Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Wednesday 10th October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 6th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Friendship can strike up anywhere but you will look back on the moment and be glad you and another found each other. You might meet during an evening class or training course, while on a job assignment or when taking the children to school. Once you get talking, you will strike up an instant friendship and this will be a relationship or even romance that will stand the test of time.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A plot is revealed that takes you completely by surprise. People have been skilfully and determinedly working on a way to deliberately disturb the peace. A key part of their strategy was to prove old methods are out-dated and it is time to introduce new techniques or technology. Conflict between the old and new is going to be a clear battleground within a professional environment.
Gemini (May22/June21) You might insist on paying for entertainment enjoyed with a friend, partner or loved one. Although you know they are strapped for cash, you also want their company. The plans you have in mind for the day won’t be the same without them. So when they reach for their purse they will discover you have already taken care of it. You have always been giving and if you can afford it, you don’t mind sharing what you have got.
Cancer (June22/July23) After turning down an offer or suggestion, you might be annoyed when someone continues to text you. They’re hoping that if they keep telling you what you’re missing out on, you will change your mind. What they don’t realise is their communications are having the opposite effect. The more they pester you the more you are determined not to have anything more to do with them in the future. Others are starting to see your stubborn side.
Leo (July24/Aug23) You know you didn’t do anything wrong even when someone is accusing you of making a mistake. You would accept their accusation if you felt it was justified and you would even admit to having made the error but it was not you. To prove your innocence you may have to do a little delving to discover exactly who made the blunder. Your next dilemma will be: do you really want to reveal your findings if this might cause someone embarrassment?
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Chances are you will be in a Peter Pan world where all sorts of ideas flow through your mind, none of them very practical. If you are lonely and looking for love, it is up to you to make an effort. You won’t find a partner while sitting around waiting for someone to come along and dreaming of what could be. If you’re holding back from getting involved with anyone for fear of getting hurt, just think of the wonderful experiences you could be missing out on.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) You will know what they mean when someone admits to being wary about a new opportunity. It might all sound plausible and interesting but something tells you that you aren’t being told everything. If there are risks or flaws, those who are hoping to get you to sign up for the offer aren’t about to tell you. It will be necessary to do a little delving before making a decision. Effort made today pays off later.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your findings about proposed changes in your career area chime with the concerns of others at the same time. The powers that be haven’t told you everything. They seem to expect employees to accept their decisions without question. Employees are starting to feel the boss hasn’t got a grip on reality. Arrange a meeting to discuss your grievances as soon as possible especially if you hope to stop some plans from going ahead.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You’re tempted to say no when asked to attend a glamorous event in place of an absent colleague. It may not be protocol when there are others who are more experienced but the powers that be have chosen you to represent their company. It is possible that this is your reward for having recently made a good impression on someone or you have skills that will come in useful for this venture.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Meeting a professional in an informal setting will still feel slightly intimidating. You will automatically hold back when they invite your opinion or ask for your views on a matter that isn’t their subject. You don’t feel confident about sharing your humble opinions with such a successful person. What might surprise you is they’re genuinely interested in what you have to say. So when they ask direct questions, give them direct answers.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) What’s most exciting about attending a big event in your community is the assortment of people you will get to meet. Striking up conversations with someone you would never have considered to be your type could lead to the start of a new friendship or romance. You have never been a person to judge or to jump to conclusions but you will admit to being pleasantly surprised by some developments today.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Daydreams are getting ahead of reality; you’re too excited about possibilities that may never happen. Slow down before you make mistakes. As you work towards your goals, keep your expectations realistic and nip thoughts that aren’t based on anything solid, in the bud. Give yourself a little pep talk to keep you focused or heed the advice of a practical friend. A sensible approach is all you need to get your hopes back in perspective.
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