Sunday, February 5, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Monday 6th February 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 4th February 2011
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) Your creativity is at an all time high. This is a wonderful time to write, play music, or paint. Don't be afraid to break the rules. You're more interested in making something utterly different than crafting something generically attractive. Your business or romantic partner might accuse you of not pulling your weight, but you do the work of three people. Therefore, you deserve more frequent breaks. If you continue to churn out work at a frenzied rate, you'll just burn out.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) A relative will ask you for help or a loan. Although you enjoy giving assistance to loved ones, there should be a limit to your generosity. Certain family members are engaging in behaviour that shouldn't be encouraged. Encourage a young person to earn their own money or defend their interests. If you keep coming to their rescue, they'll never develop important life skills. Prepare to hear lots of grumbling when you turn down requests for help.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) A creative block is driving you to distraction. You simply can't get your ideas across in a direct, satisfying manner. Instead of beating your head against a brick wall, turn your attention to mundane duties instead. You'll get a brainwave while you're folding laundry, putting away groceries, or cleaning the bathroom. Occupying your conscious thoughts gives your imagination a chance to wander. A friend has exciting news that sets off a round of parties.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) Plan a romantic evening, whether you're single or attached. It's important for you to get dressed up and enjoy a night of entertainment or you'll find yourself getting in a rut and forget what it's like to turn heads. You've got lots of natural charisma; why waste it by staying home night after night? If you're in a relationship, let your amour pamper you. Normally, you're the one to look after your partner. When you switch roles, you gain a deeper appreciation for each other.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Take an authority figure's promise with a pinch of salt. Lately, you've gone above and beyond the call of duty. Unfortunately, the person in charge isn't in a position to reward you. It may be wise to check out other opportunities, where you will have an incentive for doing well. Alternatively, channel your energy into a creative project after hours. Having an outlet for your artistic side will cause your zest for life to return. Working with colour is especially rewarding.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) A friendship could turn into romance, if you're so inclined. You're not the type who falls in love at first sight. Rather, you prefer getting to know someone slowly. It's possible you've developed a strong attraction to a friend you've known for years. If that's the case, make your move now, while the stars are aligned in your favour. Even if you're turned down, you will have the satisfaction of taking a chance on love. The best things in life require a risk.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) Your boss is in a bad mood, so take care. It's best to keep a low profile and stay out of the path of danger. Postpone any questions until tomorrow, when the tension will have lifted. If you simply can't wait for an answer, be soft and mild with your approach. Fortunately, your best friend or lover is ready to build your ego back up again. You have to admit, it's nice to be pampered after having a difficult day at work.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) Don't expect your business or romantic partner to be thrilled with your plans for advancement. You're determined to climb the ladder of success, while your friend wants to maintain the status quo. It's time to have a heart to heart talk. It's perfectly normal to want a new career, but consider how your decision will affect the people around you. Nobody likes to feel their opinion is irrelevant. Ask your partner what they'd like to happen in your relationship.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Devoting more time to your family soothes your nerves. Lately, you've been spending every spare moment on work. If you continue down this path, your health will suffer. Cut back your office hours and begin preparing healthy, home cooked meals with your relatives. Are you on your own? Create an urban family that consists of friends and neighbours. Having people who know you from outside work gives you a more balanced perspective on life.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) You'll have to play by the rules, even if your own methods are more efficient. If your boss thinks you're cutting corners, you'll get in terrible trouble. It's possible your job has become a dull routine. Take this as a sign it's time to look for a bigger challenge. Tell friends you're looking for a position in a creative field, like film, fashion, or photography. You have wonderful taste; why not use it to earn your living?
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) It's hard taking orders from someone who is always critical. At some point, you start to question why you're trying so hard. What you may not realise is that your diligence is making a good impression on your colleagues. Even if some people might not care much about your work ethic they do appreciate your determination to do your job well. Continue to strive for excellence, even if you're not getting a lot of encouragement from your boss.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) You draw admiring glances wherever you go. This is a wonderful time to go on a job interview, audition, or first date. Showing your creative work to an agent or manager is strongly favoured, too. A moneymaking opportunity will fall into your lap. Work related to childcare, entertainment, or gambling will pay especially well. Don't be afraid to try a line of work you've never explored before. Make a payment to reduce a sizable debt, before it spirals out of control.

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