Sunday, August 4, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Monday 5th August 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 3rd August 2013 ::: August Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) A heartfelt interaction with a relative makes you reconsider the role of family in your life. Although you pride yourself on being independent, part of you enjoys being connected to a larger whole. If you have irreconcilable differences with your kin, work on creating a strong support network of friends and neighbours. It’s important to be accountable to others. Going through life on your own will rob you of valuable energy and resources. It will also deprive you of fundamental happiness.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You will be very busy running errands. It feels like the moment you finish one chore, another one will fill its place. Take frequent breaks and don’t forget to have lunch. Running on empty will cause you to make bad decisions. Ultimately, you may not finish everything you wanted to do, but that’s not the end of the world. Give yourself credit for being productive. It wouldn’t hurt to enjoy a lovely reward this evening, either. Treat yourself to a good meal.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Financial matters demand your attention. You can no longer spend money as soon as it comes in. Creating a savings account will protect you from economic uncertainty. It will also give you a deeper appreciation for your hard work. When you see how much you can accumulate through a little restraint or sticking to a well planned budget you’ll stop making senseless impulse purchases. Why not save for something that will give you long term pleasure instead?
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) An impassioned appeal will turn the tide in your favour. You have no intention of sitting by idly while others put a badly conceived plan into place. By explaining who will be adversely affected by this idea and why it needs to be shelved, you can develop an alternative solution. A family member who is stirring up trouble needs to be put in their place. Calling them out in a public forum will put an end to their outrageous behaviour.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Someone will confide a secret. Do your best to keep this information under wraps. You wouldn’t want to get a reputation for being untrustworthy. Besides, a few innocent people could be hurt if this story is leaked to the public. If you disapprove of a friend’s behaviour, say so. Tell them you don’t want to hear any confidences about an illicit love affair or underhanded financial deals. There’s no reason you should have these confessions weighing on your conscience.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Taking a short trip with a group of friends will lift your spirits. You could use a change of scenery. Sharing the experience with people you love will further enhance your pleasure. If you’ve been thinking about reviving a childhood dream, do it. You may not be able to pursue the exact same goal, but you can go after a form of it. Fortunately, you’re very versatile and have no trouble making minor adjustments. Stop postponing your heart’s desire. It’s time to realise it.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Don’t hesitate to make an emotional appeal to an authority figure. People in this position hear lots of excuses every day, but your situation does merit special consideration. There’s a good chance you will come across someone who takes pity on you and bends the rules. If so, you should send a little thank you note. It’s important to acknowledge good deeds. Very often kind people like you are taken for granted. That’s a shame, considering how much light they shine in the world.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You could gain acceptance to an exclusive religious, cultural or academic organisation. Be sure to celebrate this victory with friends. Being a member of this group will help you, both personally and professionally. In the past, you tried to get along on your own merits and did a fairly good job. Right now, you have to rely on your social network to get ahead. This might seem like cheating, but it would be a shame to miss golden opportunities out of sheer stubbornness.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) News about an inheritance, insurance or taxes could be quite upsetting. Before you plunge into a downward spiral, take a few deep breaths. You will have a chance to recoup a financial loss, but it will take some time. Fortunately, you’re very good at spinning straw into gold. Consider applying for a part time job to fill the economic gap. This position could grow into a fully fledged career path. At the very least, it will put you in contact with some influential people.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) A business or romantic partner will be extraordinarily kind and considerate. In the past, you’ve taken them to task for not being as organised as you. Now you’re starting to value their strengths. It’s never easy for you to express your emotions, so when someone recognises your pain and says comforting words, it means the world. Remember this moment the next time you feel the urge to criticise your friend’s shortcomings. In truth, you balance each other nicely. Take the sour with the sweet.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You are starting to feel the effects of unhealthy habits. The fastest way to feel better is to eat more nutritious food. This seems like a simplistic solution, but it really makes a difference. Putting good fuel in your system will make you more energetic. It can also keep depression at bay. Pretty soon, the prospect of exercise won’t fill you with dread. You’ll welcome the chance to take a brisk walk at lunch or hit the gym after work.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Enjoying some quality time with a youngster will improve your relationship. You may not realise it, but your young friend wants your approval. By taking moments out of your busy schedule to reconnect, you’ll boost their confidence. Every child needs an adult who believes in them. Expressing an interest in their favourite sports, books and hobbies will keep them on the straight and narrow. If you have no idea about a certain artist or activity, ask questions and don’t be disparaging.
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the street where I lived as a child 
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Russell Grant Astrology Ltd
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