July23) Going through a difficult ordeal inspires you to grasp life more dearly as a result. You're starting to realise how quickly things can change. You can't keep dwelling on this and you will try to think positively and plan for the future. The power of the human spirit can sometimes be underestimated. Huge challenges are going on within you and you're becoming more aware of the strength of your personality. Believe in yourself.
Leo (July24/Aug23) You're up against a powerful person and you're both taking your aims far too seriously. You're so focused on the one intent that you aren't even noticing how uncomfortable the tension is making those around you. Be less defensive. Once you relax you will see and hear things from a different perspective and will find it easier to tolerate a stubborn person's behaviour. Throw a little humour into the situation and this will instantly ease tension and interrupt the power struggle.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) How do you build and maintain a relationship when everyday commitments make it impossible to have a social life? You might feel as if life is doing what it wants with you and you have little choice about it. When under pressure it can be easy to see more negatives than positives. If you're feeling confined or restricted in any way by responsibilities, imagine how you would like your life to be and create a list of steps that will help you achieve this.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Sometimes information comes to you and you don't know why but it feels right; trust your gut instinct today. You might be dealing with someone who always acts as if they're right and who naturally thinks you will agree. If you don't, they will try to persuade you to change your mind. Remember your first, instinctive reaction. You will be annoyed with yourself if you ignore this now, then later wish you'd trusted your instincts.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You're surprised by someone's reaction to an offer you had thought they would be delighted about. Even their excuses and explanations for feeling the way they do sound feeble to you. You can't control other people's feelings but you do have control over your own reactions. If you're starting to suspect a situation you enjoy will soon be changing, you can just live in the moment and enjoy what you do have while it's there.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) A dispute in the workplace will remind you of a schoolyard brawl. Trying to work out who did what to whom, when and why will be impossible when everyone is talking at the same time and tempers are heated. The only way to deal with any contention will be to take each person aside to talk to independently. If you're involved in the conflict, be sensible and wait until the dust has settled before you point out the mistaken assumptions others are making.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) If someone is trying to stop you from seeing certain people or attending social get togethers, what are they trying to hide? If a new partner's not keen on you meeting their family, do they actually know you exist? Why is it so important for them to keep you away from their closest friends and relatives? If you believe their excuses, you're burying your head in the sand. There's something else going on that they've not yet made you aware of.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You are at the dawn of a great venture into something new and exciting. Changes ahead could lead you into a glowing metamorphosis you never would have imagined for yourself. As with any change of direction there will be moments when you might feel a little lost, uncertain or lonely. If this is a joint undertaking the transition will be easier as you support and encourage each other. Overcome the challenges ahead and look forward to a brighter future.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Surprise someone you are keen to please with a gift or treat for no reason other than you want to make them happy. Celebrate your friendships by arranging a get together or group outing that gives everyone a chance to enjoy themselves. Organise a talent show, barbecue or swimming party at your local pool. Invite everyone you can think of who means something to you. There are dozens of reasons for throwing a party so, create one of your own and have some fun.
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