Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Thursday 18th October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 13th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) A worry is eating away at you and seems to be the only thing on your mind. Remember the old saying about sharing your problems: you could half them simply by talking your concerns over with a trusted friend. Their input will help you see things more clearly. You will start to realise too that worrying about it isn’t going to make your difficulties go away but taking action would be a good start.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) A laborious job that demands a lot of effort and concentration will occupy you for most of the day. All you will have time for will be a quick tea break before it is once again necessary to get back to the grindstone. The good news is: your hard work is being noticed by people who matter in high places. There’s no time to talk to the new faces that may be passing by but they will come and go so quickly that it won’t really matter anyway.


Gemini (May22/June21) An online romance may seem to have a lot going for it but don’t build up your hopes. You might feel you know a lot about each other after exchanging numerous emails and a few phone calls, but when you actually meet, if there’s no chemistry between you it might seem as if it has all been a waste of time. A stimulating debate late in the day will be enjoyed when it is hard for anyone to argue with someone who puts their views across as eloquently as you can.


Cancer (June22/July23) If you’re finding it hard to get along with someone you work or live with, it may be necessary to make some changes. Difficult relationships always have a negative effect on your health and emotions. You could do without all this tension and hostility. You might feel you’re in something of a ‘someone you can’t live with but can’t live without’ situation. The solution could be to live apart but remain close friends.


Leo (July24/Aug23) Trying to justify a piece of gossip by reminding everyone there is no smoke without fire is plain foolish. Someone will begin a rumour out of envy. Is witnessing another person achieving a goal they wanted for themselves good reason to spread lies about them? Once you see what’s behind current rumours you will do all you can to nip them in the bud. Also, even if you secretly delight in plans a partner suggests, ask for time to think about it so you don’t seem too enthusiastic.


Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) Your finances will be in a more healthy state thanks to news in a letter or money received early in the morning. Someone in the family is happier than they have been in a long time. Cheering news will add a glow to the rest of the day which could turn out to be a one you will want to remember. Evening hours will be devoted to romance or socialising, capping a perfectly splendid time.


Libra (Sept24/Oct23) A few hours may be spent in catching up and mulling over something someone has recently told you. If you start wondering whether there was a double meaning behind their words, you should stop negative thoughts dead in their tracks. Don’t spoil what should be a happy day by allowing your over active imagination and over sensitive emotions to get in the way. Enjoy simple pleasures like a starlit sky this evening.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Friends and colleagues are turning to you for help and advice in a difficult situation. You don’t want to say too much in case you get it wrong but others are relying on you for leadership. Whatever the outcome, you feel responsible because people are acting on your advice and decisions. That’s why if you aren’t happy with the consequences you will want to do what you can to make sure expectations are met.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Someone tries to draw you into concerns that have nothing to do with you; it might be better to mind your own business. Acting on another person’s advice, even if they do happen to be in a senior position, could get you into trouble. Since they won’t want to admit they got it wrong, they can make it look as if you are falsely accusing them of something they didn’t do. This could also cause you a lot of humiliation.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Work and other matters that keep you busy will gain a satisfying momentum. Despite making giant strides of progress, you aren’t about to rest on your laurels. It’s not quite time yet to reveal your plans to the world but you have some great ideas for the future. Once you have set your goals you won’t let anything or anyone come between you and your aims. You’re willing to put time and effort into bringing these about.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Get away from your usual surroundings; take the family out into the country. You need some fresh air and exercise and it shouldn’t be too difficult to persuade loved ones to fall in with your plans. After a busy day out in the open, you will be happy to spend the evening slumped in a favourite armchair. You should be glowing with satisfaction and a positive feeling of health despite all those aching muscles.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Pay heed to the saying: there’s no such thing as a free lunch. If an opportunity sounds too good to be true, it probably is. A friend will try to encourage you to take up an offer that has too many risks, don’t let them. Avoid risky speculation and if you are thinking about investing your money, go for conservative investments. Money making activities could be productive but only if you put care and thought into them.
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