Thursday, August 22, 2013

Russell Grant’s Daily Horoscopes for Friday 23rd August 2013 + Astrology Zone compatibility article link

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes: 17th August 2013 ::: August Monthly Horoscopes


Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Check and double check your work. Correct every minor error you discover. If you’re not sure about a grammatical rule or industry standard, look up the information on the internet or at the library. Doing things in the correct fashion sets you apart from the crowd. If a professional has given you some good advice, follow it to the letter. Deviating from these instructions could undermine your well being. You can always make adjustments later. Right now, you have to rule out what’s causing distress.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) You command authority wherever you go. The confident tone of your voice prompts others to take notice of you. Take over a project that has been threatening to fall apart at the seams. By realigning priorities and reassigning jobs, you can deliver this project on time and under budget. At that point, you should ask for a raise or promotion. Your boss can’t risk losing you to a competitor. Demand what you are worth. It is considerably more than you earn now.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) When making an important decision, trust your senses. A product that looks, tastes, sounds, smells or feels fabulous is worth your money. Usually price is the only factor you consider when spending money. There are some purchases, though, that are worth a heftier price tag. If you’re going to use an item every day, like a towel or sheet, why not spring for the best quality merchandise? Take your cues from a luxury loving friend who always insists on getting the best money can buy.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Your strong suit is sales. You can talk anybody into anything right now. Take this opportunity to attract some new clients. Signing new business will secure your position in the company. If you’re unemployed, go on as many job interviews as possible. Your communication skills are so impressive that a human resources official could offer you a job within minutes of meeting. Pay attention to small details when filling out applications. Keeping your contact list up to date is a great idea.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) You would rather err on the side of caution. Be clear about where you stand with a bold proposal. You want to wait for more facts and figures before supporting this idea. Some may accuse you of being boring and stuffy, but will thank you later. When it comes to finances, try to get the most out of your budget. Careless spending will get you into trouble. In this economy, you should be as frugal as possible to stay in your employer’s good graces.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) You are decisive and to the point. A colleague who is constantly hemming and hawing will have difficulty dealing with you. You’re intent on moving forward with a plan and won’t wait for insecure dawdlers. Although you’ll make a lot of progress, you could also create some enemies, too. Try not to be too hard on your peers. They may not think as quickly as you, but they have talents you lack. Collaborating is the best way to achieve success.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) It’s possible you are a little moody. Don’t take a joke to heart. This remark was probably made out of affection. Grin and bear it. If you’re overwhelmed with responsibility, sneak off to some quiet place where you can recharge your batteries. It’s perfectly fine to take a break. Being at people’s beck and call is taking a toll on you. The only way to rectify the problem is to put your own needs first, at least for a few hours.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Shaking up the establishment gives you a great deal of pleasure. If there’s anything you hate, it is lazy thinking. Putting an inventive twist on an outdated practice will draw lots of attention. It will also anger the traditionalists in the crowd. Don’t let their nasty remarks deter you. By pretending you don’t care what they think, you’ll establish yourself as a force with which to contend. Nobody can push you around without your permission. Stand your ground.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Ordinarily, you are a fast learner. It will take more time than usual to master a new subject. Don’t beat yourself up for making a few failed attempts in the beginning. It takes practice to master a complicated skill. If you need additional instruction, ask for it. A seasoned expert may seem a little stuffy at first, but their methods are worth following. Resist the urge to take shortcuts. Learning the proper way to do things will save you lots of time and aggravation.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Give your honest reaction to an unimpressive effort. The person who has been working on this endeavour will be disappointed now, but may thank you later. Give them a chance to lick their wounds before starting all over again. It’s never easy to realise you have a lot more work ahead. Fortunately, you’re very good at offering constructive criticisms. A few practical suggestions for clarifying confusing material will be helpful. You might also point out a few spelling and factual errors.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Keep your thoughts to yourself. Sharing observation with a gossipy colleague will come back to haunt you. Someone who seems to be on your side is actively plotting against you. If you want to vent about work, do it with friends who have no connection to your professional life. Don’t be surprised when the object of your affection sends you a sexy message. You’re especially irresistible now. Are you single? Look for love after hours. A sultry nightclub is worth visiting.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Don’t argue with someone who uses abusive language. You can reach a compromise, provided both parties are kind, logical and respectful. If this dynamic is impossible to achieve, walk away. You have better things to do with your time. Fortunately, you can do a difficult job by yourself. It would just be better if you had a helpful assistant. If one isn’t available, cut your losses and get to work. It will take longer to complete your tasks, but at least you won’t be seething with frustration.
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