Saturday, October 20, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Sunday 21st October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 20th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) If you keep your plans and ideas on the prudent side you are more likely to gain the support you are looking for. The more ambitious your ideas, the more hesitant some people will be to back them. Some may be willing to take a calculated risk but few if anyone will be keen on taking action that holds a substantial probability of failure. Be sensible about which ideas to share and your initiative could land you a better job or a promotion.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Consult a health professional for advice if you are thinking about starting a new exercise or health regime. You might even think about hiring a personal trainer if you are serious about reaching your fitness goals. Remember it’s not all about exercise but good nutrition is important too, if you want to look and feel your best. Explore different options when it comes to health, beauty and diet.
Gemini (May22/June21) Places you visit or are proposing to visit will have some form of romantic link with the past. Nothing is stopping you from acting on an urge to look up an old friend or neighbour or to contact someone who meant a lot to you in times gone by. It is your own nervousness about how they will react that is holding you back. Involve your family in your social affairs so they don’t feel you would rather be with other people than with them.
Cancer (June22/July23) Someone might wonder why you’ve kept up a passion for years when they’ve grown bored with the idea very quickly. One man’s meat, as they say, is another man’s poison. You aren’t going to give up an interest you’ve always enjoyed just because other people don’t understand it. It seems like what’s important to you doesn’t mean as much to others but you are doing nothing wrong. Don’t let anyone who thinks they can make your decisions for you, get away with it.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Be careful about who you are seen with and what you do or you could land at the centre of a scandal. You might be feeling quite relaxed but it’s when you let down your guard that you could say something you will later regret. Someone has been secretly resentful of your recent achievements and they will use any slip up you make today against you. Heed the need for caution as well as optimism.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) You can do a lot with a little, whether it is cash or time that needs stretching. Because you have more control, or the final say in joint undertakings, a partner stands to benefit from your ideas. An email will remind you of something you wanted to do for someone. It isn’t too late to carry out an altruistic gesture. A small gift, word of praise or a thank you message will help make someone’s day.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) Conversations are lively and will certainly exercise the jaw but you really need to be physically active too. Too much talk and not enough action isn’t going to get anything done. You may have dreamed of having a relaxing day but you also wanted to get quite a number of little jobs out of the way. Start on them early on while your energy levels are high and look forward to a more lazy and laid back evening.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You need your personal space but your privacy is being invaded by someone who wants to be in constant contact. When you aren’t together, they are either phoning you, emailing or texting you. Worse still, they expect regular replies when you simply haven’t got the time. You have enough to do without being in touch with one person constantly. They need to accept that not only are you a very busy person but there are others who need you too.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You’ve always been forthright in your intentions but take care not to trample on anyone’s feelings. In your enthusiasm and haste to get involved you could accidentally upset someone. Hurting them will ultimately hurt you too, when you do care about what they think of you. Contentious relationships can also affect your health in negative ways so keep the atmosphere harmonious and tread with care. A good outcome to your intentions will depend on your ability to stand by your principles.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) The more weird and wonderful the ideas you come up with, the more likely you are to want to act on them. For once it will be spontaneous thoughts and suggestions that grab your interest. You aren’t the only person who is putting your imagination to work. A partner might suggest some weird and wacky things they want to do with you. If you like what they are thinking about, tell them straight away. It’s not often you like to act on impulse.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) A disagreement threatens to escalate into a legal battle unless someone steps in and acts as mediator. It might be up to you to keep the atmosphere calm if this issue is to be resolved in a diplomatic way. Legal fees are a big consideration before getting professionals involved. It will be far less expensive in the long run to sort this matter out between you, rather than going to court.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) As far as different beliefs, views and backgrounds are concerned; you can still be friends if you and someone you like disagree. Where there are misunderstandings in a relationship due to you having been brought up very differently or because you don’t share the same outlook, talk and learn from each other. Be open minded and this along with the willingness to compromise will help keep you together for a very long time.
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