Friday, August 9, 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 10th August 2013

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 10th August 2013 ::: August Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Heavy expenses make you worry about the future. There won’t be much money for luxuries. Fortunately, you don’t need a big bank account to enjoy yourself. Invite friends over for some home cooking. Borrow movies from the library. Catch up on your reading. You’ll be amazed how much cash you can save. Your low key ways attract the attention of an admirer. If you’re single, this will be a promising opportunity for romance, provided you take things slow. Enjoy the courtship phase.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A power struggle with a romantic or business partner will erupt. Stop insisting on doing things your way all the time. Just because you were raised with certain beliefs does not mean these ideas are necessarily better than anyone else’s. Be open to new ways of doing things. Spending time alone will result in a brainwave. Develop an idea for a product, service or work of art as fast as possible. Time is of the essence. Pause to stimulate your senses at a certain time each day.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Unpleasant work conditions could start to get you down. It may be time to look for a better job. If you’re ready to jump ship, spread the word among friends. One of them could hear about a perfect opportunity that’s just right for you. At this time who you know is more important than what you know. Put your contacts to work. A creative project gives you tremendous pleasure. If you feel overcome by stress, turn your attention to writing, painting or playing music.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Gambling will undermine your security. It’s better to be wise and play it safe. If you’ve developed a crush on a newcomer, watch and wait before making your move. You can’t know much about their character until you’ve seen them in a variety of settings. An unorthodox innovator will offer you a job. Be sure to ask for more money than you are initially offered. This will earn their respect and set a good tone for the relationship. You have no intention of getting pushed around.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Family responsibilities are weighing on your mind. You might have to hire some help to take part of the burden off your shoulders. After all, you have limited time and resources. Don’t beat yourself up for being human. An opportunity to travel will fall into your lap. Take this chance to explore an unfamiliar land. Positive feedback from a relative, classmate or neighbour has you walking on air. You may not realise it, but you’ve made a good impression with your intelligent insights and creative input.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Negative thinking makes you feel isolated and alienated. In truth, you’re in the same boat as many others. Working for a charity will change your perspective as you begin to appreciate how lucky you really are. You’ll feel connected to your relatives, neighbours and colleagues. It will become easier to meet congenial people. Money from an inheritance or refund allows you to finance a relaxing vacation. Going off on your own will recharge your batteries. Pamper yourself, you deserve it.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Cash concerns make you worried about the future. You won’t have to give up on your goals, but may have to postpone a few. Instead of being filled with despair, look at this situation as an opportunity to repair some weak areas. Spending more time with a business or romantic partner will be good. Working as part of a team enhances your creativity. It also highlights your unique talent. Enhancing your appearance with a new style could open the door to interesting new opportunities.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Lack of confidence could stop you going after a good job. Summon up your courage and fill out an application. You’ll be delighted and surprised to be called for interview. If this position involves unfamiliar duties, don’t worry. You can always learn new skills. Trust your intuition regarding a romantic relationship. Keep your feelings under wraps until your partner is ready to share theirs. Maintaining a mysterious persona will give you the upper hand. Put your enigmatic smile to work.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Neurotic fears could undermine your enjoyment of life. If you didn’t have a good experience at school, that doesn’t mean this will always be the case. Go ahead and sign up for a course that sounds interesting. You’ll have a much different experience now that you’re old enough to choose the subject you want. Good news about a legal matter is cause for celebration. Taking a vacation with friends will lift your spirits. You’ll enjoy taking in new sights and sounds with people you love.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) An opportunist needs to be quietly escorted out of your life. If you’re dealing with someone who is always expecting favours, cut things off. You don’t have to make a big production of it. Simply stop returning their calls and seeing each other socially. Eventually, they will get the message and look for another victim. Breaking free of this relationship will be marvellously liberating. Be ready to apply for an unconventional job that suddenly becomes available. You’re the perfect candidate.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Things won’t go well on the professional front. Your boss may be overly critical or you might lose a steady position. Try to be philosophical. This could be a golden opportunity to move into more rewarding work, like education, publishing or journalism. Alternatively, having more free time will allow you to travel. Visit somewhere famous for its cuisine, culture and art. Being surrounded by beauty will give you a positive outlook. Your optimism will attract at least one or two interesting offers.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) A simplistic attitude will get you into trouble at work. Be willing to try a colleague’s approach to problems and projects. Even if you’re not thrilled with the results, you will establish yourself as a team player. This ability will put you in line for a raise, promotion or both. If you’re unemployed, be open to interviewing at a company that never impressed you. There could have been a change of direction or leadership that now makes this a good place to work. You won’t know unless you go.

Pino Zona 3 embalses del Guadalhorce Ardales Provincia de Málaga Spain

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the street where I lived as a child 
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Russell Grant Astrology Ltd
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