Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Thursday 28th February 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 23rd February 2013


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You have a lovely opportunity to slow down and smell the flowers. Take time out of your busy schedule to luxuriate in the bath, curl up for a nap, or read a couple of chapters from a good book. Even a highly active person like you needs to rest every once in a while. If you’re in love, you will be tempted to sneak off to a private hideaway with your amour. Get lost in each other’s arms.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Joining a spiritual or self help group is strongly advised. You’re tired of having friends and family look at you like you have three heads, just because your interests are different from theirs. Meeting kindred spirits will boost your confidence. One of your new friends will introduce you to a new writer, musician, or filmmaker. Your artistic side needs stimulation. If you keep grinding your gears with work, it will become increasingly difficult to develop ideas. Go ahead and feed your imagination.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You have an opportunity to inspire your team with good leadership. Fortunately, you’re very versatile and work easily with a variety of people. By adjusting your approach to suit each individual, you will yield impressive results. Don’t be tough with someone who has low self esteem. When dealing with a slacker, be firm. Self starters will need an occasional pat on the back, while more motivated people require constant approval. After you’ve finished mustering and mastering everyone, give a pep talk to the entire group.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Reading a romantic book transports you away from real world troubles. It’s a relief to be diverted. Lately, your schedule has kept you busy, until you’ve scarcely had a chance to draw breath. Now you’re able to slow down a little, you’re ready to be entertained. If you’re not sure which book to choose, ask a well read friend for a recommendation. A novel that looks deadly dull will turn out to be wildly entertaining. Sometimes you really can’t judge a book by its cover.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Sneaking away with an attentive lover is strongly advised. Your sensual side demands satisfaction. Let your amour linger over your sensitive spots. If you’re single, you could meet someone special at an art class or house of worship. You’ll have to make the first move, as the object of your affection is quite shy. Fortunately, you’ve never had a problem going after what you want. A relative will give you a beautiful gift with great sentimental value. Treasure this token of their affection.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It’s easy to put your partner on a pedestal. Lately, it seems like they can do no wrong. You appreciate your amour’s willingness to go the extra mile for you. In the past, you were stuck with people who took advantage of your nurturing nature. Now you’re with somebody who is just as giving as you are. Are you looking for love? It’s time to retreat an artist’s flirtatious glances. Give this admirer a chance; you won’t be sorry.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Gentle exercise gives you an attractive glow. Swimming, skating, dancing, choose a sport or activity that allows you to move slowly and gracefully. If you want to lose weight, opt for soups and salads. Rich, heavy food will cause discomfort. A wonderful job that draws on your creativity will soon be offered. Although the pay isn’t terribly good, you will enjoy this position. Go ahead and accept it. The work you create for your new employer will establish you as one of the most talented people in the field.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You won’t want to spend too much time away from the people and places that are most important to your happiness and contentment. If you can’t change your plans for the daytime you should look forward to spending a cosy evening doing what brings you most pleasure. If an invitation or proposition comes your way you should think things through thoroughly before accepting or refusing. There are repercussions involved whichever way you decide to go.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Turn your home into a comfortable hideaway. Having a cosy retreat makes it easier to deal with work. Go ahead and splurge on comfortable furnishings, beautiful artwork and tactile rugs. Find ways to engage all five senses. When you open the door, you should be greeted with vivid colours, enticing aromas and stimulating sensations. Are you thinking of moving? Look for a home near the water. The sight of a river, pond, or fountain can soothe your fiery nature.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Satisfying a creative urge will bring you pleasure and satisfaction so long as you don’t ignore more routine, mundane matters. Your imagination is working overtime, but a hard worker like you has a tendency to suppress it. You’re afraid if you let your artistic side run rampant that you’ll neglect your responsibilities. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Your creativity makes you more productive. A loving and sensitive text or email touches your heart. You’re a lot more sentimental than you pretend.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Making money by putting your creative talents to productive use is a distinct possibility. When you do what you love, the money will follow. Sceptics are amazed by your ability to spin straw into gold. Don’t let their jealous comments faze you. The truth is, you are successful because you have faith in your abilities. Because you are brave enough to follow your impulses, the Universe is showering you with rewards. It takes a visionary like you to move away from the ordinary into the extraordinary.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You exude an air of mystery that is most attractive. Don’t be surprised if several admirers start following you in hot pursuit. The more elusive you are, the more interested they become. In truth, you’re interested in one person who appeals to your spiritual side. You admire their kindness, compassion and generosity. You will be pleased to know the feeling is mutual. Together, you could embark on a loving relationship that unites your bodies, minds and spirits.
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