Friday, March 1, 2013

Russell Grant's Weekly Horoscopes w.b.2nd March 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 23rd February 2013


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Trust your intuition when it comes to joint finances. You should put a little more money away to ensure a secure future. Open a savings, retirement, or college fund. Set weekly or monthly goals. Having a number to work towards will keep you focused. If you already have a nest egg, this would be a good time to take out an insurance policy to ensure your nearest and dearest will be protected in case of an emergency. Do some digging to find the right policy.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) It may be necessary to adopt a parental role toward your best friend, lover, or business partner. Recently, your comrade has undergone an intense period at work. Now it’s time for them to rest, relax and regroup. Do your best to pamper them. Encourage them to sleep late, eat well and enjoy themselves. You can handle the jobs they normally perform. There’s no better way to repay all the affection and support they’ve given you. You may want to field a few phone calls on their behalf, too.


Gemini (May22/Jun21) When you look good, you feel good. Take extra pains with your appearance. Wearing an attractive outfit will cause you to project your personality with confidence and humour. Don’t be surprised when people flock to your side at a party. If you’re looking for work, this will be a great opportunity to make helpful contacts. Talk to someone who has a job in your desired industry. This new friend will be very helpful when it comes to finding your dream position.


Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You’re extremely proud of a youngster’s progress and it’s no wonder. When you think back to where they started, it’s truly incredible. Be sure to offer a reward for all their hard work and perseverance. It’s difficult enough for an adult to change their ways. Children who are able to achieve the same feat are exceptional. Be sure to encourage your young friend to develop their creative talent. There’s more to life than work, sacrifice and responsibility. Fun should play a big part, too.


Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Do something special for a relative who has realised an impressive goal. Cook their favourite meal and invite a few friends over to celebrate. It’s important to savour the happy moments in life, as these memories will sustain you through the tough times. If one of your family members has recently landed a job, you’ll have to redistribute household chores. Be willing to pick up the slack, wherever it occurs. The more cooperative you are, the happier your home life will be.


Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You have a great deal of common sense about prioritising work. Although you have a little time off, it’s best to attend some routine tasks. You will have an opportunity to rest and relax later. If you keep postponing chores, you will have an extremely hectic schedule in the days ahead. Pause to throw in a load of laundry, stock up on groceries and pay a few bills. Delegating jobs to relatives and roommates is also important. Everybody should do their fair share.


Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Boosting your bank balance through your creative prowess is a definite possibility now. You may want to find a way to sell crafts or home baked goods as a sideline. Offering something unique in luxurious packaging will be popular. Put the money you earn from this endeavour into a savings account, where it can protect you from market fluctuations. The more sources of income you have, the safer you will be. Never put your eggs in one basket when you can diversify.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You’re extremely intuitive about other people, especially high powered executives. These types want to be treated with courtesy and respect, even when they’re outside of a work environment. By giving the deference they desire, you’ll make an excellent impression. Don’t be surprised if you’re offered a job as a personal assistant. Your organisational skills are well suited to such a position, but you may prefer to apply for work that is a little more prestigious. There’s no reason you can’t occupy one of those corner offices.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Getting away will restore your energy. You love friends and family, but they can sometimes drain your spirit. Sneak off to some private hideaway with a good book. An hour or two is all that’s necessary to feel better, but you may decide to take the entire day off. Why not? Ask relatives to hold down the fort while you’re away. After all, you’ve always been on call to help them. It’s time they returned the favour. True love is about give and take.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You’re very charming and make friends with people from all walks of life. Ultimately, you prefer spending time with people who share your social concerns. Volunteering for a charity will keep depression at bay. You’re tired of always focusing on material matters. By helping those who are less fortunate, you’ll feel better about the human race. A lot more people perform good deeds than the media would have you believe. Turn off the television and venture into the real world.


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) There won’t be much time for your private life, as you are being thrust into the spotlight. Presiding over a fundraiser or party will be stimulating. It’s fun getting together with people you haven’t seen for some time. Feel free to talk about current events or other provocative subjects. People are eager for a vigorous debate. It’s been too long since you exchanged ideas with intelligent people with definite opinions. Talking about the weather and what’s on the telly isn’t exactly an engaging exchange.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You’re attracted to the unknown and want to get to the bottom of a mystery or learn more about the world, its creeds, countries and history. Visiting a different house of worship, travelling to an unknown land and reading a challenging book are all good ideas. People respect your ability to switch gears and steep yourself in an unfamiliar environment. This ability to court adventure will help you in both your personal and professional lives. The more you take chances, the easier it will be to adjust to new people, places and practices.
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