Friday, February 3, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Friday 3rd February 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 4th February 2011
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) You're so intent on distinguishing yourself from the crowd that you could hurt someone's feelings. Try not to be so stringent in defending your opinions. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean their ideas are totally invalid. Your commanding presence can be very intimidating. Adopting a gentler approach will make you a hot commodity on the romance market. You're a very sexy combination of confidence and compassion.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Getting in a philosophical debate will just drain your energy. Steer clear of sensitive topics like politics and religion. Prepare for an upcoming career challenge. Practice your interview skills, compile a portfolio, and update your CV. A wonderful position with a film company, fashion house, or cosmetics firm is yours for the taking. Don't listen to your inner critic; it is trying to protect you from risk. Sometimes you have to take a chance in order to move to the next level.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Developing your creative talent should be your first order of business. In the past, authority figures told you such pursuits are wasteful and frivolous. Nothing could be further from the truth. Neglecting your writing and musical talent would be a terrible waste. Turn a deaf ear to friends who think you're courting disaster. If you play your cards right, you can study alongside a respected master who sets you on an entirely new path.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Your partner is extremely demanding, and you're not sure whether you want to meet their requests. Instead of jumping at their every order, put your own needs first. Buy yourself a forbidden luxury, go for a spa treatment, or take a leisurely nap. If you don't pamper yourself, nobody else will. Your amour will be irritated by your attitude, but sometimes you have to force an issue to resolve it. Trust your feelings. If you feel neglected, demand better treatment.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Working too hard is taking a toll on your health. You simply can't dispense with your personal life for the sake of a job. Take a romantic break, even if you're single. Basking at a seaside resort will restore your natural zest for life. You have to admit, you've been overly preoccupied with serious matters. Give yourself permission to have fun. Taking an art class will prove a welcome diversion. Your teacher will have tremendous respect for your natural ability.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) A romantic obsession is undermining your social life. It's hard to have fun at a party when you're always worrying whether the object of your affection returns your feelings. Instead of brooding and bringing the whole group down, find a way to make yourself useful. Make it your job to manage the music, take care of the decorations, or pour the drinks. You're never more attractive than when you're busy. Beware of jumping into bed with your amour at the first opportunity.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) All the knowledge and experience you've accumulated will be put to good use. People respect your authority and will do your bidding, so long as you treat them with respect. Remember you are part of a team. Just because you're the most important member of the group doesn't mean you can flout the rules. By demonstrating skills and jumping in where you are needed, you'll yield impressive results. Try not to let your pride get in the way of being an effective leader.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) This isn't a good time to be brutally frank with a relative or neighbour. You're better off maintaining a tactful silence than unleashing a series of unrelenting criticisms. By taking a compassionate stance, you'll win the respect and admiration of your loved ones. You'll be asked to go above and beyond the call of duty for a lover. Making this extraordinary sacrifice will strengthen your bond of intimacy. Arrange to visit a secluded getaway together.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Try not to get too caught up in material concerns. If a source of income dries up, it will be replaced with another. Even if it doesn't, this will give you more time for leisurely pursuits. Learning to live on less will be a valuable lesson. Use your powers of persuasion to get your best friend or lover to yield on an important point. Getting a pet, finding a new job, and revising your schedule are all possibilities.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You have a tendency to dominate conversations, thanks to your magnetic and overwhelming personality. While attending a party, take pains to defer to your best friend or lover. This will reduce the tension that's been growing between you. It will be easier to further your ambitions if you're perceived as a generous, loving person who isn't afraid to share the spotlight with others. Trust your intuition about a moneymaking opportunity.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) If there's anything you hate it's people invading your privacy. Unfortunately, you'll have to share some health problems with a casual acquaintance. This can't be helped. If you keep this situation a secret, you'll jeopardise the healing process. Somebody who is intrigued by your reticence will ask for a date. If you're game, suggest going somewhere you can talk comfortably, as you have many interests in common.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) Just because friends have certain dreams doesn't mean you should share them. You're an artistic person with great spiritual depth. Pursuing some high powered job will have little satisfaction for you. Instead, you might want to work for a charitable organisation that affords you a great deal of creative freedom. Being able to add decorative touches to your surroundings is a decided perk of the job. Use your insight to deal with an unpredictable relative.

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