Friday, October 12, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Saturday 13th October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 13th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) A close relationship is suffering because you aren’t communicating well. You might be talking to each other but you aren’t saying the right words. If jealousy or suspicion has been a problem recently, work on strategies to control these negative emotions. Apologise if you feel you haven’t been fair and you’ve put your partner through unnecessary hurt. On the other hand if friends agree with you that they’re behaving suspiciously, ask your other half to explain why.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You’re wondering why your partner got involved with you if they still have feelings for their ex. There’s always a sense of being compared with their past relationships and found wanting. It would have been fairer on you if you hadn’t got together in the first place. You can’t help feeling they’re hoping to get back with their ex while keeping you on a string as plan B. Maybe now is the time for you to issue an ultimatum and take charge of your future.
Gemini (May22/June21) A friend or someone who is a big part of your life is high maintenance; you’re finding it hard to tell them ‘no.’ They always expect to get their own way and you will admit you’ve had a part to play in bringing this about. Whether it was for an easy life or because you wanted to make them happy, it has always been easier to give in to their demands. Now it is unrealistic to keep giving without counting the cost. Time for a heart-to-heart.
Cancer (June22/July23) Ignore any sarcastic comments coming from someone who should know better. You know your work is up to standard. So if a new manager hints that your efforts do not compare well with others who are doing the same thing, ask them to clarify what they are trying to say. Don’t allow anyone to coerce, cajole or undermine you and don’t benchmark your self esteem on comments made by someone who may not know what they’re talking about.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Once you’ve identified where you’ve been going wrong and why you keep bumping into problems you can remedy the situation. If working overtime has been putting a strain on a close relationship, you might arrange it so you can spend more time with your partner. If a loved one’s goals are changing, your relationship also needs to change. Be ready to make new arrangements that help you adjust to new circumstances. Nothing stays the same forever.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) You’re growing tired with the way someone tries to dominate every conversation. Even when you aren’t talking to them, they butt in and insist on having their opinion heard. You’re tempted to tell them what you think but before you do, consider why they might be so pushy. It could be their way of hiding how shy or insecure they really feel. Encourage others to relax and be themselves with you. You could be surprised by what you discover.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) You’re surprised that a comment or announcement bothers you as much as it does. You hadn’t expected something you were half expecting to hear to have such an emotional impact. You may have thought you’d prepared yourself for this day but you can’t help your feelings. This just goes to show that until something happens, you don’t always know how you will react even if you had thought you knew yourself well.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You’re torn between a desire for freedom and a need to mix with others and feel connected to the world. Keeping in touch via the internet might help feed your need to be alone and in touch with others. Just don’t make it a habit of avoiding people or you will grow very alone and isolated in a bubble of your own making. If you’re feeling a little sorry for yourself, treat yourself to something nice that will give you plenty of intellectual stimulation.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You might be struggling to understand how your boss expects you to do so much when you only have one pair of hands. Instead of taking on new staff, new duties are being distributed between existing employees. If the pressure is affecting your health and you’re starting to suffer from stress-related illnesses, you won’t be the only one. Call a meeting to discuss more efficient ways of handling any extra work.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) A task you took on with confidence and enthusiasm has hit so many problems you feel it is doomed to failure. You’re almost ready to give up, but not quite. One last attempt just might help push it all back in the other direction and at last you will start to see results. Don’t have another go at methods that failed in the past. Instead approach it from a completely new direction. Or ask for help from someone who can look at the situation through fresh eyes.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) It might not be practical or realistic to change your job even if some aspects of the work is becoming tiresome. Feeling frustrated because you aren’t able to change a situation that makes you unhappy will lead to irritability, tension and even depression. To be more positive try to make the most of what you do have. Instead of complaining about your career, think about how you might use your free time to your best advantage.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) There are other possibilities you should be willing to consider as well as those put to you by a professional. If you aren’t happy with expert advice get a second or third opinion. Conversations with friends seem to hold a hidden message when you sense some comments are being aimed at you. Someone would like to give you advice but they aren’t certain how you will take it. They’re hoping you will pick up on what they are trying to say in a roundabout way.
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