Friday, September 14, 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b.15th September 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 15th September 2012


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Having a hard time making ends meet? A temporary or part time position could help you bridge the gap; start looking for something that suits your abilities. In a few months you'll be glad to have saved extra cash as Christmas costs start to bite. An overlooked detail at home or at work will hold things up and cause you some frustration. If you're planning a trip it might be a good idea to take a map and not rely too heavily on sat-nav technology that could take you to some strange places.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Looking good at a social event puts you in a confident mood. Getting a bargain gives you even more pleasure. You're such a savvy shopper, others could learn from your strategies! Guilty pleasures of one kind and another tempt you, so sticking to a diet plan or bounding up from your chair in favour of some sort of physical exercise is difficult. Knowing this in advance enables you to take precautions, like eating something nutritious before heading into a field of tempting pies and pastries!
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You can be a handful when you want to be. Acting without a thought for consequences is easy, especially when you're all fired up about a prospect; thinking saves the day, so do some of that! A friend's reputation depends on your intervention. You’ll be wondering whether or not to share an idea with someone you work with. Best keep things to yourself until you get legal backup, like a copyright or trademark. News of a big change affecting a close relative reaches you.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Sometimes it's both fun to just head for the hills and see where you end up. It also takes you away from people and issues you're best not to get entangled with now and puts you in place to make new discoveries, tangible and intangible! Love and money go hand in hand when you cross paths with an intriguing individual. Whether this goes the distance or just brings a delightful interlude, it's a good experience overall, and will make an interesting chapter in your future memoirs!
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) The feeling that you can do no wrong is simply over confidence, which will be shaken if you keep going the way you have been. Although many compliments come your way, don’t let them go to your head. They're based on what others see, not what’s necessarily real! There's someone circling who'd be happy to take you down a notch or two, so don't give them anything to work with! An imaginative solution to a financial crunch appears as if out of nowhere, thank your lucky stars and use it!
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Working is in focus now, meaning examining your career path, finding a new job, or improving your housekeeping skills! Whatever work you do, whether in an office, shop, factory or in the home, you're providing a valued service. Attending to your health is another important aspect of life now, if you've not seen your doctor or dentist for a long time, go for a check up. Dreams and schemes can't be enacted if you're not in tiptop shape, so don't neglect this.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) You're about to come into your hottest time of year, so get ready! Think about giving yourself a new look or taking on a fresh style to lift your spirits and boost your image. People's bad manners annoy you more than usual, and you should not be too frightened or shy to take them to task. Creating contentment and beauty in the world is part of your overall mission! Home repairs need to be done before any redecorating or remodelling effort, so get everything ship shape now.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your home or workplace is a revolving door for friends or colleagues to breeze through. Even some people you had only a passing relationship with want to reconnect. If you have any unfinished business with these people deal with it now. Don’t sacrifice comfort for fashion. You should wear and do what you feel is best. Above all this is a time when pleasing yourself has to be your number one priority so forget peer pressure and do what you want to do, not what you think you should do.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Trying to discuss personal matters brings a whole range of pressures and problems to bear on you. You can ease the mental stress by talking with someone who can help you sort everything out. Seek a professional if that's what's needed, or connect with a wise and experienced friend. Something you saw as a setback or disappointment turns into a happy new experience. You begin to see what a waste of time it was to be so upset and can apply this helpful insight to future events.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Fun loving workmates put a damper on your day, as you prefer to keep working steadily without interruption, but a little fun might actually help you do a better job in the long run. Take a break and refresh yourself! If you're keen on settling down, but haven’t popped the question or said “Yes” when it was popped, take the long view regarding what life with a particular partner would look like. Although you have some natural differences, how well do you match up on the important things?
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) With all the friends you have, it's no wonder that more often than not they turn to you for advice. Stay alert and read between the lines, some of these don't really want any counsel; they just like seeing you and talking. If you think this is a waste of your time you’ll have to let them down gently. By the time you've listened to one tale of woe after another, you'll need a stress reliever yourself! Music, movement, an engaging movie or a night at the pub all offer some of what sets you to rights.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) There are lots of good ideas floating about; it's hard to know which one to follow up. With your innate insight you're able to hit on just the right idea at just the right time. Don't let criticism derail your dreams. You may be intrigued by an impromptu conversation that catches you off guard with someone you meet at work or in the pub or coffee shop. For no apparent reason you will start talking, but everything is meant for a reason and this chance encounter could be the start of something big. 
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Russell Grant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia - Traducir esta página
Russell John Dammerall Grant (born 5 February 1951) is a British astrologer and media personality. He has written several books on Astrology, provides ...

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