Monday, April 29, 2013

Russell Grant’s Monthly Horoscopes May 2013

Russell Grant´s Monthly Horoscopes for April 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 27th April 2013


Aries (Mar21/Apr 20) Be careful of overspending in early May; if you’ve not got enough ready cash then this would be a good time to negotiate a pay rise or find a better paid job. Pouring your energy into a project that is near and dear to your heart will have an unexpected payback for you. It’s not something you expected or even looked for, but it will certainly help your future prospect and may very well have unanticipated consequences for your challenging financial position. As the month matures so you will learn to see the openings and opportunities that seem to be invisible for so many people around you. So that’s the time to launch a personal crusade, put your innermost feelings into words or take an unusual and unorthodox approach to someone who has been a thorn in your flesh for far too long. The end of May brings a slight setback but because you’re thinking positively you will see this as just another great opportunity!


Taurus (Apr 21/May 21) Take a gentler approach with loved ones in the opening days of May. Being too abrasive can cause a fragile alliance to fall apart at the seams. You have a chance to travel, write, and explore new vistas. Don’t screw things up by pushing your greatest supporter past the brink of endurance. Showing off your artistic talent on or around the 8th will yield impressive results. There’s a good chance you will earn money from your creative endeavours. Repaying a debt will be difficult in the days surrounding the 25th. Take this opportunity to assess what you owe, and devise a plan for repaying your creditors. The sooner you face the truth of this situation, be easier you will sleep. As the month comes to a close, you’ll be tempted to take a short trip out of town. Do it; a nearby relative will be happy to see you and catch up on old times.


Gemini (May 22/Jun 21) You won’t get much cooperation from a bureaucratic institution in the opening days of May. Keep submitting paperwork and keep copies of everything you send. Eventually, the pencil pushers will realise you’re serious and give way to your demands. Treat this matter as an exercise in persistence. Trust your intuition around the 10th regarding a flirtation. The object of your affection returns your feelings, but is too shy to admit them. You’ll have to make the first move. Tiptoe around an authority figure at mid-month; this executive isn’t in the mood to entertain any of your bright ideas. A business or romantic partnership will undergo a critical change in the final days of May. You won’t be able to delude yourself about your partner’s shortcomings any longer. Facing the truth will be painful but therapeutic. Fortunately, a trusted friend will help heal your broken heart. There are plenty more fish in the sea.


Cancer (June 22/Jul 23) More time for social pursuits makes early May one of the happiest times of 2013. Be sure to go out with friends as often as possible. You may even be inspired to throw a birthday party for your favourite Taurus. A close friendship takes a romantic turn on or around the 10th. It’s as if the two of you are looking at each other with new eyes. A writing project brings you great pleasure in mid-May. This is the perfect time to write a short story, memoir, or screenplay. Words will flow from you like a mighty river. Breaking a bad habit will be difficult but rewarding in the final days of May. Steer clear of a well intentioned friend who doesn’t want you to change your ways. When you fall prey to temptation, write about it in your journal. This will help you exorcise any demons that threaten to drag you down.


Leo (Jul 24/Aug 23) Your star will be on the rise throughout early May. Your powerful sex appeal will open doors that were previously closed to you. What your rivals may not realise is there is more to you than physical allure. You possess tremendous creative talent, and will use it to develop luxury products and services that are incredibly successful. Even if you’re just working on a volunteer basis, you will create a respected name for yourself during this red-hot phase. Take care to always look your best this month, especially in the days surrounding the 10th, when you will be interviewed for a television show or magazine article. A romantic relationship experiences some bumps and bruises in the second half of the year. You will decide to make up or break up for good in the last days of May. Whatever choice you make, you’ll place greater emphasis on your friendships, understanding just how important platonic relationships are to your emotional health.


Virgo (Aug 24/Sep 23) Don’t worry if you’re turned away from an educational or cultural organisation in the beginning of May. An influential friend will reverse the decision, helping you draw on its considerable resources. There’s no reason you should be held back by a set of stuffy, outdated rules. Besides, you’re just as talented as the other members of group; you just lack the pedigree. That will come with time and experience. By the middle of May, you’ll be one of the most respected members of the group. You might even be offered a leadership position. The closing days of May will prompt you to rearrange your household. It’s even possible you will decide to move to a new home. A neighbour or relative will help you find a more suitable living situation. You’re better off moving to a bustling city that affords plenty of cultural diversions. That way, you won’t feel cut off from the things that make life meaningful.


Libra (Sep 24/Oct 23) Early May is sure to be a very fulfilling time, especially in the area of sex. If you’re single, you’ll meet a masterful lover at a gourmet restaurant, public garden, or fashionable store. Keep your ears open for someone with a throaty laugh. The two of you will feel an instant connection. If you’re already in a relationship, you and your lover will be spending lots more quality time together. Reduce your work schedule in favour of intimate dinners, long walks, and movie nights. A handsome inheritance, legal settlement, or insurance payment will help you buy some beautiful artwork, clothing, and furniture. Forgo fleeting fashions for elegant works that will afford a lifetime of pleasure. Distressing news about a relative’s health will arrive at the end of the month. Take this opportunity to band together with your kin, so that the patient gets optimal care. Recovery will be swift if you work together in a spirit of harmony.


Scorpio (Oct 24/Nov 22) Adopt a more open minded attitude toward a business or romantic partner’s plans in early May. You’re worried about making changes at this stage, but the real danger is standing still while everybody else is moving forward. Go ahead and give your friend the green light; this will make your bond stronger than ever before. A surprising love affair, engagement, or marriage will be revealed on or around the 10th. This exciting turn of events renews your faith in true love. You might even be inspired to make a serious commitment of your own. A source of income dries up quite suddenly at the end of the month. There won’t be much money available for leisurely pursuits. Fortunately, you’ve always been very resourceful. Finding inexpensive ways to amuse yourself will be relatively easy for you. In the meantime, tell your friends you are looking for work. Who you know is more important than what you know as May draws to a close.


Sagittarius (Nov 23/Dec 21) Work will be scarce at the beginning of May. Instead of worrying about the situation, abandon yourself to fun. Take this opportunity to meet with friends, spend more time with family, and develop creative projects. A plum assignment will arrive on or around the 10th; making you glad you took a break when you could. Your new job will involve art, music, or luxury goods. Don’t worry if you don’t have any experience in this field. Your energy and enthusiasm will make up for your lack of knowledge. Resist the urge to change your look toward the end of the month. This is not a good time to for a radical overhaul of image or style. Focus instead on developing a healthier self image. Embrace your most attractive qualities instead of despairing over your minor flaws. There’s no cosmetic in the world like confidence. Model your behaviour after an unconventional sex symbol you’ve always admired.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You’ll have to choose between a lover and a friend in the earliest days of May. Don’t be so quick to cancel plans with an old chum for the sake of a hot date. Your friend has stood by you in good times and bad; it’s time to return their loyalty. A love affair or engagement will spice things up around the 10th; it will be impossible to keep your hands off your amour during this passionate time. By the middle of the month your daily life will undergo a radical change. You might be inspired to write a book or compose a song. Let your creativity run wild! An embarrassing secret could come to light in the days surrounding the 25th. Be careful about whom you trust with personal information. Keep your journals under lock and key, and strengthen your computer passwords. You don’t want any sensitive emails fall into the wrong hands.


Aquarius (Dec 22/Jan 20) May gets off to an exciting start, when a vivid dream inspires a creative project. You’ll get lots of favourable publicity for your work. You have a knack for finding practical applications for revolutionary ideas. An exciting family reunion will take place on or around the 10th. A birth, marriage, or graduation causes everyone to gather together in a spirit of harmony. Take this opportunity to extend an olive branch to a relative with whom you’ve been quarrelling. This is your big chance to put all of your quarrels to rest. Mid-May will be a tremendously romantic time for you. If you’re single, you will meet someone special at a book club, writing class, or debate society. If you are already in a relationship, take up a hobby with your amour. Having a shared interest will reignite your passion for each other. Your social circle experiences some upheaval toward the end of May, when one of your friends moves away.


Pisces (Feb 20/Mar 20) Don’t contradict an expert at the beginning of May. Although their methods seem antiquated and silly, there is actually merit to these ways. Put your scepticism on hold and you’ll be pleasantly surprised. Going on a short trip for pleasure will be unexpectedly romantic around the 10th. If you’re single, you’ll meet someone special at a garden, gourmet restaurant, or art supply store. If you’re already in a relationship, your amour will surprise you with a beautiful piece of jewellery. Spend more time at home throughout the middle of May. Focusing on your family will ease some of your restless energy. The final days of the month will be stressful. It will feel as if everyone is blaming you for things beyond your control. Be ready to defend yourself. The more documentation you have of how you’ve dealt with this problem, the better off you’ll be. If you’re released from a position, take heart. This will give you more time for the creative projects you’ve been longing to launch.
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