Friday, December 20, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Saturday 21st December 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 21st December 2013 ::: December Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) All eyes are on you. It’s very important to make a good impression on the powers that be. Dress for success. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to look the part of a seasoned professional. Stay away from outrageous looks. You want to draw attention to your abilities, not your fashion sense. If a job opens at a desirable company, apply. Be thorough when filling out the paperwork. Attention to detail will get you an interview with human resources.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) An interest in spiritual pursuits should be developed. Studying comparative religions and philosophies can be rewarding. You won’t necessarily change your own views, but you will have a deeper appreciation for others. This always happens when you expand your knowledge. If you’ve been thinking of writing a book, this would be a good time to begin. Don’t get caught up in a lot of rules and regulations about the creative process. Just let the words flow like a river.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Undergoing a self improvement programme will be successful. You have all the determination to reach your goal in record time. If you have a professional calling, it’s time to pursue it. Enrol in an educational programme that will give you an impressive certificate or diploma. Having this schooling under your belt will open all sorts of doors. It could take years to reach your goal, but the effort is worthwhile. Dead end jobs won’t bring the long term satisfaction you desire.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You attract strong, capable and loyal friends. That’s because you have a warm, nurturing personality. People feel safe when they’re in your company. Your job is to separate the wheat from the chaff. Steer clear of opportunists who always have a burning need for money, attention and love. Such people will bleed you dry. You’re better off with people who are similarly caring and generous. People who have successful careers are especially supportive.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Getting in shape should be your first order of business. Even gentle exercise can have a profound effect on your wellbeing. Set aside time in your busy schedule to walk, swim or bike. Don’t be surprised if you become much more creative as a result. Your imagination flows freely when your body is in motion. Are you looking for a job? You could find a position with a former employer. Much to your belief, the surroundings will be very beautiful and comfortable.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You’re highly competitive, especially when it comes to love. If you have a romantic rival, it’s time to beat them at their own game. You may lack their skills, but you have many talents of your own. Show them off to good effect. You have a gift with words that is most impressive. Write the object of your affection a love letter, song or even a poem. You’re also very good at intuiting people’s needs. Thoughtful gestures will be deeply appreciated.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Making your home a showplace of art and beauty is your first priority. Of course, money could be a problem if you’re not careful. When in doubt, shop for salvaged items. Transform discarded pieces into forms of personal expression. You’re very clever and can learn how to upholster chairs, refinish furniture and repurpose appliances. If you lack the funds to live on your own, look for a roommate. Choose a responsible type with a steady income. This will relieve some financial pressure.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) You can achieve distinction through your intellectual accomplishments. If you have a marketable skill, use it to generate more income. Teaching classes or tutoring students can be quite lucrative. Do you need certification? Now is the time to obtain it. You’ll fare well with a demanding instructor who refuses to accept shoddy work. Trying to impress this teacher will be incredibly stimulating. Good news from an old friend will reach your ears. An enjoyable reunion is on the horizon.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Taking a more responsible approach to making and spending money is important. You’re not especially materialistic. That doesn’t mean money is useless to you. Actually, it can bring you the freedom you have always craved. Start putting a portion of your earnings into a savings account. Slowly but surely, this fund will start to grow. Soon you’ll have enough money to go on a sabbatical, buy a holiday home or go on an extended trip around the world.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Your willpower is at an all time high. This is the best time of the entire year to tackle a serious challenge. You’re always looking for ways to improve yourself. Sometimes you bite off more than you can chew. That won’t be the case in this situation, because you’ve made an accurate assessment of your strengths and weaknesses. If you encounter an obstacle, pretend as if it doesn’t exist. You’ll easily move through it. Resurrecting an abandoned art project will be good for you.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Retreating to the shadows gives you a chance to recharge your batteries. Lately, you’ve enjoyed an exciting social season. Now all the parties are dying down, you have a chance to collect your thoughts. You might even want to jot down a few memories into a diary. These observations can be woven into a novel, screenplay or television script. Keep your creative work under wraps for the time being. It’s important to project fledgling efforts from overly critical people.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Group activities are strongly advised. You will benefit from feedback given by people you trust. Don’t be surprised if a former friend tries making their way back into your life. It’s probably best to keep this path blocked. There’s a reason the two of you parted ways. Despite all claims to the contrary, this manipulator has not changed. You owe your loyalty to people who have been faithful through good times and bad. Stay away from those who will take advantage of you at the first opportunity.
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