Saturday, August 10, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Sunday 11th August 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 10th August 2013 ::: August Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You’re having so much fun that you dread returning to work. Instead of cursing your fate, make a list of five reasons why it’s good to have a job. This will keep resentment at bay. Nothing slows you down than dwelling on bitter feelings. As a Fire Sign, you have to stay motivated to perform at a high level. If you feel like you’re in a dead end job, take this opportunity to find a more challenging one.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Talking about your personal life with family won’t be easy. Your relatives have a very different set of experiences than you. It will be hard to convey your concern about various issues. Instead of confiding in them, reach out to a friend who has experienced similar difficulties. That way, you won’t feel snubbed when your complaints are met with a blank stare. Your kin love you, but just aren’t familiar with the experiences you’ve had. That’s why sympathy hasn’t been forthcoming.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Double check the address field before hitting ‘send’ on an email. It would be terrible to send personal information to the wrong person. If a colleague happens to overhear a nasty comment, be ready to apologise. While it’s true your victim is incredibly annoying, it isn’t fair to create a hostile work environment for them. Do your best to be a little more civil. You don’t have to adore your fellow workers, but you should treat them with respect. If this courtesy isn’t returned, speak to your boss.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Financial concerns are getting you down. It’s hard to plan a pleasant getaway when you’re worried about the bills. Think about going to stay with a friend or relatives for a few days and helping them out with a few jobs around and about the place as a token of your thanks. There are creative solutions to all of your problems. All you have to do is to sit down and think creatively about how you make things better for yourself and for those around you. The answers may be simpler than you think.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Avoid talking about your personal life in a public forum. Your casual manner could make others uneasy. If you’ve run out of things to say to a casual acquaintance, ask questions about their hobbies and pursuits. There’s no reason you have to carry the conversation all the time. You may be surprised to discover a newcomer has some very unusual interests. It just goes to show you can never make assumptions based on a person’s appearance.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Don’t waste time daydreaming when you could be putting plans into place. It’s always difficult organising a big get together. At times, it will feel like you’re herding cats. The best way to go about your work is to make an announcement and refuse to entertain alternative solutions, unless an overwhelming majority objects. At that juncture, you can negotiate. Chances are you will be able to move forward with your original plans, thereby disappointing only one or two people with schedule conflicts.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Popular opinion won’t be helpful when making a decision. You’re better off listening to your impulses. Frugal friends will accuse you of being irresponsible with funds, but it can’t be helped. You must get away. If this means financing a holiday, so be it. Don’t bother trying to justify your choice to critics. Do you owe someone money? Then make this debt your first priority, even if it means postponing a trip for a few months. Rid yourself of this obligation.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) A disagreement with your superiors dampens your spirits. You’re tired of dealing with the consequences of bad leadership. Unfortunately, going off on your own isn’t an option right now. You’ll have to resign yourself to working within a flawed framework. Channel your frustrations into a research project. Immersing yourself in a fascinating subject will keep daily annoyances at bay. Why dwell on a situation you can’t change, when you could be putting your energy towards a more rewarding pursuit?
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) It may be necessary to get specialised knowledge as a means to advance. Although the prospect of taking a demanding class doesn’t thrill you, it needs to be done or people who are less talented will just keep leap-frogging you in the workplace. You have always been a fast learner, so it shouldn’t be too much trouble to sail to the head of the class. Once you graduate, you’ll have a much better choice of job assignments. Be patient and work hard.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You’ll have to revise some financial plans for the sake of the group. Certain irresponsible members don’t have the funds to support a big endeavour. This is incredibly annoying, but there’s not much you can do about it. Someone will ask for a loan. Be ready to refuse. There’s no point in wasting your hard earned money on a person who continually squanders it. Maybe you should affiliate yourself with a more responsible organisation. Take this opportunity to explore your options.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) It will be difficult to communicate with a stubborn authority. This blowhard is incapable of dealing with a problem in a logical manner. Instead of trying to find an efficient solution, they’ll dwell on hurt feelings and past misdeeds. The problem will continue as long as they continue to seek vengeance. Instead of banging your head against a brick wall, distance yourself from the drama. Don’t let yourself get drawn into an angry confrontation about who is really at fault.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Late decisions could hamper your progress. You will have to develop new plans to salvage things. This is incredibly frustrating, since you predicted this outcome in the early stages of a project. Use this opportunity to discuss the problem with your boss. You can avoid similar situations with a little care and forethought. Yes, this means changing certain systems and work procedures, but that’s better than going through this same old set of hassles and headaches every few weeks.

Circuito Campillos. El karting con el trazado más extenso de España

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the street where I lived as a child 
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Russell Grant Astrology Ltd
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