Thursday, February 2, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Thursday 2nd February 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 28th January 2011
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Attending a large social gathering turns out to be lots of fun. You'll have all sorts of interesting conversations with a bunch of people you've never met. It feels good to hear new ideas and get different perspectives. Someone will invite you to join their club. This would be a very good diversion for you. You're so tired of going from work to home and back again. Having something to do in the evenings will give you a sexy sparkle that is most flattering.


Taurus (Apr21/May21) Your speaking and writing abilities attract a sizable audience. Your visionary zeal is contagious. Even the most conservative members of the group will be enticed by your proposals. If you want a new job, schedule a series of interviews. You'll make a great impression on the powers that be. Don't be surprised if you're offered several impressive positions. Choose the one that puts you before the public. It's time to realise your star potential. Getting paid to look good will be a pleasant change of pace.


Gemini (May22/Jun21) It's time to capitalise on your expertise. People are willing to pay good money to study with you. Fortunately, you have a natural affinity for teaching. The secret to your success is enthusiasm. Students get excited about their studies because you're obviously so excited by them. If you've been thinking of taking a trip, start looking around for good rates on plane fares and hotel rates. You'll be able to visit a dream destination for far less than you imagined.


Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You're determined to get to the bottom of a mystery. The information you discover will prove illuminating. It turns out that someone who has always treated you with distain has been harbouring a secret crush. It's flattering to know you are the object of so much passion. This crush gives your ego a much needed boost. Suddenly, it doesn't seem so scary to promote your talent and pursue your dreams. Trust your intuition about embarking on a love affair.


Leo (Jul24/Aug23) A clever, articulate newcomer gives you hope for the future. Lately, you've felt out of sympathy with everyone. That is not the case with this friend. The two of you share a love of adventure, glamour, and excitement. Take a short trip together. Exploring a nearby beauty spot will inspire an artistic collaboration. You'll handle the visual side of things, while your partner will attend to the practical aspects. The results will be impressive and profitable. Get ready for your close up!


Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) Attending to life's little details is a specialty of yours. You love finding the right product, comparing prices, and getting the best deal. Perhaps there's a way you can make a living off this talent. Acting as a personal shopper or assistant will be like getting paid to have fun. There will be the added bonus of feeling genuinely useful. If there's anything you hate, it's performing thankless jobs that seem pointless. Put your energy into the things you love, the money will follow.


Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Find an outlet for your creative talent. You have a deep appreciation for music, art, and fashion. Trying your hand at any one of these fields will prove engrossing. Pretty soon, the duties that once seemed terribly important will lose their grip on you. You'll become totally immersed in a world of sound, colour, and texture. Several suitors will try to get your attention, but ultimately, you'll be happiest when working on your latest project. You're a born artist.


Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Rearrange some items in your home. Recently, you've undergone some big personal changes. Now your surroundings no longer suit you. By creating a special place for your favourite things, you'll feel much better. You're no longer willing to put other people's needs before your own. Making more time for your favourite hobbies is essential to your happiness. Let your relatives and roommates fend for themselves; you're tired of doing their dirty work.


Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) You're extremely witty and clever. No wonder so many people want to invite you to their parties. It's so tiresome to have your ideas shot down by a bunch of convention bound bores. Luckily, the people that are now entering your social circle will share your love of adventure. You'll have lots of fun rubbing elbows with these visionaries. If you play your cards right, you could even launch a charitable organisation. This is your chance to improve your community.


Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You're intent on getting the best value for your money. Get into the habit of doing price comparisons, cutting out money off coupons, and taking advantage of sales. Buying in bulk can also save lots of money. Some people will laugh and call you cheap, but you'll have the final chuckle when you're able to use all of your savings to finance a big trip. Aren't you tired of feeling price gauged by all the recent rate hikes? It's time to stand in your own defence!


Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Word of mouth has spread of your talent, and you're getting all sorts of interesting commissions. It's a relief to know you're not the only one who thinks you're gifted! Happily, you'll get two lucrative opportunities to sell your creative work. These twin pieces will attract lots of publicity. Be sure to take photos of your work so you can include them in your portfolio. Having a compelling array of samples will only increase your success.


Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) When it comes time to make an important decision, consult your intuition. Although it drives your loved ones crazy to take such an unscientific approach, your instincts are usually correct. It may be best to keep your plans secret for the short term future. You're extremely impressionable, and don't want to be intimidated by a cynic's gloomy predictions. You have a lovely opportunity to acquire a new skill. Plunge into this endeavour with energy and enthusiasm.

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