Monday, October 8, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Tuesday 9th October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 6th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) This is not the first time someone you trusted lets you down and it won’t be the last. Being left to carry out a joint project on your own isn’t daunting at all. At least that’s what you will be telling everyone when deep down you’re annoyed about having been left in the lurch. Be prepared for this to happen again if you’ve already made similar arrangements with the same people. They aren’t going to change so why not cancel these future plans?
Taurus (Apr21/May21) There will be no last minute changes to your work situation but gradual ones are more likely. This makes it easier for you to get used to them. You appreciate the chance to observe, analyse your feelings and prepare for what is likely to occur. Others are champing at the bit wanting things to happen immediately but you won’t let their impatience bother you. For once the situation suits you more than others and you won’t be in a rush to change it.
Gemini (May22/June21) Your gift for the gab will come in useful when you are challenged by a know-it-all. They’re about to discover that anything they say or do, you can do it better. You might detect an air of suppressed excitement when you visit a friend you haven’t seen for a while. Something quite out of the usual is brewing and their plans could affect you, too, but it will spoil the surprise to go any further.
Cancer (June22/July23) You may be relying more on extended family members for help these days, but you give plenty in return. You have always been there whenever your relatives needed you so stop feeling guilty about approaching them for assistance now. You might be noticing a change in family roles as younger relatives take over responsibilities normally carried out by older ones or vice-versa. Take pride in the way you all work so well together.
Leo (July24/Aug23) You might wonder how other people perceive a situation which is causing some conflict between you and a colleague. They cannot see your point of view and you have no idea where they are coming from. Getting a third opinion might help you both reach a better understanding of each other. In the meantime, stop arguing and find something useful to do. Arguing is such a waste of time especially when there are deadlines looming ahead.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) You weren’t too harsh on someone who asked for a loan if you’ve been able to help them out in other ways. A friend who has been careless with their cash isn’t going to learn good money-sense if they know they can rely on others to help them out whenever they get into bother. Suggesting they draw up a budget to see where they can make savings may not be received with enthusiasm but rest assured: you have given sensible advice.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) It might seem as if your Guardian Angel is trying to tell you something, today so pay attention. Heed your instincts if a song you hear on the radio reminds you of someone you suddenly want to get in touch with. Or if an advert, poster or magazine article seems to be meant for your eyes only. Trust your intuition and you will feel this day has been meaningful in some special way, as you fall into bed this evening.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You want to get so much done that it’s hard to concentrate on one thing at a time, but that’s what you should be doing. Expect to make very little progress if you keep flitting from one job to another. Make a list of priorities and tick them off one by one as you work your way through it. Accept help from anyone who is willing to give it providing you can trust them to do as good a job as you.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) If there is no specific way to do a task, ignore anyone who insinuates you are doing it wrong. You will respect that an older friend or colleague may have used the same method for years. You aren’t disputing that there’s anything wrong in what they do, but if they try to push you into using the same techniques when you find other ways are far easier, refuse to go along with them. As you will soon prove, there are multiple ways to achieve similar goals.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) An achievement or award makes you feel confident and successful. Others are seeing a new and more elated side of you as you share your bright ideas. Public acclaim heightens your optimism. It will be disconcerting that you feel the same on the inside and that you haven’t changed. Yet others see a new improved person on the outside. Get used to it as you might soon find yourself in a leadership position.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You’re ready to make a commitment but you will also keep your options open. It won’t be enough for you to proceed in one direction when you would like to experiment in a few other areas. That’s why you will insist on a trial period and if this doesn’t work, you will be free to try something different. A loved one could receive a good sum of money as a prize, gift or bonus.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Whatever brings you pleasure don’t feel guilty about enjoying it while it lasts. It might be a hobby, sport, a new romance or walking in the rain but as long as it isn’t interfering with any important business you need to do, follow your inclination to have a little fun. If on the other hand a little of what you fancy might hinder your business progress or threaten a close relationship, then it would be advisable to ignore it.
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