Thursday, October 24, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Friday 25th October 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 19th October 2013 ::: October Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Working in a quiet place allows your creativity to flow. You have an opportunity to establish long term financial security. Selling the fruits of your labour will be profitable. Instead of spending this income on luxuries, put it into an interest bearing savings account. Having a nest egg will give you the freedom to take work that is emotionally rewarding. You’re tired of feeling trapped in dead end jobs. Taking a position at a charitable institution could renew your zest for life.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Joining a spiritual organisation will make you feel more centred. As an Earth sign, you tend to get bogged down in the material world. Taking up a belief system that allows you to transcend mundane considerations will be liberating. You’ll also meet some wonderful people at this group. Don’t let assumptions about religion stop you seeking enlightenment. These days, there is a rainbow of organisations. Find the one which has the truest reflection of your values.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) You’ll have an opportunity to serve humanity through work. Launching a fund raiser will be a welcome challenge. Fortunately, you have an extensive social network that can be tapped for resources. Don’t pressure people into making big donations. Inviting people to contribute small amounts will yield more impressive results. If you do a good job with this assignment, you could be given a raise, promotion or both. Your employer will be grateful for the positive publicity you have generated.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Travelling to a beautiful seaside location will give you a spiritual lift. You long for a change of pace. Use your hard earned cash to go on a relaxing break. If you’re single, you’ll find love on this journey. You’ll be deeply attracted to a dark person who exudes an air of mystery. The chemistry between you will be powerful and instantaneous. Are you already in a relationship? Let this be a second honeymoon for you and your amour.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Your sex appeal is at an all time high. Attracting the attention of a dynamic executive will be easy. It’s best to play hard to get with this admirer, who enjoys a challenge. If you have a partner, they could get a raise or promotion. Money for luxuries will become more readily available. This would be a good time to establish security for both of you. Putting a deposit on a home or opening a retirement account is strongly advised.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Someone with your hopes and dreams will be a good collaborator. Working on an art project together will keep discouraging influences at bay and give you a fresh focus. Too often, your inner critic holds you back from developing promising ideas. If you’re not happy with the first draft, keep going. Practice makes perfect. Positive feedback from a person you respect will make all the difference. If you play your cards right, you’ll be able to sell your work at a boutique, gallery or publishing house.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Show off your artistic talent at work. An executive who is impressed by your work could create a new job for you. Making eye catching signs, logos and advertising campaigns will be a welcome challenge. Alternatively, you could be paid to make the office environment more comfortable and welcoming. Are you unemployed? Seek opportunities involving film, fashion or photography. You could achieve great success in such a field. A job with good benefits will offset the strain of a lower pay scale.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Developing your creative talent will be fulfilling. As a Water sign, you’ve been blessed with artistic ability. Whether you’re interested in design, music or writing is immaterial. The important thing is to express yourself in beautiful and inventive ways. Don’t be surprised when you start attracting lots of romantic attention through your work. You’re extremely sexy when tapping into this side of your personality. If you’re in a relationship, this would be a good time to do more things together.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Your family will be compassionate and supportive. Let them help you through an emotionally difficult time. You’ve been struggling with some demons and it’s taking a toll on your professional life. By letting down your defences, you’ll get the reassurance you require to move forward. Nobody expects you to be in full control all the time. In fact, they’re relieved to see you reaching out for assistance. You’re always helping others. Let your loved ones return the favour.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Studying a mystical subject will be more fun than you expect. You’ve been so mired in the practical world that you’ve lost your sense of wonder. Delving into the world of astrology, spirit animals, Tarot or numerology will be enlightening. It will also put you in contact with some very interesting people. Making friends with those who have a deep desire for a meaningful existence will change your perspective. There’s more to life than going to work and acquiring material possessions.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Trust your instincts about a moneymaking opportunity. It’s possible to generate a profit while helping others. Don’t let cynics stop you pursuing a business plan that benefits the community. You have the necessary vision and focus to make this venture a success. Fortunately, several political leaders will be impressed by your initiative and will offer financial support. This is the time to fulfil your destiny as a respected humanitarian. Great things are ahead, if you’re willing to take a risk.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You could make a name for yourself in an artistic field. Show off your talent as a writer, painter, musician or dancer. There will be an enthusiastic response to your work. Do you want to make extra money? Think about running a creative clinic. Helping people to develop their imaginations will be financially and emotionally rewarding. Students will respond well to your nurturing approach. You know from experience how hard it can be to silence your inner critic and obey your intuition.
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