Friday, June 21, 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b.22nd June 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 22nd June 2013 


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You only need to put your mind to it and you'll be able to solve all your questions. The weekend favours mental pursuits so gather with friends for an intellectual discussion or debate. You could also have fun and expand your mind by checking out longer term plans and proposals. A family matter grabs your attention as a relative you've not seen in ages asks to see you. Their reasons won't be immediately clear, so listen closely as they explain their difficulty. You'll need to read between the lines.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) It's no surprise that as the due date for a project approaches, you think you've made a mistake. Your involvement can be re-negotiated without causing bad feelings, then you can walk away with a clear conscience. Open your windows and let a fresh breeze to blow through your living space and your mind. Cleaning and polishing use up excess energy and lead you to a happier state of mind, especially if you have peppy music playing while you work. Make it fun.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) What you do for others, not only makes you feel good, but wins you points with someone whose opinion you respect. With domestic tasks wrapped up you can relax in the arms of a warm companion, then head out to participate in the activities you both enjoy. An invitation to a musical or social event is the highlight of your week. Scan your closet for outfits that accent your assets. Don't forget a colourful accessory. How you put yourself together says a lot about you.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) News of natural disasters and other world events distracts you. Unsettling dreams could disturb your sleep. Joining forces with others to do something practical for the needy goes a long way toward helping restore your emotional balance. Time spent in natural locations is also rejuvenating. Steer clear of people who drain your energy or who foster negativity. Your own need for calm and comfort is a high priority. Artistic projects come into focus as you get a boost of creative and playful energy.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Good food, good wine and good friends populate your world and occupy your time. Invitations to happy events aren't at a shortage so enjoy the week in good fashion. A bold outfit will get you many approving looks. Relationships that begin now may be short, but interesting. Be on guard for a two faced friend. You already suspect what they're up to, so use your common sense when dealing with them. Housecleaning and home DIY projects run smoothly and bring great results.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It may not seem fair, but people at home and on the job are likely to dump their workload on you. With a little clever manoeuvring on your part you'll be able to collect a few willing helpers to come to your aid. A hefty helping of persuasive charm goes a long way. Good music helps to ease you along as you get quiet enjoyment taking care of the small tasks that can be done alone behind the scenes. An upset with a loved one is easily resolved with a little sensitive listening.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Never underestimate the power of your personality. You're sure to make an impact on everyone you meet, particularly in social settings where you're the host or hostess. Pass up invitations to travel for the moment, as staying closer to home will be more beneficial. Your good health routine is paying off and giving you that health glow everyone admires. You can keep things that way by avoiding overly sweet or fatty foods when you attend the many social functions that will be filling your days.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Prepare yourself. It's time to reveal a secret and relish the moment when everyone's jaws drop. Your ability to reach and influence important people is in focus and you'll surprise yourself when you see how easily you can sway their opinions. This is a sign you've become something of a magician in your field of work, if only temporarily. Someone you are about to meet will be more on your wavelength than many of your longer term friends. They are worth cultivating.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You start the week on a social high with lots of people populating your scene. You'll be happy and busy entertaining both family and friends with amusing anecdotes and tales of recent events and conquests. A new arrival admires your ability to gracefully smooth over an awkward situation and help an outsider save face. Sit yourself down and write a long overdue letter or make that phone call you’ve been putting off. Someone you had a brief, but memorable encounter with is waiting for a word.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) In some ways you've been your own worst enemy but you can change that by letting the one who wants to be your new best friend tell you their story. Setting aside time to listen to soothing music or even sit in tranquil silence also does wonders for your state of mind. Do what you can to help a relative or close friend and you'll have no regrets later. Taking care of this person keeps you productively occupied and gives you a sense of stability and belonging.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Travels may not go as planned, but you can be as prepared as possible if you think things through before heading out the door. Romance is highlighted. If you're on your own you may find yourself catching the eye someone quite fetching. If you already have a steady partner use this time to rekindle the spark with hearts, flowers and a quiet dinner just for two. Later in the week career matters come into play as you find yourself on the receiving end of a business proposal.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Spend quality time relaxing and remembering happy times with loved ones. Activities involving spirituality, religion or both come into focus and a lively discussion about these issues is likely. Someone needing professional advice seeks you out and although you may be flattered, you earned this. Your own education continues as you learn a lesson in graceful communicating. Get legal papers taken care of speedily so all the important details will be ironed out to everyone's satisfaction.
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