Monday, October 22, 2012

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for: Tuesday 23rd October 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 20th October 2012

Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You will talk some more after a serious discussion ends without you reaching any firm agreement. What’s good about today’s conversations is this gives you both a chance to consider each other’s views and think about a possible solution. Don’t feel as if this is a one step forward and four steps back situation just because it isn’t moving quickly enough for you. If you look a little closer you will notice you are moving forward, slowly.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) How long can you go on picking up the pieces whenever a friend or loved on gets into trouble? You may be the one they always turn to but you’re starting to feel they’re expecting too much from you. It is time to let them know how emotionally exhausting it is for you to keep fixing their problems. It can be painful when a relationship becomes rocky for any reason and their continual reliance on you is making this friendship unstable.
Gemini (May22/June21) A colleague’s tendency to withdraw the moment someone disagrees with them is causing tension in the workplace. If they aren’t willing to discuss the matter further nothing will get resolved. You are eager to do all you can to encourage people to work together in harmony. After all, since you spend a good percentage of your time together it makes sense that you all try to understand each other. You hope others will come to feel the same way too.
Cancer (June22/July23) Someone might contact you through a friend of a friend, or an online dating site. After a few emails or texts you could find yourself looking forward to your chats. You have a strong feeling about them and think it could be a worthwhile relationship. If you’re single, it will be as if you’ve found the one you’ve been searching for all your life. Before building your expectations even higher, wait until you’ve met a few times and then ask yourself if you feel the same way.
Leo (July24/Aug23) Using a non-contact strategy to get around a partner could backfire on you. Sulking and refusing to talk will only get their back up. The longer the silence grows between you the more likely it is they will move on to other things and other people. When you eventually decide to communicate they won’t want to know. Before they tell you you’ve had your chance and you blew it, make an effort to clear the air.
Virgo (Aug24/Sept23) It doesn’t matter what a friend or partner went through in a previous relationship; they can’t take it out on you. You are justified in feeling upset by someone who thinks they can get away with negative behaviour patterns because of what they’ve been through in the past. You may be sensitive and understanding but this doesn’t mean they can use you as their emotional punch bag. You’ve had your fair share of disappointments too and this relationship is turning out to be one of them.
Libra (Sept24/Oct23) A useful tip could help find you romance or fatten your purse. If it is the former and you are single, the temptation to get involved in a new relationship will be strong. So what’s stopping you from going for it while the chance is there? If you are feeling lucky, this may lead you to buying an extra lottery ticket or two. Just be sure you don’t gamble with cash you can’t afford to lose.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Unhappiness, uncertainty or worry about money could be a trigger that causes depression. If you’ve gone through a long period of feeling stressed, this could lead to you feeling low. Feeling trapped in an unhappy relationship could also be making you miserable. Start doing little things that might change your life for the better. Join a gym, a writing class or reading group. Choose activities that won’t put a strain on you but you will enjoy.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) After witnessing a strange event or a person acting in a weird way, you will need to analyse what you saw. Your initial reaction is to discuss your thoughts with others. This could start a rumour you won’t have meant to begin. There is every chance you interpreted the situation wrongly and because of that, if you do have any questions, go straight to those involved. Then you will get all the answers you need rather than just gossiping about it.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Keeping uncertainties to yourself only means they will cause problems further down the line. Others are expecting your involvement to the end if you do commit to a joint venture. So it’s no use thinking you can always pull out in the future if it doesn’t suit you. Once a decision is made there is no going back. Discus any worries you have about it now and then decide whether or not you are ready to commit.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Just because you don’t act in the same way as others it doesn’t mean they should protest and make you feel awkward about it. Someone might feign surprise when they are accused of making decisions for everyone, then immediately afterwards inform of joint arrangements they’ve made again without consultation. Let them know this is exactly the thing you’re talking about and if they still think they’ve done nothing wrong, don’t go along with their plans.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) It’s worth looking more closely at any vague ideas concerning travel you may have been harbouring. Alternatively you could be thinking in terms of taking up a further education course to gain new qualifications or promote your career. The planetary line up over the weeks ahead is good for both these ventures. An evening engagement won’t be easy when someone you recently argued with will also be there.
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