Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Thursday 30th May 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 25th May 2013 


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) It’s rather difficult to hold on to money, now that so many temptations are beckoning. You want to study, travel and buy a few gadgets. Take a few moments to get your priorities straight. If you want to go back in to education, be prepared to cut back on other luxuries. Are you determined to go on a trip? Look for budget accommodations. Before buying a new computer, phone, or car, decide whether you really a replacement, or can wait for an upgrade.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) Don’t make impulsive decisions, especially about money. Although you’re in a good financial position now, your luck won’t last forever. Put as much income into an interest bearing savings account as possible. Slowly but surely, this fund will grow into a sizable nest egg. It will protect you from lean times and give you a greater measure of freedom. You’ve always loved luxury, but need to keep this desire for expensive goods in check.

Gemini (May22/Jun21) You radiate optimism, which draws many admirers. There is one person in your midst who undercuts your enthusiasm. Their presence makes you seethe with resentment. Unfortunately, it’s hard to pinpoint why you are so suspicious of their motives. Your intuition is sending off alarm signals whenever you are together. Follow your instincts and steer clear of this troublemaker. Your fears will soon be confirmed and they’ll be exposed as a master manipulator.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) An argument with a friend makes you very upset. You’re not the type who enjoys contentious relationships. You want to be in complete harmony with everyone you love. That’s just not possible. Be willing to state your objections to their plans. Don’t make hurtful remarks. If your loved one bruises your ego, speak up. Being able to air your differences will strengthens relationships. In the end, you may have to agree to disagree, but that’s better than hiding your resentments.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You want to be in charge, but lack the power. Consequently, you must take orders from someone you don’t respect. Don’t put your bad attitude on display, or it will reflect poorly on you. Use this opportunity to establish yourself as a valuable team player. Being able to work with people from all walks of life will pay off handsomely. Fortunately, there are several members of the group who excite and inspire you. Stay close to them and avoid the drones.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Arguing with the powers that be will get you noticed. You won’t take any statement at face value. For you to believe an assertion, you have to see facts and figures which back it up. An authority figure admires your scepticism and will put you in charge of a big project. Resist the urge to get caught up in petty details. There is an important deadline attached to this job. Finishing this work on time and under budget will result in a promotion.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Bills are mounting and you must find a way to pay them off. Fortunately, a reading or research job is heading your way. Don’t waste time quibbling over whether it’s worth your while. The key is to get another income steam going as soon as possible. At first, you will feel as if this job is totally over your head. Be patient and take deep breaths. Your boss will be happy to show you the ropes. Give yourself a chance to be a beginner.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Resist the urge to challenge your best friend or lover at every opportunity. Sometimes it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie. By giving each other a little more leeway, your natural affection will come flowing back. Money is on the way, thanks to an inheritance, refund, or loan. This will make your personal life considerably more pleasant. It’s hard to ignore little annoyances when you’re worried about finances.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You’ve been working hard, but the rewards have been minimal. This is a sign you should change gear and focus on your personal life. Spending more time with your nearest and dearest will change your perspective. There is more to life than earning a paycheque. Don’t be surprised when your boss praises your performance after you scale back your efforts at work. It’s much easier to do a good job when you’re relaxed and having fun.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You haven’t had an outlet for your creative energy, which has been frustrating. Stop putting work ahead of pleasure. Take a few days off for rest and recreation. Even simple activities like walking through the park or visiting a botanical garden will lift your spirits. If you’re unemployed, it may be difficult to enjoy your freedom. Try anyway. Set aside a couple of hours each morning for job hunting then devote a few hours to fun later in the day.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) It’s impossible to hold your tongue with a quarrelsome relative. You’ve tried to be civil with this complainer, but your patience has worn completely thin. Be direct about how their attitude has affected the entire family. Don’t put up with it any longer. The sooner you address this issue, the happier you will be. You may not have realised it, but you have actually avoided some of your favourite activities and people to appease your relative.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Be tactful with someone who is totally oblivious. You’ve grown impatient with their wrongheaded approach, but it’s important to be civil. By handling this confrontation in a polite but firm way, you’ll feel much better. The tension will ease and you’ll become much more productive. Best of all, it will become a lot easier to relax and enjoy your private life. You’ll have more energy for friends, family and hobbies. Putting up with this nonsensical behaviour is draining.

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