Thursday, October 11, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Friday 12th October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 6th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Today you and a partner will display unity with the emphasis on reducing joint commitments. For what it’s worth, you might make some suggestions to a close friend knowing they too could do with decluttering their life. Whether they accept or ignore your advice it doesn’t really matter because once the day is underway you will be too busy sorting out your own concerns, to notice. Expect to feel proud of your efforts by this evening.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A case of mistaken identity could cause some tense moments but this will also give you something to laugh about. Taking over another person’s responsibilities may be necessary, either because they aren’t up to the task or they must give other concerns priority. Whatever the reason, you will understand and you won’t mind helping them out. Evening hours will be dedicated to your partner when you want to give them your sole attention.
Gemini (May22/June21) Both in business and romance it will pay to check out the competition. Knowing what you are up against helps you plan ahead bearing in mind a number of ‘what if?’ situations. It pays to stay positive as believing in yourself and your future success can become a self-fulfilling prophesy. Keep an eye on competitors but don’t try to duplicate what they are doing. Be creative and dare to be original.
Cancer (June22/July23) There is more focus on family concerns with the domestic budget on top of the list. Housemates may claim to be watching their spending but you could come up with a few examples that show they aren’t really. Once you put your heads together you might agree on a number of ways to save on household expenses. Using energy efficient appliances, bargain shopping and changing energy suppliers could be the first steps towards making a difference.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Why keep analysing a recent event when there is nothing you can do to change what has already occurred? If this is an examination, test or interview, worrying about how well you have done is holding you back and stopping you getting on with other concerns. The more complex the situation the longer you’re going to have to wait for results. Push the matter out of your mind as there are plenty of other tasks you should be getting on with.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Where is your partner or best friend when you need some advice? Either their mobile doesn’t have a signal or it’s switched off when you try to reach them. You could do with their thoughts on a decision you have to make but you may have to go ahead without their input. The tone and context of an email received from a senior colleague makes you nervous but you will soon find out it was meant for someone else with a similar name.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) You aren’t willing to take a risk and give out information that should remain confidential. This means being firm with someone who is asking too many questions. You understand their curiosity but you aren’t in a position to give the answers they are looking for. It doesn’t matter if this makes you seem harsh or unfeeling. Consider the long-term implications as your job or another position could be at stake if you were to give too much away.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Create a personal development plan that might help you achieve your ambitions. Prove to those who doubt you that you have the stamina and determination to make your dreams come true. Set your goals and work out a strategy to achieve them that will involve you making small achievements along the way. Be sociable and get talking to people who might be able to put a few tips your way. You could offer to do a favour for them, in return.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Waiting for someone to contact you when they said they would will be like sitting watching paint dry. You might check your emails and text messages a dozen times in the same number of minutes but it will soon become obvious they’ve either forgotten or they don’t intend to carry out their promise. It’s hard to understand why someone can’t make the effort to send a quick few words to let you know what’s going on.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You are expected to be available for work if you are called in to deal with an incident in your area of speciality. This makes planning a family break difficult when you can’t travel too far away. Your partner or other loved ones are growing tired of having to make sacrifices for your career. Even when you are with them, work-related text messages and phone calls keep invading the peace. Can you blame them for wondering how important they actually are to you?
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Even though you aren’t achieving your goals as quickly as expected you won’t give up on them now. It is and has always been important to you to meet your self-set targets. Anyone who tries to discourage or tempt you away from your main aims will be unsuccessful. You would rather have the freedom to focus on areas that interest you, than to give up your hopes for the sake of someone who doesn’t really understand you.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) If someone is making ultimatums and you don’t like their attitude; you might decide it is time to call it a day. You can be stubborn when you need to be and if you do disappear from their life you will never look back. They may have expected you to beg for forgiveness but why feel guilty about wanting to live your life as you see fit? You don’t intend to waste a single second more of your time on someone who seems to think they can control you.
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