Friday, November 22, 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes for Saturday 23rd November 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 23rd November 2013 ::: November Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Don’t let past disappointments stop you growing and developing your talents. Just because you experienced difficulty in school as a child doesn’t mean you’re a bad student. Now that you’re older, you can choose the courses you want to take. You can also find an instructor who is able to teach according to your learning style. Don’t assume your boss will give you time off. If you want to go down this road you will have to accept that changes are necessary in the way you live your life.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) It will be hard to know who your friends are. When in doubt, stick to the people who have been loyal through difficult times. A person who always makes grand promises and fails to follow through isn’t worth your time. Someone who gets angry when you refuse to loan them money is a manipulator. Keep your distance. This isn’t a good time to sign a contract, as you may end up promising more than you can deliver. Wait a few days before making a serious business commitment.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) If you’re going to get ahead, you must show that you can be reliable. Showing up to work on time is half the battle. Instead of trying to arrive when your shift starts, get there ten minutes before your day starts. That way, you can get organised and begin work in a calm fashion. This isn’t a good time to go on a spending spree. If you really want to buy something, wait a month before taking the plunge. If you have made a commitment to a loved one make sure you live up to it.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You might need to take a more practical approach to your education. Getting advanced training will help you land the sort of work you want. It may take much longer than you expect to get certification, but the best things in life require sacrifice. Besides, it will be good for you to have a more structured schedule. When you have lots of leisure time, you tend to just let life pass you by. Keeping busy will force you to make more mindful choices about how you spend your free time.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) This isn’t a good time to make any big purchases without your partner’s approval. The two of you must protect your shared resources. Learning to live within your means will take pressure off your relationship. Are you single? Resist the urge to dip into a retirement portfolio. You could incur penalties that just aren’t worth it. If you don’t have any money set aside for the future, it’s time to change that. Take a financial management class. Making informed decisions about your money is critical.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Emotional confusion is pulling you and a loved one apart. The two of you have very different goals, which is why so many misunderstandings happen. Instead of hurling accusations at each other, sit down and formulate a plan for the future. If one of you wants a high powered job and the other wants to preside over the household, find a way you can blend your lives without feeling sidelined. Each of you will have to compromise. It’s not fair for either of you to neglect each other.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) If it’s difficult to find steady employment part of the problem is the way you are presenting your skills and experience. Ask a friend for assistance with your CV. Someone who has experience in human resources will be helpful. Many times, companies use computer programs to search resumes for certain words or phrases. If your application doesn’t include these terms, it could be automatically delegated to the slush pile. Try integrating similar language that is used in help wanted ads.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) A disappointing love affair could dampen your ardour. Don’t let someone’s bad attitude undermine your self esteem. You’re still just as sexy, clever and resourceful as ever. It’s just going to take some time to find someone who fully appreciates your wonderful qualities. If you’re looking for a good way to fill your lonely nights, take a class. Learning about art, music, film or literature will be a great use of your time. It might even inspire you to write a book.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You feel as if you’re on a different planet from your relatives. It’s hard for someone with your adventurous spirit to be constantly warned against imagined dangers. As far as you’re concerned, you’d rather take a risk than stay home and play it safe. This attitude could cause rifts in your family. It may be best to keep your plans secret from the clan, especially if people are going to worry needlessly. Let similarly outgoing friends know your whereabouts, just in case you have to be located.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) It will be more difficult than you expect to add to your skills base. This causes you to look at certain members of your workforce with newfound respect. If you hang in there, you will eventually learn what you need to get ahead. A business or romantic partner will make light of your plight. Try not to be too hypersensitive about this good natured teasing. It’s rare to see you struggle with anything. That’s why people seem to take such delight when you experience a setback.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) You may need to pay more attention to maintaining financial health. It’s good that you are always happy to help people in need, but it’s also frustrating that in the past, unscrupulous individuals and organisations have abused your generosity. Now you feel you must take a long, hard look at where you stand financially. If you’re not getting paid enough at work, find a position that will bring in more cash. This job will probably cut into your social life, but it can’t be helped.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Be discerning about the company you keep. Someone who uses you or abuses your generosity is not worthy of your friendship or respect. Drawing a healthy boundary is critical, even if it means having an angry confrontation. You have the right to a private life. It may be necessary to tear yourself away from an amusing activity to help a friend. They’ve gone above and beyond the call of duty for you, so it’s only right to return the favour. Try to be gracious about any inconvenience you experience.
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