Saturday, April 20, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 21st April 2013

Russell Grant´s Monthly Horoscopes for April 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 20th April 2013


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You need an intellectual challenge, but career demands are eating up all your leisure time. It won’t be possible to take a class. Even reading for pleasure will be difficult, as you’re spending every spare moment on work. You’ll have to be clever about stealing moments for yourself. Waking up earlier or going to bed later can help. If you’re already stretched to the breaking point, ask your boss for support staff. There is too much responsibility for one person.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Be selective about making confidences. Someone who seems to be your friend has an ulterior motive. They’re jealous of your superior status and will try to undermine your reputation. The fact you have a lot of experience and training means nothing to this social climber. If you’re struggling with some personal problems, talk to a friend you have known for years. Make a greater effort to keep your professional and private lives separate. You’ve come too far to be taken down by a petty rival.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Don’t let suspicion or cynicism stop you accepting a generous gift. Someone who loves you genuinely wants to give you a token of their appreciation. There aren’t any strings attached to this offering. Getting a loan from the bank will be a different matter. If you’re going to make a deposit on a piece of property, you’ll have to pool your resources with a prosperous friend or relative. Be sure to put down the terms of this financial arrangement in a legal document.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You’re not sure if you want to continue down a certain career path. Dealing with power mad people is exhausting. The thought of finding a low pressure job is comforting. Before you hand in your notice, think about the long term future. While you hate locking horns with difficult people, you’re really very good at it. Besides, you’re too ambitious to be happy toiling away in a cubicle. You are meant to do business from a corner office, complete with a big salary and wonderful perks.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Don’t make promises too readily, especially when it comes to work. You might think it won’t be any trouble to cover for an ailing colleague, but the truth will be quite different. You’re busy enough with your own responsibilities and may not have the opportunity to assume additional shifts. There’s also the matter of your health. Working around the clock will cause an old illness to flare up again. It simply isn’t worth the risk. Someone else will have to pick up the slack.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Arguments over money are putting serious strain on an intimate relationship. You and your partner have totally different priorities when it comes to spending and saving. The only way to deal with this dilemma is to get advice from a money manager. Having an objective third party will allow you to push past the power plays and devise a budget that works for both of you. Have you just embarked on a romance? Don’t rush things in the lovemaking department.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) It’s impossible to see eye to eye with a stubborn lover. You’ve always gone out of your way be respectful of their beliefs. Unfortunately, you aren’t being given the same courtesy. You’re tired of defending your values. Visiting your family will make you even more determined to stand firm. You can’t be the only one who is willing to compromise in your romantic relationship. If you’re single, you might have to find a roommate to cover household expenses. Hold out for someone who is flexible and easygoing.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Your perfectionist tendencies are stopping you moving forward. Stop getting hung up on insignificant details and push forward. Nobody will judge you for turning in a project that has a few flaws. After all, everyone has been operating under a tight deadline. Insisting you have more time will create a backlash. If you’re given special treatment, all of your peers will bristle with outrage. Swallow your pride and pick up the pace. The clock is ticking and you don’t have a minute to lose.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You can’t buy someone’s affection. If a lover is pressuring you to get them an expensive gift, put your foot down. You work hard for your money and want to put it towards something that affords long term satisfaction. Costly baubles will be quickly tossed in the corner and forgotten. Keep your cash safe in the bank, where it will be ready when you find a great travel package.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Creating a household budget will be difficult. You keep insisting on spending money on certain extravagances you can’t afford. The only way to make ends meet is to change your priorities. Treat this as a learning opportunity. Contrary to what you might think, you don’t need a lot of extras to be happy. When you’re forced to live on less, you become more appreciative of small blessings like health, friends and natural beauty. This will also make you more compassionate.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) It will be difficult to get through your entire list of things to do. Red tape forces you to wait another few days before beginning a project. Don’t waste your time arguing with a bureaucrat. Just fill out the additional paperwork that is required and hope for the best. You’ll have to postpone a trip while you’re waiting for clearance. This will be a blessing in disguise. If you’re going to be stuck at home, you might as well tackle some chores that have slipped through the cracks.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Be mindful about the company you keep. If you mix with questionable characters, you will hurt your professional prospects. People won’t take you seriously, even if you have excellent skills. You hate these attitudes, but the fact remains you need work. Keep your distance from a friend whose behaviour keeps generating negative publicity. Start networking with those who can help you up the ladder of success. Having friends in high places makes it easier to get the resources you need.
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