Monday, February 6, 2012

Russell Grant's Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday 7th February 2012

Russell Grant’s Weekly Horoscopes w.b. 4th February 2011
Aries (Mar21/Apr20) When it comes to making plans with your amour, it's best to forge a compromise. You have a tendency to dictate the terms of your relationship, which can get a little oppressive. Take this opportunity to do what your partner wants, even if it's going to a restaurant or venue you dislike. Make it your mission to have a good time, regardless of what you're doing. Your selfless behaviour will be rewarded. Single? Read books on improving your conversational skills.
Taurus (Apr21/May21) Your care, devotion, and empathy make a youngster feel smothered. It's probably best to take a few steps back and let your young friend tackle problems on their own. Granted, it's difficult to watch them struggle. By keeping your distance you'll demonstrate faith in their problem solving abilities. If you feel restless, turn your attention to baking bread, potting plants, or grooming a pet. That way, you'll have a channel for your nurturing instincts.
Gemini (May22/Jun21) Taking a short trip will be a welcome change of pace. Although you prefer travelling light, you should probably pack a little more this time around. The weather may fluctuate wildly. Pack a variety of layers, just so you'll be comfortable. Yes, it's a pain to lug all of this stuff around, but you'll be glad you brought warm pyjamas or a lightweight shirt when you arrive at your destination. Don't forget to bring the power cord to your mobile, either.
Cancer (Jun22/Jul23) You're the type who equates money with security. Therefore, when you get hit with an unexpected bill, you go into a panic. Take a deep breath before succumbing to fear. You've always been very good at finding new sources of income. Take this opportunity to look around for some extra work, whether it's a freelance assignment, babysitting gig, or temporary contract. Venturing out of your normal field of work will be a pleasant change of pace.
Leo (Jul24/Aug23) Don't be shy to admit you crave affection. Recently, your best friend or lover has been wrapped up with personal problems. You've kept a respectful distance, but now you feel neglected. Propose a fun outing together, where you can forget the mundane troubles that have dragged you both down. If it's hard getting an audience with the person you love, do something special for yourself. Get a spa treatment, go for a nice meal, or buy yourself a fashionable outfit.
Virgo (Aug24/Sep23) It's time to develop a strategy for getting ahead. Before, you were content to do a good job and wait for recognition. Now you realise you have to draw attention to your efforts, or showy rivals will continue to steal your thunder. If you're feeling burned out, head for a natural setting that has always inspired you. Just walking around a lake can restore your spirits. You might even feel compelled to resume an abandoned creative project.
Libra (Sep24/Oct23) It seems like a friend is creating their own problems. No matter how gently you try to tell your loved one this, they won't be able to accept it. As far as they're concerned, all of their misfortunes are the result of a cold, unfeeling universe. It might be best to keep your distance from this friend, especially if you're experiencing a streak of luck. It's hard rejoicing over your good fortune when somebody is glowering at you from the corner.
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22) It's best to be straightforward when delivering bad news to a client. The sooner you make this problem known, the faster you'll be able to find a resolution. There is a chance you could lose this customer, but it's very slim and you're the best at what you do. When things go wrong, you'll go above and beyond the call of duty to rectify them. Consider doing this job for free, just as a means to maintain good will.
Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21) Plan a trip to visit a friend who lives a long distance away. Maintaining ties with people who have known you for years lends valuable perspective. It's interesting to see how you've changed in some ways and remained constant in other areas. Getting a change of scenery usually leads to lucky coincidences for you so expect the unexpected. Be sure to check your email while you're away, or you could miss an important message.
Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20) Lovemaking has become an addictive experience. Your amour intuits all of your erogenous zones. This is a good time to arrange a romantic rendezvous. You're tired of always being the responsible one. The idea of sneaking off with your lover gives you a thrill. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a concert, play, or movie so check ticket availability and don't spend all your evenings sat in front of the telly.
Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19) Turn your attention to your lover's needs. In the past, you've been accused of being aloof and indifferent. By making an extra effort to satisfy your amour, you'll experience a new high on the relationship front. Fortunately, you've always been very imaginative when it comes to sex. If you're single, it may be because you've been too bound up in yourself. Head for your favourite beauty spot and strike up a conversation with someone who catches your fancy.
Pisces (Feb20/Mar20) It's important to respect a loved one's privacy. Resist the urge to look through their possessions or peek into their diary. If you long for intrigue, launch a secret project. Writing, painting, or taking photographs will plunge you into an imaginary world that gives you a thrill. A dreamer like you needs a healthy escape from reality. Looking for a job? Talk to a former colleague who now works at an impressive company. There may be an opening for you.

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