Sunday, September 29, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Monday 30th September 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 21st September 2013 ::: September Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You’re ready to break free from an oppressive relationship. Unfortunately, this will put a crimp in your budget. Learning to live within your means will be a big challenge, but it is one worth pursuing. You’re not one to stay with someone just because they make your life materially comfortable. Actually, you’d rather struggle than hitch your star to someone who drives you crazy. Start making long range plans to improve your financial standing. Acquiring more skills will help you land a better job.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Keeping your true feelings a secret can be empowering. You’re tired of others making snide comments about your favourite artists, hobbies and pursuits. By refusing to discuss your private life with these critics, you’ll be much happier. Of course, these negative people will protest when you refuse to answer their probing questions. They’ll claim you’re being snobbish and unfriendly, but you gave them a chance to accept you. Since they failed this test, they are no longer worthy of your confidences.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Surrounding yourself with visionaries will lift your spirits. You’re tired of being held back by stuffy pessimists. According to them, it’s a waste of time to try anything new. As an Air sign, it’s critical for you to experiment with different methods. When you are forced to embrace a pointless routine, you become tired and irritable. Fortunately, several of your new friends are thinking of forming a company or club that encourages bold thinking. Joining their ranks will make you feel years younger.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You will be asked to preside over an unusual project. This is music to your ears, as you were becoming bored with your official duties. In the past, you weren’t able to exercise your creativity. This undercut your enthusiasm for work. Now you have a chance to totally overhaul an outmoded system. Many people will be shocked by your decisions, clinging to the past methods like a life raft. It is your job to reassure them. The group’s survival depends on its ability to move with the times.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Adopting an unusual philosophy or spiritual practice won’t sit well with your family. They want you to follow the ideals they imposed on you as a child. Now you’re older, you have an opportunity to forge a value system that resonates with your particular ideals. Following another path will only make you feel like a hypocrite. Don’t bother to defend your decisions to close minded relatives. They’ll just continue to heap scorn on your shoulders. You have bigger fish to fry.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Romance will arrive when you least expect it. Friends won’t approve of your amour, but it can’t be helped. Too often, you’ve made decisions to conform to societal expectations. Now you realise how miserable this practice has made you. Trusting your instincts is critical to your happiness. If that means disappointing a few snobs, so be it. If you’re already in a relationship, your partner could get a raise or inheritance. You’ll be an indirect beneficiary of their good fortune.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Changing the terms of a relationship is important. Just because you made an agreement with a business or romantic partner doesn’t mean it’s set in stone. People change. It is inevitable. You may need a greater measure of freedom than you initially wanted when the two of you joined forces. Unfortunately, there isn’t much money to take a big risk. You’ll have to pool your resources to realise a cherished dream. Exercise tact when proposing this plan to your friend.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Altering your daily routine helps keep you in tip top form. Lately, you’ve fallen into a rut. This has made you pessimistic about the future. By assuming everything will turn out horribly, you’ll miss some golden opportunities. Sit down and reflect on what is making you so unhappy. Waking up earlier, eating more nutritious meals and taking regular exercise is strongly advised. At first, your new routine will feel like a chore. Eventually, you’ll see it as a salvation from despondency.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Abandoning yourself to romance makes you feel slightly ashamed. You know others are relying on you to submit important work, but you just can’t tear yourself away from the object of your affection. Prepare to make some abject apologies when you come back down to earth. People are usually forgiving of your free spirited ways, but that won’t be the case now. It will take time and effort to make amends to those you’ve offended. At least you will have enjoyed yourself for a wee while.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You feel a strong urge to relocate, if only to get away from an annoying group of people. Don’t do anything hasty. It isn’t necessary to uproot your home. Instead, you should break things off cleanly with a disagreeable group. A few manipulators will try to lay a guilt trip on you. Fortunately, you’re too smart to fall for such tactics. Follow your heart and surround yourself with people who support your dreams and ideals. You’re tired of coping with emotional vampires.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Taking a challenging class will change your outlook. Unexpectedly, a bad job will become intolerable. You will feel compelled to quit without any notice, just to be free of a nasty boss. Lots of people will admire your courage, which adds to the excitement. In the end, you will be forced to find another source of employment. It may be necessary to take a low level position to make ends meet. So be it. At least you’ll be doing something fairly enjoyable.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You’re paying a high price to do business with someone. It’s just not worth it. Even if it means losing a significant amount of income, you must part ways. Imagine what could happen to your reputation if you continue to fraternise with an unethical, dishonest client. At first, people will call your sanity into question. Then they will admire your principled stance. Don’t get drawn into a time consuming lawsuit. Paying a penalty for ending a contract early is better than disputing the claim. 
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

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